
The Immortal Wife

Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

After the intense fun of the restaurant, Mandy was gone; Charles had whisked his wife away on a business trip. Considering how horny the little woman was, he probably had her tied down and was fucking her every night after his meetings.

That's what I would have done with her.

Or perhaps Mandy had chosen to accompany her husband to do the same thing I was doing—taking stock of what had happened. As I looked at their dark home from the hot tub, I couldn't help but wonder. Gods know, I was grateful. In less than six months, I had been with her gorgeous daughter, and now her. However, a beautiful young woman like Susan had merely been pining for attention; probably between boyfriends. And I seriously doubted she would be returning to me anytime soon. Most likely, she had been bored and horny after playing with her friend ... that's all. Hell, she had left me in the pool once she had gotten off.

But her mother...? Married as long as Mandy was ... Why me? Why now? Okay, I had toyed with her and given her a show, but the desperate way she had ridden me in the hot tub? And afterwards, she had chosen to come into my house to spend the night. Then lying to her husband—the man she pronounced she would not leave.

Oh, and then there was her little show in the restaurant. No panties. The little noises she'd made as I snapped her garter straps ... Was the Baron right? Was I using some magical gift to take advantage of her? And her daughter? Over the centuries, others said I was good-looking, but I was not an idiot. Yeh, the Baron was correct; as much as I didn't want to admit it, I had the same weird magnetism as them.

But then I cocked my head as the warm hot tub jets pounded my aching frame. The look on Susan's face. Her friend's expression as she squirmed atop the raft. And Mandy's clear, hungry eyes. Perhaps not. No, whatever "gift" I had was more subtle and ... No matter what, I didn't own anyone ... nor control them. Anymore. Yet the nagging question remained: was Mandy drawn to me or just some mystical bullshit aura?

As I sipped my aged scotch, I lay back to stare up at the starry night sky. No, there must have been something else driving her to me. But, after a growl left my throat and I gulped down another swig, I sighed. In the end, none of the trepidation mattered; I had lived enough to know what I needed. And I needed Mandy in my life.

While Lucy was an incredibly talented woman and an absolutely amazing fuck, she was Gary's wife. And, as much as we joked about it, I would never for a second dream of taking her from him. They were two peas in a pod. It was simply that I was the only one either entrusted with her. And Lucy was also the one who permitted me six months after Debbie's death before hounding me to find another woman. Or ten, as she joked; I tended to ride Lucy pretty hard.

Since Debbie, I hadn't done anything, seen anyone, or much bothered looking. Even Lucy had grown exasperated and fallen silent, which is saying something. Until Mandy arrived in my neighborhood and my life. Could I deal with the pain of losing another lover? Because even the best, healthiest ones all died long before I ever would. A gift and a bane, though immortality looked more and more like a curse every day.

With a sigh, I gave the stars a one-fingered salute and chugged my drink. It had been far too long; Lucy was right.

Now Mandy was my focus. Though her daughter was beautiful, a younger version of her in some ways, my mind was on Mandy. It was her tight little—everything I missed as I refilled my glass and took another sip. Alone. In the dark.

Fuck my luck.

Because she also happened to be married. And I liked Charles. Sure, he gave me strange looks every once in a while, but he meant well and was always friendly. Yet I was sleeping with his wife. Or had been. As I swallowed another mouthful, I winced. Who knew what Mandy would decide while traveling?

No matter what she decided, I would abide by her decision. The thing is, it wasn't only my life that would be affected. Just as had happened numerous times before, after losing Debbie, darkness had taken me, driven me down into isolation and self-doubt. When you've seen what I had and watched so many pass on before you, you change. And I had changed once more.

Now that I had ... What would Lucy call it? Been reignited? Yeh, that's it. Anyway, since meeting Mandy, the world ... It just seemed warmer. As I traveled, I noticed smiles, furtive glances my way, the curves of women, the glistening of their tightening lips as they watched me move. So, at the very least, I had received that from Mandy. And that would impact others; it always did.

