
Chapter 8: Connections

Magnus blinked sleepily as he stretched. His arms reached out wide to both sides as he let his sleep drift away from him. Simon's house had a pleasant smell to it, like an antique parlor. It was a mixture of old lavender scented cloth and musk. Magnus sat up the memories of the past evening slowly coming back to him. With a start he shot up from the bed. Where was Alec!? Where was Jace!? How could he have fallen asleep!? He was so stupid! Alec will never forgive himself if he kills his Parabatai! It was still early and the sky was still dark. Magnus quickly cast a tracking spell for Alec. Sparks flew from his fingers and a blue mist appeared in the room following everywhere Alec had been in the room. Magnus was confused. The mist swirled around the bed in a single space and then moved over to the end of the bed then promptly disappeared. How could that be unless he portaled himself or was portaled. He cannot portal...can he? Magnus then cast a hearing spell. Maybe Alec was still nearby and he could hear him. Red zinging lights flew around him as he cast the spell and into his ears. Suddenly Magnus could hear everything for miles. The dogs barking in the neighborhood sounded like elephants tooting in his ears; they were so loud he had to focus. Magnus stilled himself. He could hear the calm breeze buzzing around the house and up towards the roof. There was quite rustling on the roof, maybe a bird or a squirrel. The rustling got louder and then there was a thud followed by the quiet laugh, one Magnus knew well and a huge well of relief flooded him. Jace.

Alec sat down upon the roof watching Jace jump around like a complete idiot. Give a big lug some super powers and watch him turn into a seven-year-old. He quietly laughed to himself. He hadn't felt this good since the night of the mist attack. His thought turned sour as he realized he had a huge battle ahead of him. He may not survive this war and where would that leave Jace, Magnus, or Madzie? Jace finally got over his enrapture with his new power boost as it was already starting to fade. He clearly had more strength than he ever had before but the super strength he gained from the feeding only seemed temporary. Jace jumped up onto the roof with the last of his strength. Once again he was as quiet as a mouse. He sat down next to Alec with a silent thump. Alec looked at Jace and was suddenly mesmerized by his skin. He could see the individual follicles of hair on his chin. He hadn't had a chance to shave the night before. He could even see the blood vessels beneath the skin and feel the warmth from the blood inside pulsing out from within his skin. His mouth ached for a moment with renewed hunger. He was able to quickly push it down.

Jace looked up at Alec and was worried by his intense unnatural stare. "You okay there buddy? You don't need a round two do ya?" Alec blushed and quickly nodded his head no. He was about to tell Jace about his new sight capabilities when he sensed something in the air. It was a spark of electricity and his body instinctively knew that it was magic. He could feel magic! That was amazing but his instincts were taking control of his body again as he was standing across the roof within a millisecond. He was standing behind the source of the incoming magic. Suddenly a bright flash of swirly yellow light appeared and a man popped out from a portal. Alec shot through the magic dispelling it immediately and then wrapped his arms around the man holding him by the throat up against his chest. Alec's fangs were barred to the man's throat before he smelled him. This all happened within a few seconds. It took a few more seconds before he could hear the shouts coming from Jace. "Alec!! Let go!!!! It's Magnus!!! Let him go, Alec!!!" He smelled the blood coming from the throat bared before him. It smelled delicious and warm and full of magic. He couldn't help himself, there was something stronger pulling him into this warmth. It felt like an embrace. There were emotions in this magic. Love, care, and worry. Before he could stop himself, his tongue shot out and traced the pattern of blood flowing across his prey's throat. He heard a whimper that half-sounded like a moan escape his prey's lips. Jace was still trying to get his attention and he could hear the words but he wasn't processing them yet. His prey was too enticing. His blood called to him more than anything ever had in his life. He knew if he tasted it he would be encircled in bliss. He released his hold on his prey's throat as he felt him relax in his arms. He licked along his throat once more and a definite moan escaped his prey. He then kissed his pulse point, and he could feel his prey bend to him, wanting it…

