
Chapter 7: Bloodlust

Alec was in so much pain as his teeth were violently pushed from his gums and two new and very sharp fangs were pushed from those gums into place. Then there was only silence and calm. He was asleep, but it was strange he could sometimes feel the presence of his friends and even hear small whispers of what they might be saying. "Get him through the portal to Simon's" he heard the voice of his sister say at one point. He was not sure how long he had been asleep or unconscious for but he knew that his friends and Magnus were still with him. "You and I, we will bear this burden with him." The voice of his husband. It warmed him to know that he was not abandoned. He feared how they may look at him now but if his friends had proven anything throughout the battles they had already won, it was that the differences of those around them were not important, only what was right and what was wrong. The voices around him faded away again and Alec began to feel as though he were flying, weightless into the sky. Higher and higher he was soaring. It was amazing.

He could feel all of his muscles under his skin. There was so much power in him now. He knew that he could punch through feet of solid concrete like a knife through soft butter. He could feel the air as it swirled around his body like individual fingertips touching his skin. Everything was heightened to a level he had never thought possible. Soaring high into the sky he could see another light in the distance so he flew towards it. It was Samael. As Samael came closer and closer into view, Alec could hear the Angel's words in his mind. "You must fight the bloodlust. Do not lose your acolytes. You must maintain control. Use your love. Fight the bloodlust. This is your final test." Just as Alec was about to reach Samael, he lost control. He was no longer flying. He was falling. The wind whipped around his form as he flew through the air towards the ground and his own impending doom. Alec felt terror and a sense of building doom in his gut. He was about to die. Then the whole dream started to fade and with it the feelings of building terror and sense of doom were shifting into something else. The building tension in his gut was a building need. The terror wasn't terror but desire. Alec was no longer terrified of an impending death, but in need of something more and more desperately.

This feeling of need was growing and everything around him turned to darkness and there was no more wind, no more clouds, no more Samael, just one sound in the sea of darkness around him. It was the sound of breath in and out, and a consistent drum behind it. Alec listened to this sound completely entranced by it as the need began to bleed throughout his body from where it started in his gut. He could feel the need in his fingertips, on the edge of his tongue, behind his eyes, and every inch of him suddenly knew all at once that this sound held the answer. He put all of his mind's attention to this sound. A breath in, a breath out, and the constant beat, beat, beat behind it. Soon all he heard was that beat, beat, beat. The drum became a siren call to him. His eyes opened and he knew he was in a bed in a room with the drum. He didn't will himself to move, but he did. It was without thinking, without a second of thought and he was standing at the end of the bed in less than a second he was standing behind the source of the drum that was filling his very being with need.

His eyes suddenly focused on what he was entranced by as the figure with the drum slowly turned as it stood up from the edge of the bed. Alec was finally able to visualize what he was so enamored by. It was Jace and in the bed lying next to where he had been only a second before was his husband and love of his life, Magnus. He could not pull himself away from Jace, though. He was still enraptured by the sound of the drum coming from him. He realized that he was completely focused on Jace's throat and the artery that sent the sounds of that drum to his ears. Alec now realized that he was using every ounce of control he had to not rip open the artery standing before him. "Do not give into the bloodlust!" Samael's voice in his ear rang like a mighty bell. He was struggling. His chest was heaving with the strength it was taking to keep his body still as it screamed at him to be released from the pain building throughout it. The artery in his parabatai's throat was the only thing that could release him from this pain.

"It's okay, brother. I am here. It's okay." The soft sound of fabric hitting the floor. Alec let out a gasp as Jace turned his head to the side clearly exposing his throat with intent. Does he want to die?! Alec was struggling so hard to maintain control and here was Jace tempting the beast inside of him. "You are not a beast. You are an angel now, my son. You can do this but do it with control. Fight the bloodlust." Samael's voice rang like a bell in his mind silencing the anger and fear within him. Jace was showing him trust. Jace trusted him with his life. He was offering himself knowing that Alec could lose control. The fear washed away and a warmth spread throughout his body. The need settled knowing it would be sated soon. Jace trusted him. He could do this. Once again his body took action without his thought. He had moved forward faster than light itself. He had scooped up Jace in his arms and a bright light had come from behind Alec and within a half a second they were floating above the roof of Simon's house.

Jace was looking down at the roof below him. He was no longer standing on his own two feet but being carried in Alec's arms. He looked up to see Alec's bright red flickering eyes and behind him were two very large black angel wings. "Geezuz, Alec, you have wings!" This startled Alec and he nearly dropped Jace. "Wohhh there dude, don't drop me!" Jace yelled. Alec's eyes had switched back to their new color, silver. Alec looked around trying to get a feel or some sort of control over his wings. "Down dammit, I want to go down!" Alec all but yelled at his wings. Jace looked up at him, worried they might just fall now and said, "Alec, calm down. I think you need to just calm yourself and will to be down on the roof." Alec figured it was the best and only idea available so he closed his eyes and took a moment to settle his fear. He then opened his eyes and decided firmly in his mind that he wanted to land on the roof. The wings moved and they began to descend to the roof. Within seconds Alec's feet touched the roof and he released Jace. Jace stood on the roof next to Alec.