My passions ... were deep and many. With another lengthy groan, I rose from the tub, dried off, and wandered inside. Those passions had a way of flaring up once I let them free. Perhaps that's why I kept them hidden most of the time.

With a sigh, I stared at the ancient blade, still polished though its edge was battered and dulled beyond repair, over my mantlepiece. If I received nothing else from her ... ever again, I would live on. I would find another now ... more likely, several others. No more could I wallow after Debbie. As usual, Lucy had been right. No matter what, it was time to feel something. Anything more than what I had muted these past months.

When I turned away, a flicker on the sword caught my eye and I gazed at it with a tight smile.

"There is more to life than just fighting ... Iakovos. Much more." With a slow nod at the memory of Metrakyenes' kind words, I padded upstairs to bed.

The gods would decide. They always did.

As I wandered around all week trying to work—struggling not to think about Mandy's little whimpers at the snap of her garter, I sported an aching hard-on. Thankfully, perhaps, they called me away to support a last-minute mission the following week. And all thoughts of Mandy and the "normal" world flicked from my brain.

At least this time, it was only a wandering Fae. The cutest little thing ... Okay, new Jim thought Mi was pretty "hot" in her red sequined minidress with her long blonde hair piled atop her head. The little nymph had been using her "gifts" to cause trouble, but not in a murderous way. Unlike the bloodsuckers. Just off the reservation, she tried to influence the locals and build her own micro-court. Oh, and flirted enough to give the local government fits.

Frankly, after the Baron, it was a nice change of pace. All I had to do was provide advice, drink coffee, and keep the negotiators from getting pinned in one of her logic games. After centuries of encountering magic like hers, by the time the talks had ended, Mi was more than frustrated with me and chose to depart.

Although she did get in a good kiss and deep stare into my eyes, I only chuckled at the crinkled brows on her almost angelic face when I tugged her away. Mi was so upset her last ditch seduction play had floundered. What left my brows furled was the unexpected appearance of Kali's image as Mi sashayed to the waiting vehicle. That was different; why was the look in her pale eyes so haunting?

Once we finished the paperwork, I returned in time to run into Charles, who was heading out for his next travel. As we chatted in his garage, I wished him safe travels. This time, he was headed overseas for a week and explained Mandy had chosen to remain and take care of the house.

"Jim, I know it's asking a lot, but she seems—distracted." His voice low, Charles glanced at his house before adding. "Could you..." He swallowed and then, eyes dulled, turned to me. "Could you just check in from time to time?"

"Yeh, no worries. I am in town for a while now. I think."

As I returned to my house, something niggled at the back of my brain about his voice. I didn't know if he suspected anything, but ... He wasn't the same old Charles. He had spoken with some resignation. After waving goodbye when he drove away, I shrugged, glanced at their home, and trudged into my garage. Truthfully, with wandering Fae and ... Kali, I had enough mysteries to ponder already.

The next day, I got back into my routine, except I went on an extra-long run, with a couple of ball-breaking hills added in as penance for skipping out while away. As I recalled the almost abandoned look on Mi's face, Kail's pale countenance reappeared once more. Would the Baron hurt her for failing to entice me? And why the fuck did I care? With a grumble under my breath, I sped up. No, I didn't care. Not at all. About either.

Once at home, I stripped as I moved, dove into the cold pool and swam more than my normal number of laps, finishing up just after sunrise. After slipping into the hot tub to relax, I gulped my water and sports drink mix. With a smile on my face, I clambered out to do some weights on the deck, making sure to face Mandy's, and sneaky, naughty Susan's, house. Finally, once inside, I ate a light breakfast before showering.

After stepping from the shower, I glanced out of my open bathroom window. My heart seized up, and I jerked to a halt. Mandy, her bright blue eyes glittering in the morning sunshine, was staring up at me. Naked, she winked at me with an inscrutable grin across her beautiful face. Then her smile broadened as she made a show of slipping into a bandeau top, two-piece swimsuit.

