
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Somethings not right

When I opened shop today I was ready to sell my stock of alcohol but it has been really quiet these few months nobody I drinking except that one fallen angel his name is like Azaz no Pazazel no Azazel yeah that sounds right.

Now that guy he's a heavy drinker I wonder where he is.


Azazel POV

"Yo bartender where did ya get this nice alcohol it's the best I've had!" The bartender replied "There's a small town to the east, Kuoh your gonna go there and look for the shop called The Blurring whiskey and that's where you'll find yer booz." I was a bit surprised that he would send me to the devils but thanked him anyways. I had a few more drinks and when I was about to leave the bartender said" Oh yeah don't get tricked by his appearance he looks 16 but I can assure you he's well over 4,000 years old." When I heard that I just waved at him calling senile.

Oh how wrong I was.

When I got to the town I was stopped by the devils asking me "Why are you here." I told them that I was told that they sell the best alcohol here. To my surprise they actually let me in and told me don't take all of it in a joking tone. 'What the fuck is this like a common occasion, now if that ain't strange I don't know what is.'

I walk around for a bit until I see it, a little shop the Blurring whiskey and holy shit I have never seen this color of alcohol before it's deep see blue. I walk in and immediately hear "Welcome buy what you want and don't steal" in the most bland voice from the counter.

I'm browsing through and decided to buy something called Gods brandy. I walk up to the counter and place the brandy. I look down and see this kid scan it and say "That will be 5000 yen please." "Here ya go… what's your name kid" "Kuro Sakanagi … you?" "Azazel … so what's a kid your age doing selling alcohol" He looks up his piercing gold eyes staring into my soul "Money is money when your good at something don't do it for free." " I like your attitude boy I'll be ordering more alcohol in the future." And then I leave.


I was sitting in my chair feeling tired. I look to my right and see the brandy I drank it all earlier and now I think I'm addicted now. That kid sure knows how to make alcohol it's like he has thousands of years of experience…

Wait a second…

Flashback end*

Kuro POV

I feel tired. Ah a customer hmmm there buying the whiskey good choice. The customer is now paying "5000 yen please" "Take a tip" "Thank you" that's basically what I do. Hmmmm I look out the window and see a little loli walking along the path she then looks at me and disappears. Hmm why did her aura spike.

??? POV

'Maybe he can beat Baka red… interesting'