
Chapter 25

" come let's sit down. " She took his hand then leaded the way to her living room . He enjoys her this side. When she acts cute and applies her dominance on him.

" You know, no one has ever cared for me like this. When I was young mom and dad were away from me . I never got that kind of care even if I was burning up with fever."

For the first time ever she opened up to him. Before this she would always put a barrier between them. But now it slowly seems to fade away.

" I'm glad that you told me." he patted her head then gently caressed her swollen check.

" Isn't it getting late? Or don't you plan on going home?"

" What if I say yes?" He replied with a teasing smirk on his face. She frowned then lightly pushed him away.

" I forgot to ask why did you come here? You needed something?"

" Oh I almost forgot to tell you. Are you free next Friday? My parents want to meet you."

She became a little nervous as he mentioned his parents.