
The Idiot's Guide To

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Fate_go_Player · Others
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The Idiot's Guide to Genshin Impact : reborn

?????? : " So... what you're trying to say is that you fell here from another world, but when you wanted to leave and go on to the next world, your path was blocked by some unknown God?"

????? : "heh?"

What the hell?

Where am I?

Didn't I die from that pool loving truck?!

Why am I in this place?

Did I go to heaven?

Is this the garden of Eden?

Well it's green and nice

??????: " um... Excuse me, Paimon Asked you something, sorry is the memory too sad"

I look at the source of the voice and see a little small flying fairly...



????? : "Paimon? "

Paimon: " yes..."

????? : "..... Hold on for a moment"

I walk to the nearby lake and look at my reflection

Blond hair

Boyish build

General Mc clothes..





I'm Aether from the genshin impact mobile/pc game....




I've been reincarnated as Aether...

Paimon : " um.. Are you alright...

Paimon thinks you're acting kinda weird...

Even more so than usual"

Aether: "I'm fantastic just give me moment"

I plunge my head into the lake



I take my head out and breath...

Paimon : " wow that sure made a lot of bubbles, but I don't think you should be goofing around, Paimon really owes you for saving Paimon 2 months ago. Otherwise, Paimon likely would have drowned... So, Paimon will do her best to be a great guide! We should head off. Let's get going!"

Okay let me think for a moment...

I died I reincarnated into genshin impact...

And I'm never gonna see my family again...

I should have told my sister the PC password...

Well at least she won't find my porn collection now....


Okay the best thing I can do now is go with the flow...

I follow Paimon until a slime pops out...

It was cute but it kept attacking me so slashed it with my sword...

Surprisingly it died quickly...

After that I reached a teleport way point and marked my hand on it...

Then it glowed light blue..

Well that's will be usable hopefully in the future...

Paimon kept blabbing on the way

Paimon : "OH WOOOW"

Aether: "what?"

Paimon : " Paimon just thought that this place is beautiful"

Aether: " but haven't you been here before?"

Paimon : "huh"

Aether: "you said you'd be my guide...

And you obviously know where you are going...

Doesn't that mean you've been here before"

Paimon: That's a Statue of The Seven! There are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show The Seven's protection over the world. Among the seven gods, this god controls the wind. Paimon's not sure whether the god you're looking for is the Anemo God, but... Paimon'll take you to the Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why~.

She dodged my question...

Paimon : "as we all know Poetry and language flow like the wind.."

She went back to talking

Got to say I'm getting used to this cute mascot

I wanna pinch her cheeks...

Well I'm excited to touch the statue and get cool fighting powers...

I get closer and touch it...

And I can feel the power of anemo flow withen me...


Paimon got back to blabbing

Paimon : "if we want west from here we'd reach monsdat the city of freedom

Monsdat is the city of the wind so-"

Aether: "wait"

Paimon : "please stop cutting Paimons dialogues

It's very unpleasant"

Aether: " never mind that

You knew there was a city here?"

Paimon : "oh yes"

Aether : " then why have we been wondering in the forest for the last two months

Especially if there was a close habitat nearby"

Paimon : "...."

Aether : "....."

Paimon : "....."

Aether: "huh.. You're right

Why didn't we come here earlier

Well no crying over spilled milk

Lets goooo"

And just like that she avoided my question again...

Ah well...


Aether : " hey it's Devalin"

Paimon : " you know who he is?"

Aether: "ummm....yep"

Paimon: " I thought you said you weren't here before"

Aether : "oh look food"

Paimon: "WHERE?!"

I dodged the question

Aether: " well we should probably get away from that dragon"

Paimon : " really, we will not check it out"

Aether: "No no no no no

That's a big a** dragon

I'm a generic anime boy

So unless I have a revival option I'm not doing anything stupid

And even if I do have that option I'd rather not take the pain anyway"

Paimon: "well... I guess that makes sense"

Chapter End