
Chapter 30

" you?" Yoona exclaimed but not loud enough for Shiyi to listen.

Shiyi looked at her shocked. But then stretched out her hand , " Hi I'm Lan Shiyi. Nice to meet you." She gave a friendly smile . But Yoona for some reason was very uncomfortable all on a sudden. She shook hands with her then took the seat Ning asked her to .

All of them were sitting eating dinner. The atmosphere was quite lovely for Ning Ruan and Li Han but at the same time it was almost like a drought for Yoona and Cheng Xiao. And a storm for Shiyi. Liyan on the other hand was trying to figure out the situation.

" So Shiyi tell us more about your job. How does it feel to treat so many people?" Ning Ruan asked eagerly.

" It's very nice to help people. Especially when we pass them good news. " Suddenly Yoona threw up all the water in her mouth.

" Oh God did you choke yourself? Eat slowly Yoona."

Cheng took some tissue and helped her while both of their faces were pale as white.