

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter twenty-two


I pulled away from the kiss discreetly wiping my lips, I look over at Iris and she's staring at the ground uncomfortably, shit.

"Baby?" I asked softly and she looked up at me giving me a quick glance of her eyes which were glowing, I gasped, Kris peeped over my shoulder.

"Shit Iris, go in the Kitchen" She said rushing into the house with Iris following behind her.

"what the fuck was that about?" Tiffany scoffs

"I don't even know" I said still shocked, and it was true, I honestly don't know what I just saw.

"I don't know why you fuck with her, she's so weird, and you haven't known her that long either, She's not that pretty and she's not that skinny, she-" 

"Jesus Tiffany, shut the fuck up" I cut in and she stared at me

"what?" she said softly, surprised

"I said shut the fuck up, She's so much prettier than you will ever be, and she is skinny, there's a difference ya know, she's skinny and curvy and you're a fucking twig, now if you'll excuse me" I said angrily before I stormed into the house after Iris.

I walk into the kitchen and I see Iris looking down with tears in her eyes and my heart shattered.

"Iris, what was that?" I asked and she shook her head.

"nothing, I'm leaving" she says grabbing her swim suite off of the chair, I acted quickly and grabbed her wrist.

"No don't leave I'm sorry I was just trying to make her happy" I said and I coulda sworn I heard her, growl?

"You're supposed to make me happy Xander, not that bitch, you have no idea what it's like watching her hang all over you and I can't rip her fucking throat out, It hurts Xander" my shoulders slump once I realized how badly I've hurt her, I look at anything but her eyes, I refuse to see the true hurt. 

"I know Iris I'm sorry" I say with my head down.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, YOU'RE MY MATE" she yells and my head snaps up to look at her, her eyes glowing an ocean blue, I remember those eyes, I shiver at the memory of the beautiful white wolf.

"Those eyes" I say, her eyes continue to blaze with a mixture of emotions, anger, hurt, pride, her eyes are, beautiful. 

She turns and bolts out of the house leaving me and Kris in the living room, Kris gulps nervously before turning to me.

"Please don't tell anyone, I beg of you" she says grabbing my hands and my expression softens.

"I would never" I say and she seems to relax, before letting me go and walking towards the door.

"I'm gonna go wait at home for her, tell Kaylee I had to leave" she says racing out of the front door,I had a feeling that just didn't sit right with me, but I ignored it I ran to where everyone else still was.

"Tiffany you need to leave" I said angrily and she looked at me

"but why?" she pouts and I rake my fingers through my hair

"Because I said so now get the fuck out of my damn house" I barked and she flinched before collecting her stuff and walking into the house, I wait until I hear the front door shut to speak.

"Devon can you excuse yourself as well?" I asked plopping down on the seat rubbing my face, he just shrugged before heading inside and out the front door.

"she's a wolf" I said and everyone gasped

"what?" Harper said and I nodded my head confirming my last statement.

"Jesus I never would of known" Jack says and everyone agrees

"wait so that means her sisters a wolf too?" Chase said 

"yup" I popped out the P

"jesus" he responds.

"It gets worse" I said and they all looked at me.

"The one that I saw with Devon, was her" my voice choked and Harper gasped.

"So she knows" Harper said and I nodded as tears pricked my eyes, I hated Hunting, I hated doing that to wolves, to people, thats what they were, people who could turn into wolves, or the other way around but it doesn't matter. I'm forced to do this, just like the rest of us, my dad is the leader of our "group" he uses me, to hunt them, I hate myself for it.

"But she never said anything this whole time, she obviously doesn't care about it" Trinity says trying to cheer me up and I smiled at the thought.

"yeah, I hope so, I can't lose her guys" I choked out and Harper came over and hugged me.

"You are not going to loose her, she cares about you way too much to leave you" she says and I plop my head in her shoulder letting the tears fall freely, I've never been an emotional person, but just the thought of possibly losing Iris makes me want to curl up and die.

"she said I was her mate Harper, and look how I've treated her, look how I made her feel" I say as I cling to her shirt.

"that's a good thing though, her being your mate I mean, it means she will be drawn to you no matter what" she says and I wipe my eyes before clearing my throat and standing up abruptly.

"Tiffany, I want her gone" I say coldly and Jack stands up

"we can't just like, kill her" he says and I look at him

"I know, but I want her away from me and I want her to stay the fuck away from Iris or I swear to god I'll kill her" I said with a snarl 

"well how are we supposed to do that?" he says sarcastically and dramatically

"figure it out" I say before heading up to my room and going to bed


I woke up to a loud ringing before I realized it was my phone, I answered it groggily.

"hello?" I didn't check the number before I answered.

"Xander?" I heard a scared female voice and I shot up 

"yes? who is this?" I said before I heard panting

"It's Kris, I'm sorry to call so late at night but I didn't know who else to call, I got your number from Iris' phone" she said and I heard a whimper before she covered it up.

"Kris are you okay?" I asked

"sorry my wolf Amora is going crazy along with me, see I waited for Iris to get home but she never did so I went out looking for her and found her phone on the side of the road, I thought maybe she dropped it and so she'd come back to the house, but she never did, it's three in the morning and she's not home yet, my dads going crazy, we have no idea where she is, I'm scared" she starts to cry, and I start getting dressed.

"Shit don't worry Kris I'm gonna find her I promise" I said and she sniffled

"I don't know if she's in wolf form or Human form" she said 

"I'll look out for both, What's her wolfs name?" I ask 

"Athena" she said

"okay thank you, I have to go find her" I said quickly before hanging up and dialing the group chat call, everyone slowly answered with their tired 'hellos'

"guys we have a situation" I say quickly and out of breathe from the ball of nerves building up in the center of the chest.

"what's wrong?" Quinn says

"Iris, we can't find her, Kris just called me, I want all of you out there looking for her, look for either her or a white wolf, use the name Athena, now GO!" I yelled

"yes sir" they said in unison

"and don't go back home until MY MATE IS FOUND!!" I growled.