He stared at him just now noticing the veins under Alec's skin were pulsing. It looked painful. Again Jace could feel the same pulsing feeling in his veins coming from the mark and up to his throat. He saw Alec wince as if in pain. His silver eyes were flickering red. "I think you need to feed Alec." Alec stepped back a bit from Jace, his hunger returning with fury. He did not want to hurt Jace. He knew he had to have control before attempting to drink from him. Jace stepped closer towards Alec. "It's okay. I trust you, Alec. You can do this and you clearly need to." "Just wait! I need to have control!" Jace stood still. He did not want to push Alec. He just wanted his brother to be okay. Alec stood very still for a moment listening for any more advice from Samael, but none came. He was beginning to feel pain throughout his body. It was like all the power in his body was running low on fuel and it was using him to sustain itself. This did not feel good at all. He began to feel lightheaded and weak and he dropped down to his knees. Jace watched as Alec swayed for a second and then dropped onto his knees. He dropped down on his knees beside him quickly. It was clearly time for him to feed and while he didn't want to rush him, it was becoming clear that time was of the essence.

"Okay Alec, I know you won't hurt me and I think you have the control you need. It is time for you to try and feed, okay?" He looked into Alec's eyes trying to get some confirmation that he would try. Alec looked at Jace and down at his throat. He could hear the blood in his veins and the drum was getting louder in his ears again. Jace watched as Alec's eyes went completely red again, but this time there were no flames flickering in the background. He figured the flames were a good indicator of loss of control and took it as a good sign. Jace grabbed the collar of his V-neck shirt and pulled it away from his throat and tilted his head to the side, closing his eyes again. He wanted to show as much trust as he could. He needed to give Alec the confidence to proceed.

Alec watched as Jace exposed his throat again and closed his eyes. The need was screaming at him now but he would not hurt his Parabatai. He would not lose control. He could not lose control. He leaned forward slowly resting his hand on Jace's shoulder. He leaned closer until his lips were hovering just above Jace's throat. "I want you to stab me with your knife if I don't stop, I don't think it will hurt me, but it will distract me." Jace nodded and Alec opened his mouth touching his fangs to Jace's skin. The moment Alec's fangs touched his skin, Jace could feel the Parabatai mark come to life like it had never before. He could feel every emotion and every fear Alec was feeling. He could feel all of the power in his veins, he could feel the wings in his back, and he could feel the deep desperate need for blood. Suddenly Jace felt Alec's fangs sink into his throat and with it the sheer ecstasy of what Alec felt. As soon as Alec sunk his teeth into his Parabatai it was like they were completely connected on a level they had not been before. It was like a channel had been opened inside of their Parabatai marks, allowing them both to feel everything all at once. Alec could feel some of his power entering into Jace as he began to feed. It was like a trade. Through the mark one could not take without giving. The more he drank from Jace the stronger he could feel Jace become. Jace's blood was like pure magic, pure ecstasy. When the blood crossed over his lips Alec felt like he was flying high in the clouds again. Every desire was being quenched at once. Every drink, every meal, every physical need at once, was being satisfied by the blood. He could feel the tingling pleasure throughout his whole body even to his fingertips.

Jace felt a power surge into him as Alec fed from him. The more blood he took the more power and energy Jace could feel building in his body. It was like getting an injection of pure power. He knew he was beginning to lose too much blood, though. It was getting harder to think and while he could feel his body filling up with power he was also beginning to feel very sleepy. "A-A-Alec" he tried to call his name but it came out like a whisper. He was growing so tired. His head slumped to the side resting on Alec's shoulder. Alec immediately felt Jace lose consciousness through the mark and stopped feeding. He carefully pulled away from Jace's throat not wanting his fangs to rip or hurt Jace further. Alec laid Jace back on the roof and found his stele and activated Jace's healing rune. It was clear that the power he gave Jace was still there because once he activated the rune it glowed brightly and Jace practically jumped up from the roof.

"Wow! That was intense. It was like I just got juiced up by a big battery!" Jace was practically jumping. Alec couldn't help but let out a little giggle as it looked like Jace was on speed. "What are you laughing at nosferatu! It is your super angel juice! Wow I feel like I could jump right off this roof without a rune." Alec gasped as Jace did just that. But Jace didn't just jump off the roof he jumped up super high like he was flying up and then came down and landed like a leaf on the ground. He made no sound. "Holy cow!" Alec yelled. "I can't believe you just did that without a rune!" It was then that he noticed that Jace's eyes had gone silver for a second before returning to their natural color. So he could pass on his skills and abilities through the blood draining. That could be useful in certain situations. He wondered if this was just because of his Parabatai mark or if he could do this with Magnus or Izzy. That would be something to discover for another day. Right now he was just so happy that he didn't hurt Jace and that it actually had a positive effect. His new life wasn't quite as bleak as he thought it was going to be a few moments ago.