
The immortal’s fated bride

I suck at descriptions guys,try it out and you won’t get disappointed. Reincarnated as his bride again after he killed her by himself, she was born with another face and another body not a single memory of her past life was in her. Waiting for her not realizing he had her in his home all this while,thinking she was going to return with the sane face and body after she promised him she was going to reincarnate. Finding out she was the same person he was scared to talk to her or the same mistake that happened years ago was going to resurface again but she kept pushing him to the edge. anticipate the worst my dear readers. hello guys this book is a slow burn romance so you have to be a patient reader to enjoy it. read and find out what happens to their happy ending or sad ending. Note:cover is not mine instagram:author_esther_brown Facebook:Esther.writes1

Esther_Brown_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

chapter 2.The prince

Eleanor has been arranging things the princess was going to wear for the visit of the prince.the makeup artist which they hired is yet to come.

"What are you doing there since the early hours of the day"princess Emily asked her

"Umm princess the….clothes and things…"

"Things for what?,you can leave I will call you when I need you"

She bowed and left,strolling through the corridors of the palace she heard chatterings coming from the corners.

She walked towards where the noise was coming from only to see some groups of maids gossiping.

She didn't want to follow them in their little gossip and started walking away when one of the maids stopped her "hey have you seen the prince of archfield"

"No what about it"

"Hmmph he is very handsome I heard he came to ask for the princess hand in marriage"

Another maid came from the back and spoke "no she can't marry him he won't be able to leave his kingdom and stay with her here"

"Oh yes that is truth then why did he come to the palace"looking at Eleanor "you are close to the princess answer you must have heard something"

"I didn't hear anything she didn't say anything say about the prince"walking away

"Such bunch of gossips"

She was tired and wanted to rest since there was no work to do she had to visit her grandma the woman that raised her up.

Her grandma's house was inside the village a very shabby old looking house,they were very poor people.

"Grandma"she screamed

"Oh my poor grand daughter where have you been hmm are they stressing you"

"Yes grandma I want to eat a meal prepared by your hands"

"How did you get out from the palace it's too early to come out"

"Hmm grandma I was so tired and I missed your food so I came to see you"

"Hmm come eat,wash your hands first"

They talked and laughed enjoying the moment when Eleanor remembered something "grandma I have been noticing a presence behind me"

"A presence you say my dear"

"Hmm grandma like someone is following me"

"You overthinking things my dear and also stressed so maybe you have been imagining things"

"Am very serious grandma….I"

"Shhh finish up the fruits and leave the princess might be looking for you now you have to leave"

"Hmm see you when I have chance again I love you"

"I love you too my dear grand daughter"

Looking towards the direction Eleanor went "I really don't know when the truth is going to surface"the old woman sighed and went inside her house.

Eleanor rushed to the palace and went straight to the princess room "where have you been,what do you think you are"

"I am sorry milady"

"I don't need your apology follow me the prince is with the king"

The princess walked to the tea house to wait for the prince so she could talk to him.

While waiting she picked a flower and fixed it on her hair to adorn herself more even with what she wore.

She looked forward and saw the prince coming towards them which got her smiling "the prince is coming don't come close"

Eleanor stepped back to give them some space "I…you…are..here"the princess could not form a word when she saw the prince.

Kissing her hands which made her blush more "you have grown to be one beautiful woman princess Emily"

"Yes prince James"blushing which the prince saw

"Can you show me some of the palace I guess I have forgotten"smiling at her

"Yes it would be my pleasure to escort you"

While walking prince James noticed a beautiful face at the back that looks like she was following them.

"Who is she"


"The girl that has been following us"

"She is my personal maid"

"She is beautiful even with the rags"

"Hmmm but she is still a slave and can never be a princess"

The prince did not respond to her and just smiled,he has always hated this side of Emily so haughty but he know he can't do anything.

"Leave us"Emily said to Eleanor due to the way prince James has been looking at her.

"Why did you send her away"

"Umm she needs to give us some privacy"

"Hmm ok I will be heading to my quarters now see you"he said and left

She didn't ask him if he was going to stay in the palace for long,she got angry stomping her feet while she walked to her room.

The weather was cold since it was winter season and princess Emily kept on adorning herself irrespective of the cold.

She got her information from her dad that the prince wil be staying but they were not sure for when he was going to leave the palace.

It got her happy maybe she might make a move on him forgetting she was to marry a man into the palace not the other way round.

Today she wanted the prince to show her how to shoot an arrow.her special maid Eleanor followed her everywhere and today was not an exception.

Though she was insecure about Eleanor she still gave off the princess impression that she can't get the prince when she is here.

Eleanor was at the back of her and was putting on her usual dress which was light enough for breeze to take it off her body.

Prince James has been watching her since they walked inside the room archers used to learn more skills

She has been shivering but she played cool for nobody to notice it but it seems someone noticed it.

"Princess Emily I think your maid might die of the cold let her go get something to wear"prince James interceded on her behalf which she wasn't happy about.

"She is okay am I right Eleanor"looking at her

"Am ok milady,thank you for your concern prince….."

"James prince James"

"There is no need for an introduction she is just a maid or should I say a slave"

"She may be a slave but she is still a human princess Emily"covering her with his coat.

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