
The i-Stalker

A young and rising male star in the Philippines became popular until a series of e-mails, and social accounts bearing his name, websites and prank calls started eroding the trust and confidence of people around him, especially his manager and employer. Determined to find out who is the culprit of these all, he returned to his hometown in New York only to find out that he’s the object of investigation happening in his hometown. The puzzling pieces of events turned into a nightmare when the culprit started calling him and demanding conditions in order for him to recover his fledgling career and life. Later, the star disappeared from limelight.

alphonsuscorpus · Urban
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21 Chs

I Have a New Job!

Chapter 5:

Whatever happened to Cynthia Basilio's Pinoy Broadcasting Network?

It turned out that it is a rival network of MHTBN and have a cutthroat competition with them. The MHTBN, according to Cynthia managed to get wind of me when she showed my earlier Instagram Posts to the PBN Talent Manager but was a bit cold to the idea so she stopped until my pictures went viral in the social media, especially in FB that they immediately sent me the invitation.

Cynthia was shocked when I called her after my talk with Nichole Regidor and my parents. Vicky (Victoria) Regidor (my other sister) wasn't keenly interested in my career but my parents started to arguing as to where I got my looks. My mom told me I got my looks from her brother (my uncle who still lives in the Philippines), but my father said I got my looks from him. Of course, I am his son!

So how did my friends take the news? Aside from some bashers in the SocMed itself, my friends were so extremely supportive and Jerri even offered to shoulder my Manila expenses which I declined of course.

Then a call came to me from PBN. Its Claire Ruth Medica, and she was looking for Jaiveer Regidor.


JAI: Hello?

CLAIRE: Hello! May I talk with Jaiveer Basilio Regidor?

JAI: Speaking.

CLAIRE: Wow, you even have a sexy voice.

JAI: Thank you!

CLAIRE: May I go to business?

JAI: Sure.

CLAIRE: I saw your Instagram posts and I was impressed by the way you carry yourself. Would you be interested in doing modeling for us?

JAI: Modeling?

CLAIRE: Men's clothing.

JAI: Would you allow me to give your offer a little time?

CLAIRE: This afternoon maybe? It's a done deal once you call me a second time. This is my number.

JAI: Thank you.

CLAIRE: Anytime. Just call back.

JAI. Okay, Madam.

CLAIRE: Ok. I'll wait till afternoon.

So, she hung-up and I closed my call.

Nichole then said what I was supposed to say, "When it rains, it pours!"

"Nichole? Just shut up, please?"