Magnus was so relieved to hear Jace's voice up on the roof as it proved that Alec hadn't hurt him. Maybe they hadn't given Alec enough credit. After all, he wasn't like regular vampires, he was an angel. With his hearing spell still engaged he could hear Alec's breathing on the roof next to him. "You okay there buddy? You don't need a round two do ya?" Round two of what? What exactly was going on up there? Magnus quickly dispelled the hearing magic and created a portal onto the roof. As soon as he stepped through the portal onto the roof he was grabbed from behind one arm around his waist and the other around his throat and he was pulled up against something hard and masculine. He knew it was Alec and damn if that wasn't the hottest thing he ever experienced, but he was in danger right now. It probably wasn't a good idea to startle a brand new vampire angel. Jace shot up from the roof and was immediately trying to talk Alec down. He felt Alec's tongue against his throat and it shot a bolt of heat straight through him and his whole body ignited with it. He was completely aroused and it was like his very magic was swooning and calling to Alec. He relaxed in Alec's arms. It wasn't conscious; his body just obeyed Alec's desires. His emotions were reaching out to Alec and in turn his body was responding. Magnus looked at Jace and could see both shock and worry in his eyes as he continued to try and reach Alec. He felt Alec's tongue stroke down the length of his throat and this time he couldn't help but moan loudly with the pleasure it sent straight to his groin. He was rock hard and everything in his body was telling him that if Alec bit into him he would float on a cloud of pure pleasure. He wanted it and he wanted it now! He felt Alec's lips on his throat with a feathery light kiss. Magnus' eyes were rolling into the back of his head and his butt ground into the hard crotch behind him. The next thing he knew was blinding pleasure emanating from his throat and a scream bubbled up from his lips, "Alec FU-!!" and the distant sound of several voices calling Alec's name.

Simon awoke to the sound of Jace screaming on the roof. Why was he on the roof? The memories of the night before came flooding in at the same time as he heard the name Alec screamed from Jace's lips. He scrambled as quickly as he could from his bed and out into the living room. Izzy was already headed up the stairs and he followed her. They both scrambled out the upstairs window and onto the ledge where they climbed onto the roof. He scrambled up just in time to see Magnus let out a loud moan as Alec mouth was to his throat. With Jace screaming for Alec to let him go they all knew it wasn't good or planned. They watched as Alec bit deep into Magnus' throat and he screamed out in pleasure. They all screamed at Alec to try to get him to let Magnus go, but it was too late. Jace began to step towards Alec and Magnus but Alec made a feral sound and Magnus whimpered in pain. Izzy shouted to Jace, "Don't go near them it is too late, they are already connected and it appears to be pleasurable for both of them as long as we don't interfere." "But what if he goes too far, Izzy?" She looked to Jace with a pleading expression. They both knew that all they could do was prey he would stop in time. They had to hope their connection would keep them safe.

When the blood hit his tongue sparks of pleasure invaded Alec's body. Memories of pleasant days shared amongst Magnus and him were being played out before him with vibrant color. He could feel the way it felt for Magnus when he caressed his skin in the afterglow of a passionate night. He could smell his own hair through Magnus' senses. He felt his own love and memories passing into Magnus through this exchange. Yes it was his Magnus. He was connected to Magnus. Something was drawing close to his love in this passionate moment. Alec let out a warning to whoever dared to interfere. Magnus whimpered in his arms, the connection had been momentarily broken but he sent vibrant caresses of love through the connection to quickly soothe away the distress. It was all so natural, so right that they were here connected, sharing everything together. He could hear his love moaning in his arms and he too was being carried away by the sheer ecstasy of the moment. A light was building between them and it seemed almost blinding and with it the sound of a drum. The drum was loud at first with the light's most blinding moment, and then it began to fade along with the light. He sank down to the ground with his lover in his arms. The connection was fading, something was wrong. His lover's thoughts were no longer clear, as if faded to black. Suddenly the world was coming back into focus. Sights and sounds around him were coming back and with defining clarity.

