
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Just a ‘normal’ walk and a loli who likes pancakes

It has been a long day, my job was done and I felt like I wanted to go on a walk.

So here I am in the park walking. The cold breeze on my face really makes me think back to the past. Just as I was about to reflect I hear a scream and a roar. 'Interesting' that was my one thought while walking towards the sound.

As I get there I decided I would observe. It was a dude and what looked like a stray devil that has been over corrupted. 'I should kill it'

Just as the stray was about to chomp on the guy it stopped.

Tap tap tap

I was a few metres away when it turned and charged at me. I hold my arm up and it chomps on it.

It freezes…



It slams to the ground unmoving as it slowly melts my limb instantly regenerates… back to the walk.

I was about to move from the area when I remembered 'oh yeah the witness' I turn and jog to him. "Shhhhh no telling" I then snap his neck.

As I'm walking to my home I think 'That thing was a new occurrence normally the strays don't completely corrupt. Hmm how curious. What shall I diagnose it as. Judging from it appearance it was like an mutation in the evil piece that caused it. If another appears I'll take its piece before I kill it. Yeah that's good.'


I should pay more attention. I just walked in my door. "Sigh" I go in to see a comfy house simple but nice. At least that's what I'm told by the ghost that lives here.

Oh yeah a ghost lives here his name is Naoki and just lives here rent free... The only thing he really does is stalk my neighbours in the Hyoudou house hold. It's kind of creepy that he keeps telling me about their son and some other kid. Moving on other than that it's pretty interesting.

The other day he told me that one has a slight amount of holy power and the other is ddraigs new host…joy.

With those thoughts I go to sleep knowing that I will probably be involved in some sort of plot.

The next day

I wake up feeling slightly heavier than normal. I open my eyes to see the loli from a few days ago staring down at me…

"Good morning" I say in a plain tone "good morning" she replies




It took me a few minutes to get changed and do my routine and when I was done I went to the kitchen only to find the loli spinning on a chair.I then walked past to make my breakfast and asked if she wanted any pancakes. "What is a … pancake" "It tastes good I'll give you some to try ok?" "Ok"

After I finished I served her the pancakes on a dish with syrup on top. She then takes a fork and stabs the pancake picks it up and bites it… 'That's adorable…' I think as she practically devours them… mine included. Not like I needed that.

"So what is your name?"


"why were you staring at me when I woke up?"

"I want you to help me get my silence back" " how"

"we defeat Baka red"


"Also gimme more" she says pointing at her plate. I sigh and proceed to feed ophis.