
The Immortal Hero

In a world where Percy Jackson lived an ordinary mortal life, completely oblivious to the realms of mythology, the Fates make an unprecedented mistake. When Percy's life string accidentally slips through their fingers and plunges into the cosmic void, his destiny takes an unexpected turn. As a result, Percy is granted immortality, and the Fates, determined to rectify their error, bestow upon him extraordinary gifts. Now an immortal being with a mortal past, Percy finds himself at the center of a cosmic game, tasked with fixing the messes created by both the Fates and the bumbling gods of Olympus. Armed with newfound powers and an intimate knowledge of the mortal world, Percy embarks on quests to restore balance and order.

Phantom_M0narch · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

I sat cross-legged in my room, my attention wholly consumed at the many screens around me. From my stats to my skill lists. My eyes darted to the Dungeon creation skill.

"Its been a few weeks that I had gotten these powers, and all I have done is raise my stats." I murmered turning my gaze to my stat page.

Name: Perseus Nova Jackson

Age: 12

Level: 1

XP: 150/1,000

Title: The Immortal Gamer

Species: Human

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

Strength: 15

Agility: 12

Endurance: 20

Wisdom: 11

Intelligence: 14

Luck: 10

Money : $300 / D100

Stat Points: 15


"Lets see how should I deposite my extra points?" I muttered. "Oh wait, I got it! Spreading the points like this will work perfectly."


Strength: 15 + 5 = 20

Agility: 12 + 8 = 20

Intelligence: 14 + 6 = 20

Luck: 10 + 1 = 11


"That should do for now. Alright I guess now that spring break started, I should start training in the dungeon." I stood up and stretched before raising my hand to an open space in the dorm. "Instant Dungeon Create!"

The room was quite and I at first thought that the skill failed until the air cracked infront of me before shattering like glass as a multi-color portal flashed as it settled whirling and glitching. I grinned and stepped through the portal exited to get started.

I stood in a vast field, the grass swaying gently in the breeze. The sky above was a canvas of deep oranges and purples, the sun beginning its descent below the horizon. The air felt charged with magic, a tangible energy that prickled my skin.

<mission >

Defeat the goblins. {0/20}

As I stood, I sensed movement at the edge of my vision. Turning my head to the forest to my right, I saw them— several goblins emerging from the shadows of the trees. They were small, hunched figures with wicked grins and sharp, gleaming weapons. 

"Alright!" I grinned to myself as my leather armor appeared on my body as I drew my sword from the inventory. 

A goblin saw me as it howled getting its friends attention as they gave a war cry , I charged forward to meet the goblins. My swordspinning in my hand as I met the first goblin my sword clashed against its dagger, the clash ringing in my ears. The sword became an extension of my arm, blocking their strikes and deflecting their blows. One of the goblins got through my giard and before I could react it slashed my arm with its dagger.

-5 hp

My sword keeping the others at bay, I did the only thing I could think off and bashed it in the forehead with my elbow. The goblin staggered back out of breath. as I ripped the dagger out of my arm stabbing it in the head with its own blade. The goblin burst into dust leaving a gem and a dollar in its place.


The air crackled with tension as I faced the goblin horde, my fingers tightly gripping the starter sword. With a deep breath, I charged at the remaining goblins, swinging the sword clumsily at the nearest goblin. The clash of metal echoed through the air as I grappled with the unfamiliar weight of the blade. The goblin retaliated, its crude weapon slashing through the air, narrowly missing me. As the adrenaline surged, I felt a sting of pain as the goblin's attack connected.

The Asus System chimed in with urgent notifications, but I ignored them, focusing on the immediate threat. My health dwindled with each exchange, the goblins proving to be formidable opponents. A slash here, a stab there—each hit sapped away my vitality.

Despite my inexperience, I pressed on, determined to fulfill the quest laid before me. With each swing of the sword, I gained a semblance of control, learning the rhythm of the battle. As the goblins fell one by one, they burst into dust, leaving behind a trail of loot.


I fought with renewed vigor, the end in sight as I confronted the final goblin. We clashed, and with a decisive strike, the goblin crumbled into dust. My chest heaved with exhaustion, but a sense of accomplishment washed over me.

Mission Complete

+ 300 xp

Collect all drops and loots?

{Yes} {No}

"Alright, now lets see what kind of loot I have got." I muttered to myself as clicked, yes.

Drops and Loot Collected

+ 5 gilded daggers

+ 2 rusted swords

+ 13 loincloth

+ $349

+ D67


New Skill Created: Swordsmanship Lvl 1

the skills and techniques used in combat and training with any type of sword. You have the talent of a child with a stick.


