

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter twenty-three


I raced to my truck as fast as I could, I didn't even know where to look, was she roaming the streets or roaming the woods? I had no clue.

I drove around for about an hour before my patience starting running thin, where the fuck was she? I couldn't help but feel like this is somehow my fault, I should've just told Tiffany to fuck off sooner.

I parked my truck on the side of the road lining the woods, I hopped out of my truck and started to speed walk through the trees, dodging the low branches with ease.

"IRIS!!!!!" I screamed into the empty forest, I know this makes me sound like some dumb cliche guy in a horror movie but I couldn't care less right now, the only thing on my mind was getting my damn mate back.

"ATHENA!!!" I tried Iris' wolfs name incase she was in wolf form, I continued to walk around until the sun started to rise.

"fuck this" I mumbled as I stripped my clothes off, I stood there forcing my bones to move, it's been so long since I shifted, I felt my back crack and I groaned in pain, my arms and legs cracked and I fell to the ground as a mixture of pain and relief circled throughout my body, It took about ten minutes to fully shift since I haven't in a long time, I stood there in wolf form, midnight black fur with piercing green eyes, I picked up my clothes in my mouth and started to run, sniffing for her sweet scent, Lilac and honey.

I continued to run for about 15 minutes before I picked up her delicious scent, I followed it all the way to a creek and I laid low and kept still, listening for any sounds and looking out for her, I started to hear whimpering.

I followed the sound all the way to the edge of the creek, and there lied Iris, naked and bloodied, any other time I would have loved to see her naked but as of right now my main focus was on making sure she was okay.

"Iris?" I went to go speak before I realized I was not only in wolf form but I had my clothes in my mouth still, so I dropped the clothes and she looked up at me with tear filled eyes, she moved a bit from her fetal position allowing me to see the long gash that went down the side of her stomach, the blood oozing out of her and it looked like she was in immense pain.

I quickly shifted into human form and threw on my boxers quickly, her eyes widened before she whimpered in pain again curling into fetal position, I swiftly wrapped my flannel around her naked body and picked her up making her wince in pain and cry even harder, I held her to my chest and I ran in the direction of my truck, she clutched onto my shoulder.

"It hur-hurts Xander" she cried in my shoulder and I picked up my pace. 

"hang on baby, I'm gonna get you help" I said softly and she nodded her head slowly before her eyes started to close and she started to go limp.

"no no no, Baby keep your eyes open I'm almost to the truck" I said and she opened her eyes to look at me before she went completely limp in my arms.

"FUCK!!" I screamed as I reached my truck, I gently and quickly put her in the back seat before hopping in the drivers seat and pulling away dialing Kris' number.

"hello? Xander?" she said 

"Kris, I found her" I said out of breath and I heard her sigh

"thank god is she okay?" she asked and the fact that I genuinely didn't know if she would be made me choke on my own tears.

"She was hurt badly Kris, she was bleeding an-and now she's passed out, I'm bringing her to the hospital" I cried out as a couple of stray tears fell.

"no don't, they'll do blood work, bring her to the pack house, where you dropped her off after you guys first date, we have a pack doctor, please hurry" she said and I hung up making a quick U turn since the house was in the other direction.


I arrived at her house within half an hour, I grabbed her from the back seat making sure the flannel was secured around her before rushing up the steps and slamming open the front door, her dad quickly came into view.

"oh my god, SOMEBODY GET THE DOCTOR!" he screamed as he went to take Iris out of my hands and I growled at him as his eyes widened in realization.

"I need to take her Xander" the doctor said as he ran over, I reluctantly let him take her leaving me in my boxers, covered in her blood, I watched as the doctor took Iris down the hall and around the corner disappearing from sight.

"What's happening?" Jasper asked as him and a lot of other people whom I didn't even know existed came running down the stairs.

"why are you here?" Jasper snarled at me and I stood up grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and slamming him into a wall.

"I'm here because my mate was found hurt, now shut the fuck up pretty boy before I cut your dick off since you decided to stick it in what wasn't yours" I growled out lowly before letting go of his shirt and going to sit back on the couch.

"I'd watch yourself human" he growled out and I stared at him letting my glowing with anger eyes prove that he's the one who should watch himself.


Kris came walking out from around the corner of where the doctor had taken Iris, it had been about two hours since they took her in there, Kris was crying deeply and my stomach dropped.

"Kris what wrong?" I asked slowly standing up and she whimpered.

"Iris is in a coma"