As I raised my eyebrows and gave her a soft golf clap, she twirled and then, eyes on mine, bent slowly over to give me a complete view of her taut, petite frame. All I could do was swallow as my heart hammered and my shaft lurched upwards. With a seductive wink and one more shake of her firm ass, she nonchalantly turned away, ran her long fingernails through her thick hair, and disappeared inside her house.

Wow! The little tease had out-performed me. Whatever had happened on their trip, it hadn't changed her. With my rod at half-staff, a long sigh left me as I grinned before turning away to prepare for the day.

The little tease. Gods, I wanted her.

All morning, I struggled between my desire to march next door and take her and the need to complete the seemingly endless paperwork after the mission. Mi would resurface. Of that, I was sure. Once I filed the report on last week's adventure, I sighed, pushed from my desk and stepped onto the rear deck, sipping a fresh cup of coffee. Breath snagged in my throat; Mandy was stretched out on a lounger. As a tremor rippled along my spine, I inspected her taut, oil-covered body glistening under the warm sunlight.

"Well, there's one way to find out what's going on," I murmured before taking another gulp. "And to discover if she is truly attracted to me or ... am I no better than the Baron."

After returning indoors, I stripped and grabbed a towel. Several long fluttering breaths left me as I strode outside. When I marched towards Mandy, I had every intention of determining why she was reacting the way she was. Why had she chosen to ride me in the tub? Stay the night? What about Charles? Had she told him? Did he know anyway? And her daughter?

However, with each step deep into the prickly turf, I lost more and more resolve. With her sleek, little body glinting in the sun ... I wanted her. Did anything or anyone else matter? Muting the sounds of the birds, blood rushed in my ears. Though I knew she could hear the grass crunching beneath my steady footfalls, she did not look my way. Instead, she sucked in her shiny lips and her chest seized when I stepped onto her deck.

Once alongside Mandy's lounger, I tossed my towel over her to the next lounge chair. She could have run. Or screamed. But she played possum; eyes closed and fingers clamped tight to the sides of the lounge chair.

For another brief second, I halted; my mind absorbing the petite frame stretched out before me. An offering. A gift from the gods? Should I question her? Why was she so drawn to me? Hell, why, apart from the obvious, was I so drawn to her? It was foolish. Reckless. Dangerous even. If Charles discovered us ... They-the ones who always watched for a weakness in me-could find out if he raised a stink. And for a woman as fine as Mandy, he damned well should raise a stink.

But I was a fool. Debbie had proven that point. Oh and then there was that ever-present nagging fear—would Mandy turn out to be another Debbie?

And then that brief second ended. Once more heated blood burned my cheeks and pounded in my head.

"Fuck it," I murmured. A sharp gasp fled her and her body arched upward when I drove my hands under her tight swimsuit top. My fingers found her hardening spikes. "I missed you, you horny little tease."

A tight grin slipped onto her face. Her eyes remained screwed shut until I removed her top and tossed it onto my towel. A long moan tore from her as my fingers played with the rubbery little stems atop her pale jutting globes. When I stepped astride her lounger, grasping my semi-erect cock, her wide blue eyes flashed open as she swallowed; a tremor raced through her. Was she afraid? Was she terrified of falling under my weird super-power charismatic blah, blah...?

There was no sign of fear in her. No, her eyes were lust-filled, gleaming as she stared up at me and then at the shiny bulb before her. With a sigh, I leaned in until my swelling helmet nudged her glistening lips. So she wanted to play ... with me. Not some magical being. Just Jim. Only me-the man next door.

"Jim..." She inhaled sharply. "Uh ... I ... Have uh ... never ... um..."


As Mandy shook her head, her blazing hot breath poured over my dribbling knob; it surged for her as it grew, touching the flicking tongue just inside her parting lips. Eyes crossed as she gazed down the shaft; she looked so adorable. So ... sexy.

"But you want to, though, don't you, naughty little tease?" With a grin, I swirled my knob around her lips; her tongue chased it as it smeared my juice onto her already gleaming mouth.

