
The Immortal Hero

In a world where Percy Jackson lived an ordinary mortal life, completely oblivious to the realms of mythology, the Fates make an unprecedented mistake. When Percy's life string accidentally slips through their fingers and plunges into the cosmic void, his destiny takes an unexpected turn. As a result, Percy is granted immortality, and the Fates, determined to rectify their error, bestow upon him extraordinary gifts. Now an immortal being with a mortal past, Percy finds himself at the center of a cosmic game, tasked with fixing the messes created by both the Fates and the bumbling gods of Olympus. Armed with newfound powers and an intimate knowledge of the mortal world, Percy embarks on quests to restore balance and order.

Phantom_M0narch · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

The hum of the classroom filled my ears as I sat at my desk, discreetly using the "Observe" skill on random things and people. I continued to look at random things until my eyes stopped at the teacher and I froze.

Chiron. LVL 60

Species : Centaur

Title : Trainer of Heroes

HP : ?

MP : ?

Chiron is one of the most popular figures in Greek Mythology. Widely regarded as the Trainer of Heroes, he groomed many notable figures including the likes of Achilles and Hercules. He is currently at Yancy Academy watching over Mariana due to her being a demigod. He uses the alias Mr. Brunner

Wait, Grover and Allison. Arn't they the two that are always bullied by Nancy? I thought as I turned to the two across the room and used Observe.

Grover Underwood. Lvl 10

Species : Satyr

Title : Protector

HP : 1500 / 1500

MP : 750 / 750

Grover Underwood is a satyr tasked with protecting Mariana Roberts due to her being a demigod. 


Mariana Roberts. Lvl 5

Species : Demigod

Title : <none >

HP : 100 / 100

MP : 100 / 100

Mariana Roberts is the daughter of Poseidon and the Latina Supermodel Ariana Roberts, though she doesn't know of her status as a demigod yet.

"Wow, A centaur, a satyr, and a demigod. They really are higher levels than me." I muttered before an idea popped in my head. "I wonder what kind of talent I can get in this room..." 

Grinning I activated Talent Copy and let my mana sweep around the room searching for any available skills. until I looked at Mariana and my grin spred.

Hydrokinesis. LVL 1- The power to control and manipulate water. {Able to copy}

Siren's Voice. LVL 1- magic similar to charmspeak, which can be used to find someone's fatal flaw and their greatest desire {Able to copy}

Amphibious adaptation. LVL MAX- The ability to survive both on land and in underwater environments for as long as you desires with no hindrance to your performance. {Able to copy}

Class finally ended, and as I got my backpack and walked right up to her and offered my hand, introducing myself. "Hey, my name is Perseus Jackson. Nice to meet you."

"Mariana, but my friends call me Mary." She replied as she slowly took my hand. I hid my smirk as I go the successful ding. "What can I help you with?"

"Oh I just thought, it would be nice to make some new friends." I responded quickly. As our conversation continued, I noticed Chiron and Grover casting suspicious glances our way. I excused myself and left the classroom. I walked quickly to my my class as I looked at my recent notifications.

<Notification 1>

You have gained 1 INT for attending classes and somewhat paying attention.

INT : 10 + 1 = 11


<Notification 2>

For copying 3 skills, the skill, SKill Copy. Has leveled up!

Skill Copy Lvl 2


<Notification 3>

For continues use of the skill, Observe. It has leveled up!

Observe Lvl 2


Quest Alert!

Reach class on time, avoid detention and pass the test.



50 XP

+2 stat points

Failure -

Detention with Ms. Dodds

Accept / Decline?


Immediately, I hit accept. I didn't have time to ponder who Ms. Dodds was. I proceeded to haul ass, I booked it down the hall ignoring the random teacher telling me to slow down. luckly I made it with a minute to spare.

Panting, I made my way to my seat. Just as I sat down, the old Math teacher I was accustomed to was suddenly replaced by someone else. The new teacher was a fifty-year-old woman who wore a black leather jacket during the summer season. Even though she was relatively short compared to the other teachers, everything about her screamed danger. She looked like the sort of woman who would ride a Harley and wouldn't think twice before running you over with it or give you a wedgie for being a dork.

In the sweetest voice I swore I had ever heard, she said, "Class, I am your new math teacher, Ms. Dodds. I expect full concentration and cooperation while in class; otherwise, you may well have to spend a lovely afternoon in detention with a few tasks in hand."

There was a dangerous tone to the last part of the sentence, or so I thought.

"I will now be taking a little test to determine where you all stand before we move forward with the syllabus this year," she continued.

As I looked at the test, I could already solve a few of the questions which earlier I could only dream about solving. The questions were relatively simple and straightforward for a student of Grade 6. With a start, I realized that this sudden change may as well be attributed to my increase in intelligence. 

As the test was over, I thought about trying to use Observe. I certainly needed to level it up if I were to encounter any monsters in the future and needed help in identifying them. Just as I used it, the results were surprising, to say the least. Just by looking at the description, I started panicking as a cold sweat trickled down my forehead. Before I could do anything, Gamer's Mind kicked in again, straightening my emotions immediately. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank gods for it; otherwise, I would be in quite the trouble. I glanced at the screen once again, and sure, it was there -



Species : Fury

Title : Hades' Servant

HP : ?

MP : ?

Ms. Dodds is one of the Kindly Ones who serves Hades, God of the Underworld. She is currently tasked to watch Mariana. She uses the alias Mrs. Dodds


"Geez whats so special about that girl." I wondered watching Alecto seemingly glare to where Mary was currently sitting, seeming to struggle to read or answer the quiz. "Well, doesn't matter, not like it affects me. I already got three new skills. Now I just need to start leveling up."

Class was nothing but pure annoying. Luckly when it ended I basically booked it out of there to m next class. Today was physical education and their coach had decided on swimming, and now I was exited to test out my new skill.

When we were finally allowed to go in the water I dived underwater, I was unsure of what to expect. To my surprise, my vision was inhaced and I could see clearly and I was breathing underwater fine. I tested my strength and speed and I was amazed at how I wasn't restricted any. 

As I glided back up through the water, I heard a notification. 


New skill created!

Swimming (Level 1)

Your swim speed is of an average human : 3km/hr.


"Oh ho. That sounds like a dang challenge!" I laughed as I went to the swimming lane and started swimming pushing myself to go as fast as I could. I pushed myself through the entire class time feeling myself break past my limits as I kept going. I heard several dings but ignored them. By the end of class, I was really tired. But the results were worth it.


<Notification >

Due to continues training, and pushing your limit, the skill. Swimming has leveled up.

Swimming lvl 3

Your swim speed is of an olympian Swimmer : 12km/hr.


"Mr. Jackson." I turned to see the gym teacher walking toward me. "That was some impressive swimming right there. you were going about 6 miles to the hour right there."

"Oh, thank you. Sir." I responded wondering what he wanted.

"How would you like to join the swim team? You would make it big kid." He looked way to exited. 

"Oh, uh. Let me think about it and get back to you on that." I excused myself and left to shower and change.