
The Ice princesses

This is one of my works in progress, I hope you enjoy, leave comments of what you think or some tips to help me. This is my first story to be shared so I hope you enjoy. Join Jill, Jaya, and Kay as they overcome many challenging trials that are thrown their way, Includes what all Fantasy needs, Dragons, Vamps, Demons, angels, and other cool beings. ___________________________ I'm sorry to say but I won't be able to update like I was....I've been having problems with my wrist for quite some time, I finally went to the doctors and I have Carpal Tunnel, now I have to keep a wrist brace on for the next 3 weeks, its quite irritating but if it makes the pain stop then I will do it. Uploaded on Mondays till further notice.

IceValkyrie · Others
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24 Chs


Once upon a time, there were three sisters. Of Jaya, Kay, and Jill, Jill was the most powerful for she has a secret that none of their subjects know. Jaya was the smartest, for she could outsmart an Ice Wyrm in any situation. Kay was the wildest of the three, she could wrestle with an Ice bear and still have tons of energy. The three of them shared the responsibility of ruling the kingdom for their mother, Arya, who was deathly ill. She had a sickness of blood. The true royal blood line would show when they turned sixteen. They would all turn sixteen tomorrow for they are triplets. They had a younger brother named Oscar. Oscar was always in trouble because of his habits, for he loved to strip all his clothing from his body and run through the castle. All the servants avoided him but Jill, Jaya, and Kay hung out with him nevertheless. Oscar had a friend named Kyle, and boy, he was more trouble than Oscar. Kyle always told Jokes...and I mean ALWAYS told them. Most of them were bad ones. He brakes stuff at the castle too. Like Jill's antique Ice Fox vase, Kyle and Oscar were playing Soccer in the hallway when Kyle became enraged, "BANKI" he shouted as he spun around with his arms out and sliced through Jill's Vase as clean as if a sword had cut it, then it fell to the ground and shattered into a thousand pieces.

Let me know what you think! This is my first story I've ever shared with people besides my best friend.

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