Mandy nodded; another sudden exhale blasted furnace heat along my rod.


"I ... want to ... um." Words faltering, Mandy's eyes flicked between my still circling bulb and my face.

"Suck my rock-hard cock dry with your beautiful mouth?" As I widened the circle, it smeared shiny pre-cum over her cheeks.

"Ye ... yes..." Her uttered words became a hungry moan as she rolled her head, trying to keep it before her widening lips.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes ... I want to suck your cock with my ... beautiful ... mouth."

When I swayed my hips forward, Mandy's gorgeous blue orbs went wide while I glided into her velvety mouth. With a soft moan that sent shivers through me, her lips sealed around my knob and her cheeks raced inwards. A groan tore from my lips. Oh fuck, she sucked hard. Her eyes blazed as her cheeks puffed in and out. She was ravenous. Oh, gods above ... Mandy was worth it. Though I may be a fool ... Oh mighty gods, she was so worth it.

"Good. That's so ... So nice." As she slurped, I struggled for air. "Swirl your tongue around as well ... Oh, yes. Under there is very sensitive. Gods, you have some good suction..." The sight of her gleaming eyes staring up at me over my shaft—tremors tore through me once more while I ran my fingers through her hair. "Oh, yes. Slowly now. Sway your head around like that ... Oh, fuck. Oh, my ... Yes!"

After bringing her hands up to grip my shaft, I added with an airy voice. "Wow, you're a ... A natural ... A natural cocksucker, you sexy little nymph."

While I shuddered in her grasp, Mandy's eyes sparkled. After sliding my hand over hers, we stroked me together, and I began to shake as she timed long, slow strokes of her hands with her twisting, sucking mouth. When another spate of shivers sparkled up my spine, I held in a chuckle and gripped her hair once more.

"Your daughter is also a very good cocksucker, but she could take more of me."

With a groan that turned those shivers into electric jangling tremors, Mandy's eyes glinted while she shoved more of me between her already distended lips. Ever louder moans, muffled by my gliding mass, pulsed vibrations deep into my body as she twisted her way down; devouring more and more. Until I hit her throat. Mandy blinked, gagged and coughed before pulling me from her drooling mouth to catch her breath. Long, twin trails of thick saliva swayed down across her pert, firm breasts.

My heart fluttered and a sense of ... concern? Or, perhaps, simple empathy slipped into me when Mandy's shoulders drooped as her hands drifted along my shaft. Disappointment shone in her eyes when she looked back up at me. Why?

"We've got plenty of time to work on your throat." As I smiled, I dragged my fingertips along her cheeks. "No complaints from me."

As if a weight had left her, her face brightened and, with a quick nod and slurp of drool, Mandy slipped forward to take me into her mouth. Once more, her hands began their long, magical, twisting strokes as her head swirled and bobbed. Tremors raced through me and I struggled to breathe. For a rookie, she was damned good; muscles soon tightened across my body.

"Grab my balls in one hand." When her clawed fingers clasped me, a gasp shot from my lips. "Woah, softly, sweetheart." Her eyes blazed when I called her that. Then, glancing past my shaft towards her hand, she relented. "Good ... Oh, that's so good. Now play with them ... gently." Even as she synchronized the hand still stroking me and her mouth slurping along my knob, her soft fingers rolled my full globes. "Yeh, like that. See how they are heading upwards."

As pressure built inside me, muscles tensing all over my shaking frame, I clasped tight to her skull with my fingers and hissed through my teeth.

"Oh fuck! That's your cue ... Oh ... Oh ... Oh, yes..." With my fingers twitching in her hair, I held onto her rolling, bobbing head and thrust into her. "Fuck! I am going to explode. Oh ... Oh, my ... Wow!"

Rookie or not, Mandy had detected the upwelling of my spasming shaft and her cheeks slammed inwards—she sucked as hard as she could. As her tongue lashed my tip, her hands groped my balls and raced along my rod. When she stared up at me and sent a moan vibrating along my flesh, the entire yard blurred as I lost my ability to breathe.