"Alec! Please! You are going to kill him! You have to let him go!" He heard Jace and Izzy scream in unison. He looked down to see what he was holding. Terror swept through him. Magnus was in his arms limp and lifeless. His teeth were so deep into his throat he dared not release them for fear of further damage. He was no longer pulling on the blood but he didn't know what to do. The horror of hurting the person he loved more than the world was shredding him up inside and he couldn't move. He could see Simon slowly and very carefully approaching him. Izzy looked towards Simon, "Simon, don't, he could attack." Simon just shook his head no and kept moving slowly with his hands raised up in surrender position. Simon had seen the terror in Alec's eyes; it was the same terror he felt when he had attacked his sister. It was clear that something important that connected Alec and Magnus had just happened, but Alec is new and got carried away. His heart ached for Alec now because he could feel that pain all over again. Never more than now was he glad he had lost his vampirism.

Alec watched Simon approach him and he couldn't say anything. He was still attached to Magnus and he didn't know how to release him without causing damage. He was pleading to Simon silently with his eyes. He tried to convey with every fiber of his being, "Help Me!". Simon could see the need for help in Alec's eyes and once he got up next to them he crouched next to them. He gently laid a hand on Alec's shoulder and said, "Okay Alec, it's okay. You can remove your fangs from his throat. I know it feels like you could tear him up but only if you want to. Your fangs are designed to cause both pleasure and pain. As long as you will it, you will cause no pain as you retract." Alec struggled to believe him but he listened. Simon was the only one who could possibly know what was happening right now so he listened and slowly, very slowly, he let go of his hold on Magnus' throat." He saw blood dripping down onto the ground from his face. Has he been hurt? He touched his cheeks and it was wet and when he looked at his fingers they were covered in blood. "It appears that you cry blood Alec." Simon responded. They both looked at Magnus now and he was still breathing but barely. Alec was shaking now. What had he done? A whisper came into his mind. "What troubles you so, my son?" Alec spoke aloud to the voice. "I have hurt the one I love, help me!" Everyone including Simon looked at him curiously. Suddenly there was light everywhere. The angel, Samael appeared before them once more. He appeared in a flash of blinding light and before them he stood like a man. There were no wings, no flaming eyes, just a beautiful man with brilliant bright blue eyes that were almost silver and dark jet black hair. He wore a white shirt and white pants, much like the night before.

He knelt down beside Alec and touched his head. "It is okay my son. He is your mate and it is only natural that the first connection may go too far. It is unlikely to go too far again. You have shown him your soul and he has shown you his. It is ancient and powerful among our kind. Who do you think mothered your line? She was my mate. All of the most powerful of us have a mate; it is a natural connection between the divine and the living. The idea that the two should never meet was never a commandment. We just rarely survive the loss of our mate so we choose not to engage them. Give me your hand, my son." Alec put his hand in Samael's. The angel bent down and bit into Alec's wrist. His blood flowed from the wound. "Now quickly, my son, before the wound closes, put it to your mate's lips."

Alec looked at Samael with wide eyes, "But won't that turn him into a vampire like me?" Samael grimaced at the term "Vampire" and took Alec's arm and pressed the wound to Magnus' mouth. They watched as Magnus' eyes fluttered open. He quickly latched onto the wound grabbing onto Alec's arm with both hands. His cat eyes appeared and glowed with a bright light. Samael looked to Alec. "My son, you can only turn the Nephilim into an Angel of Death, and you as a turned Nephilim yourself can only turn one who shares your soul." Shock and gasps went through everyone on the roof and they all turned to look at Jace. Jace squirmed under the unwanted attention and with the daunting realization that he could become like Alec. Samael did not press the issue further. He leaned in and kissed Alec on the forehead and whispered in his ear, "let him go until you pass out. It is only fair that he should receive as much as you took. He is your mate and your equal. You will be okay with a few hours sleep and I would recommend another feeding upon waking from your Parabatai. Do not fear feeding from your mate this will not happen again. The Divine Connection only happens once. You will control yourself next time." The archangel disappeared in another flash of light. Everyone looked at Alec now, expecting answers on what the angel said but he had no time. Alec was beginning to feel faint as Magnus continued to drink from his wrist. He leaned down and kissed Magnus on the forehead and then he leaned down next to him so that they both lay next to each other across the roof. Magnus continued to feed from his wrist as Alec closed his eyes.