Sweat mingled with dirt on my skin, it was tough but, I had gotten some pretty nice rewards. My eyes went to a new screen that popped up.

Would you like to start the 2nd challenge of the first floor?

{Yes} {No}

 "Alright!" I grinned, selecting yes. "Lets go straight to the next challenge." Suddenly a unsettling tremor beneath my feet signaled the arrival of something massive. I turned toward the source of the disturbance, my breath catching in my throat.

Emerging from the treeline, with a slow and ominous stride, was a creature of sheer enormity. Its frame was colossal, a behemoth born from the depths of myth. Its skin was a patchwork of mottled greens and browns, rough and textured like aged tree bark. Tendons and muscles rippled beneath its surface, each movement exuding raw power. The name above its head sent a shiver down my spine.

<Ogre 35 lvl>

The ogre's head was adorned with a crown of gnarled horns, twisted and imposing. Its eyes gleamed with a malevolent intelligence, surveying the battlefield with an air of dominance. And clasped in its massive hand was a club that looked more like a tree trunk, its size and weight defying reason. It was a weapon designed for crushing, a blunt instrument of devastation.

My heart raced, my gaze fixed on the monstrous figure before me. The goblins had been a warm-up, a mere prelude to this true challenge. The ogre's presence was suffocating, its form casting a long shadow that seemed to engulf the very land.

Nervousness clawed at the edges of my resolve, but I grounded my feet in the grassy earth. The gamer minds quickly calmed down my mind. As the ogre drew closer, its guttural growls resonating like distant thunder, I steadied my breathing. My grip tightened around the hilt of the sword, and I locked eyes with the creature that dwarfed me in every way. This was it—the true test of my newfound abilities.

The clash erupted like a storm, a torrent of motion and force. My strikes landed against the ogre's rough hide, each blow met with a thunderous impact that sent shockwaves through my body. But despite my efforts, the creature's defenses seemed impenetrable. Its thick skin deflected my attacks, and its club swung with a deadly precision that forced me to evade rather than confront.

I fought with a mix of determination and desperation. But with every swing of its club, the ogre seemed to anticipate my moves, adapting to my tactics. My muscles ached, my body screamed in protest, and frustration churned in my gut.

The battle stretched on, each moment a grueling test of endurance. My vision blurred from sweat and exertion, my breath coming in ragged gasps. And then, in an instant, it happened—the ogre's club descended with unrelenting force, my sword shattered. The impact was like a thunderclap, an explosion of pain that radiated through my body. The last thing that popped in my mind was.

This damn Ogre, dares to kill me!

I was crushed beneath the weight of defeat, my form sprawled on the ground as darkness threatened to consume me. But as my consciousness wavered, a brilliant light pierced the shadows, jolting me awake.

Gasping for air, I sat up in my bed, my body whole and unharmed. The room around me was the same as when I'd left it, a stark contrast to the battlefield where I'd faced the ogre. Confusion and relief mingled within me, and my gaze turned to the dungeon gate that was still open on the other side of the room. 

Due to death, player was returned to the spawn point. All stats reset back to 5, you dropped, $215.95. Player has 3 free repawns left.

With trembling hands, I closed the tap. Groaning in exasperation, I lay back down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. My mind raced with thoughts—how could I overcome the dungeon when even the ogre seemed so unbeatable? My powers weren't enough, and my weapons were lacking.

Restlessness gnawed at my thoughts until a new idea formed. With a sigh, I opened the Marketplace section in the Asus System. The interface materialized before me, my fingers tapped across the screen as I navigated the marketplace. Weapons, armor, and artifacts filled the digital listings, each item promising strength and power. My eyes scanned the options until a particular entry caught my attention.

The description was very unique, the image —a katana, its hilt adorned with ornate patterns, its blade gleaming with an otherworldly light. It was listed as Zanpakutō, priced at $350. I read the description of the sword and was amazed, yes this weapon will do nicely.

The price of the Zanpakutō was steep, going to leave me at $83.05. Though I wasn't worried as I planned to make back every single cent. I knew that I needed a good weapon to use, something that wouldn't shatter against the force of a Ogre. 

With a deep breath, I confirmed the purchase, watching as the Katana materialized within my inventory. I slowly removed it as the weight of the blade settled in my hands as I grasped the hilt, the scabbard was made of Methuselah bark dyed black, having a red sageo wrapped around it. The handle was covered in what looked like red crocodile leather, while wrapped in a black Polyethylene cloth. 

"What better way to prepare than to do what gamer's do best, when they get a new weapon! Its time to start farming!" A glint shown in my eyes as I clutched the katana, that Ogre will regret causing me to lose my stat points!