"Oh ... Oh ... You naughty little tease! Here it comes!"

My cock spasmed and lurched upwards in her sucking mouth, flinging a huge splat of thick cum deep into the back of her throat. Eyes glinting, Mandy managed to gulp it down and prepared for the second spurt, already rushing up my pulsating rod, but I shoved her head from me.

Wide-eyed, mouth hanging open, leaking white-streaked drool, Mandy stared up at me just in time to catch the second jet across her lips. As her chalky, glistening tongue swept it into her mouth, her second hand left my rotating balls to grip me tight. Together, both sets of fingers squeezed upwards, propelling the next thick twisting ribbon of hot seed down across her open mouth and face.

When I took a step back, she slid her hands to the top of my shaft, her eyes twinkling up at me, and aimed the next spurts at her arching bare breasts. As the last dribbles left my swollen tip, Mandy leaned in to slurp on my shiny pearlescent knob; her eyes sparkled.

No, right then ... with her mouth sucking me dry ... No, I no longer wanted to know why Mandy acted this way around me. Or why she wanted me. Nothing mattered but her and me together. From that point onwards.

And when Mandy ended with long sweeps of her tongue before planting a gentle kiss on the very tip ... Yeh, I had found somebody special. Married or not. Mother or not. And I had lived long enough to know when not to ask questions. The answers would come from her in time. The fingers of one hand still caressed me as she let my shrinking shaft dangle over her glistening, cum-covered chest.

"I..." Her other hand swept over her cheek to shove a loose strand into her lips. After she sucked it clean, her smile broadened, and she continued. "I, uh ... I, um, didn't think I'd like the taste."

"Well, lucky me," I replied, before stepping over her, tugging her bikini bottoms free and lying down on the lounger next to her.

Matted and glistening in the sunlight, Mandy's well-trimmed little black tuft beckoned. Her pelvis curled upwards to display her swollen, flushed, and sparkling outer petals. My nose tingled with the aroma of her arousal.

While continuing to scoop my cum from her body into her shiny lips, Mandy followed my hungry eyes. With a long sigh, I rested my hand on her thigh; it quivered under my fingertips. Muted whimpers burbled from her slurping mouth when I pressed deep into her soft flesh. Her eyes shone; she remembered what my hand had done to her in the restaurant.

Though her trembling legs slipped apart, anticipating my hand to grasp her, I kept it in place, continuing to clench my fingertips into her leg.

"Such a horny little tease, aren't you?" I said before leaning back and closing my eyes.

At Mandy's sharp inhale, I knew she was staring daggers at me, but I yawned and let my fingers go slack, pretending to nap. Beside me, the sounds of sucking and slurping continued for some time.

When I finally slipped my hand high enough that my pinkie finger brushed a swollen outer lip, a loud moan erupted from Mandy. Pelvis thrusting upwards; she tried to press into my hand, but I floated above her soft skin. Once she settled back to squirm on the lounge chair, whimpers slipping from her lips, I drifted the finger down one engorged, pulsing petal.

This time, a desperate groan ripped from her as Mandy pushed her twisting body upwards to capture my finger with her wet folds. When I slitted my eyes, I kept the grin from my face at the sight of her blue orbs, white-rimmed, locked like lasers on my skimming little finger. With each panting breath, more drool slithered down her white-streaked shiny chin to spatter her heaving breasts.

"What would the little tease want me to do, I wonder?"

At the sound of my voice, Mandy's pleading eyes whipped to me, though I remained relaxed with my eyes closed. Moans slithered from her while I raked my pinkie along her glistening, slippery fold and pressed the rest of my hand into her silken warm inner thigh.

"Please ... Jim. Please..." Her words became a short gasp when I nudged the very tip of my pinkie into her slit. "Oh, come on ... Jim. Please!"

"Please what, you naughty little tease?" While my eyes remained closed, I lifted my hand as she arched upwards once more, before dragging my fingertip along her twinkling cleft.

