
The immortal’s fated bride

I suck at descriptions guys,try it out and you won’t get disappointed. Reincarnated as his bride again after he killed her by himself, she was born with another face and another body not a single memory of her past life was in her. Waiting for her not realizing he had her in his home all this while,thinking she was going to return with the sane face and body after she promised him she was going to reincarnate. Finding out she was the same person he was scared to talk to her or the same mistake that happened years ago was going to resurface again but she kept pushing him to the edge. anticipate the worst my dear readers. hello guys this book is a slow burn romance so you have to be a patient reader to enjoy it. read and find out what happens to their happy ending or sad ending. Note:cover is not mine instagram:author_esther_brown Facebook:Esther.writes1

Esther_Brown_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

chapter 1.Nothing but a slave

"I am sorry milady"said Eleanor

"Shut your mouth when I become the crown princess I will make sure I kick you out from this palace"

"Yes milady"

"Get out from my sight"

While Eleanor was walking away she was called back "go get a rag and come clean my legs you lowly servant"

"Yes milady"

She ran to where they usually kept rags when she stumbled upon a maid "can't you see"asked

"I think she is blind"another said and scoffed beside the one that got hit but Eleanor was unfazed by what was happening she was usually bullied due to her beauty and features which were not normal.

"I see maybe I can make you see with some slap"

"Please can I go through maybe next time I have to meet the princess now"

They were scared of the princess though she was not yet crowned the crown princess still she was haughty.

"Let her go before we turn scape goat"said the other maid beside her

"Hmmmphhh"they walked past her

Eleanor took the rag but before she could arrive at her destination the princess wasn't there.

The princess normally punish those that didn't follow her order and don't behave fast with the work they were given.


"Milady you are called to the court"a maid called her while bowing

"Hmm stay here in case if that girl comes back from where I seng her"

Bowing "milady can I know the girl you are talking about"

"Are you talking back at me"

"No milady I only wish to know her when I see her"

"Hmmph I don't know wait here for her and if you don't get her to wait for me I will punish the both of you"

"Yes milady"bowing her head while the princess left the place

"Who is the girl,I don't even know her name or anything ahhh what am going to do"said the maid that was told to wait for Eleanor


Still standing and looking around when someone called her from behind "was it you the princess was talking about"

"I don't understand"

"Did the princess send you on an errand"

"Yes did she say anything about that"asked Eleanor to the maid

"She said I should tell you to wait for her"


"The prince of archfield is arriving tomorrow to the palace"said the king

Princess Emily's eyes shone which her father the king's brother saw "did he say why he was coming to the palace"asked her father

"No he said he was passing and wanted to pay us a visit"

"Won't it be nice if we propose a marriage between him and my daughter the soon to be crown princess and next queen of this kingdom"

"No we can't propose a marriage since she is going to be queen the man would have to come live here not her going to their kingdom"one of the court members said

King george was so tired to speak he just glared at the people deciding on his kingdom which was not right.

Since his late wife died he couldn't remarry and just ruled wiling to give the kingdom to his brother's daughter.

He sighed loudly for everyone to glare at him since they have been arguing which was not interesting for him to watch.

Silence reigned through the hall "there is no need for that he only said he was passing he never said he wanted a bride for himself"

"But"said his brother

"Silence!"the king said to shut the brother up since he was objecting his decision

"I can't wait for my daughter to become the crown princess for me to take you away from that seat"thought his brother fuming in anger.

"The court is dismissed"everyone left bowing to the king including his brother who was fuming in anger and his daughter who was also angry since she liked the prince of archfield since childhood.

But she didn't know whether he was interested in her or not.he was always behaving nice to her which got her more infatuated with him.

She walked to where she told Eleanor to wait for her. "Ohhh here you are follow me we are going for shopping"

"What about your leg don't you want me to clean it again"

"You can go dismissing the other maid,you follow me"pointing towards Eleanor

"Yes milady"

They shopped the day off spending money on irrelevant things.Eleanor was so tired of carrying all the bags that she jammed the princess on her back.

"Seriously can't you carry this little thing do you want to injure me"

"No milady"

"The prince of archfield is arriving tomorrow so I have to look my best"

Eleanor was so tired she hasn't eaten since morning that she started feeling dizzy "please milady I don't think I would be able to hold this up anymore"

"What?are you expecting me to carry it"

"No milady maybe you should call the coach man to help us carry it inside the carriage"

"Have you eaten today cause you looking like a dead person"

Smiling "am okay milady"she doesn't like when she is been pitied even though she doesn't have a family of her own which got her sad whenever she thought about it.

"Am only caring I don't want to kill anyone,don't think am caring for you or anything am just been compassionate"

"Yes milady"

"Don't you say anything apart from that word like it's really freaking me out"

"Yes milady"

"Enough I don't want to hear anymore"

Though princess Emily was rude and sometimes wicked she still has a kind heart she was only illminded due to what her father usually tell her.

While they were walking Eleanor felt someone staring at her but she couldn't pinpoint the direction the stare was coming from which got her worried.

"Why are you walking fast are you being chased or what"

"Milady I felt someone staring at me"

"Who are you for people to stare at you are nothing but my slave so stop being delusional and carry those things properly hmmph are you a princess or what"

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