After emitting another gasp, I heard Mandy sucking on her lips.

"Please, Jim." Her wavering voice low, her warm flesh twisted under my tracing digit. "Please ... put your fingers into me."

"Into your what?" As I nudged her with my fingertip, a long hungry groan slid from her between desperate gasps for breath.

"My pussy, Jim!" Her eyes rolled back as I dragged the pinkie upward until it was just below her sharp little nub. "Please put your fingers into my pussy!"

Yeh, she was ready. She was mine. And I would have her. It had been so long. Too long.

All the air shot from Mandy and she froze in midair when, after opening my eyes, I curled all my fingers between her velvety outer folds, found the tight pulsating gateway, and plunged into her. Let's see. Where was it? Her breathing stuttered and her hand shot to my wrist, fingers crushing me as I pressed my fingertips deep into her. Her body spasmed. Found it. With a grin at her wide-eyed stare, I pumped and swept my digits along her magic spot.

"Oh fuck, Jim! Oh, my God!" As her pussy walls clamped my racing fingers, Mandy, mouth agape, turned bright red.

When I drove my thumb down to roll and flick her engorged clitoris, an ear-shattering, warbling scream shot from her open lips. Under my hand, Mandy's writhing body whipped from side to side. Wave after body-wracking wave slammed her atop the lounge chair. Loud splashing sounds joined her cries as pulsing warm jets of thin translucent cum inundated my palm. A smile slid across my face as the powerful scent of her sweet arousal engulfed my nostrils.

As I lay watching her, I kept driving and swirling my fingers until, as nothing but muted whimpers slipped from her shiny lips, she crumpled, twitching and panting, to wrap tight around my arm. At last, after slipping my glistening hand from her, she spasmed atop her lounger while I sucked my fingers clean. Quite a while later, Mandy uncoiled her shaking legs, raked her hands through her matted hair and stared over at me, her eyes shining.

"Jesus, Jim..." In a very low voice, she tried to speak before clenching her teeth when another aftershock slid through her trembling, glistening frame. "Wow, you are good." Her eyes fluttered as she ran a shaking hand down her ribs to grip her thigh. "So ... So good. Charles ... Never ... not once..."

With a grin, I placed my hand on hers. When my sticky fingers pressed into hers, she jolted before chewing her lips.

"Well, then lucky you." After lifting my hand, I licked the last of her cum from my fingers.

Once I had swept the last of her sweetness away with my tongue, I took her hand in mine while I gazed deep into her bright blue pools. As I skimmed the fingertips of my other hand along her cheek, Mandy's eyes fluttered closed and her breathing slowed. Darkness took me soon after.

Waking before her, I reached for her oil, doused my hands and glided them over the pale triangles over her bare breasts and crotch. Not wanting to disturb her, I swallowed a chuckle. After all this, to wake with a sunburn would not be a good reminder for her. Though whimpers dribbled from her sticky lips, she otherwise didn't move. Nor did she notice when I slipped into her pool to cool myself before creeping home.

No, I would wait for her to tell me whatever she chose to share. I would ask no questions. Perhaps I was a fool. It wouldn't be the first time. With a shrug, I chuckled as I stepped inside.

Mandy had made her decision. She wanted to be mine as much as I wanted to be hers. The stars ... the gods ... they had probably known the whole damned time. Complications. Oh, you know. Like her husband? And daughter? Well, we'd just have to figure that out as life went on. As had happened so many times before.

And then my chest froze; Kali's pale face appeared. What about her? The Baron's toy. Or daughter. She had no choice. Kali served him because she must. It was their way, but not ours. Not mine. Mandy had proven that. She had made the choice ... herself. My shoulders slumped as I headed for the shower. Kali had such pretty eyes. Gods, I hated them ... not her eyes, but those like the Baron. Her eyes ... so pale. So shiny. So needy.

With a growl, I flung the towel over me. The Baron had not changed. He couldn't. But I had. Mandy's bright eyes staring up at me from around my shaft ... those were the eyes of a lover. Not a minion.