
The Hopeless Hero

Hiro Satomi is a 20 year old university student in Tokyo with a life of nothing but stress constantly killing him on the inside. Xylvia is a 22 year old therianthrope cat-girl traveling through continent after continent in hopes of finding a place of belonging. These two are from different worlds, both trying to find meaning in there lives. That is, until they finally meet and go on an adventure.

Kuro_Kaen · Fantasy
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31 Chs


"I feel violated…" I mumbled as Xylvia helped me to the cafeteria.

"You're still upset about that," Xylvia sighed. "I already said I'm sorry… What more do you want?"

"I'm just trying to annoy you."

I chuckled a bit. Xylvia pouted a little, but then just rolled her eyes and smiled as well. It was the Fourth Section (about 10:45), and Xylvia was dragging me, or carrying me, to the cafeteria to get the discounted lunches again. Though I was getting a little tired of the food here, it was still pretty tasty.

As time went by, Xylvia would then start to teach me about how the time works here. We had already gone over Sections, so she started to move onto Sides (seasons), Cycles (days), Rows (weeks), Galleries (years), and when they ended. Cycles had 10 Sections (approximately 2.4 hours per section if we used Earth's time measurements), a Row had ten Cycles (so basically ten days a week), and a Side has ninety Cycles, or nine rows (which would be 90 days a season, or 9 weeks a season). And just like Earth, there were four Sides.

She would then teach me about all countries in this continent, which she also told me was called Myaria. The country we were in was called 'Calistor.' The capital of this country, the City of Colors, also happened to be the capital of Myaria since Goddess Gleam resided here. Kinda weird that this was the country's capital since Calistor was on the far right side of Myaria. The other countries were known as Eveden, Jalavin, Fellrow, Balrin, Ginjavel, and Salroy.

Xylvia came from Tallisco, a small Fellinian dominant town in Fellrow, which also happened to be a Felinian dominant country. Each country had their own holiday called [insert name of country's] Founding. All countries celebrate each other's founding, but not as much as their own founding.

There was also Gleaming Row, a Row which is dedicated to Gleam where feasts, games, and drinking stretches on through night and day. This wouldn't come for a long while though.

We are currently in a Side known as Spice. This Side is called Spice because it's the Side where spices grow in abundances in the Deep Forrest where it's safe to collect without worrying about running into Corrupt. The next Side would be the Scorch Side, where the weather gets to a really hot point, then the Flower Side (the Side where flowers and rain are extremely frequent to grow and occur), and the Frost Side which is usually one massive snowstorm that can last several Rows.

Each Side has a holiday that's celebrated during their first Row. Depending on which Side it currently is will determine how people celebrate.

"That's pretty much it," Xylvia shrugged as she practically inhaled her food. "You'll learn more about them in detail once you get the chance to experience them, but for now just know that they exist."

"Man, that is a lot to remember," I sighed leaning back after taking in all that information. "Well, at least it's not as bad as the ridiculous number of holidays we had back at home."

"Wouldn't that be a good thing?"

"It would if they weren't just scattered all over the place. Like, who the hell wants a holiday on a Wednesday?"

"What's a Wednesday?"

"Basically one of the days in a week. Back in my world, a Cycle is called a day and a Row is called a week."

"But…day is when the sun's up."

"Don't worry about it. Just know that holidays back in my world are weird."

Definitely didn't want to get involved in that conversation. At least, not when I don't have the patience to even try. Maybe some other time I'll share stories about my world to her.

I wanted to get something done. The ideas began pouring into my head all at once. Clothes shopping. Trying some different food. Maybe talk to some other people even if they do cover their ears in front of me.

Xylvia also told me about something called Pick and Pocket where you go out and do miscellaneous tasks to earn some quick money. It's a bit annoying, but pays pretty decently.

Though as fun as all that sounded in my head, reality quickly came barging in to let me know how difficult trying to do any of that would be. And it came from the small ache I felt in my non-existent left leg. I've heard of a thing called phantom pain where you'd feel the pin of a limb you lost even if it wasn't there anymore. While it wasn't that bad, it definitely was noticeable and a little annoying.

What'll I do if I can't even walk. I can't keep relying on Xylvia. Do prosthetics exist in this world? I'd rather not be in a wheelchair. Or maybe those don't even exist here either.

"Hey Xyl," I spoke up to the cat-girl stuffing her gourd. "Do you know what a prosthetic is?"

"Nope. Never heard of that." She answered in between bites.

"Well maybe you know it, but you use a different word for it. Like, it's basically a fake limb built out of parts."

"A wrench limb?"

It's called a Wrench Limb?

"I-I guess. Do you know where I can find one?"

Xylvia nodded, but had a sad look on her face.

"Unfortunately it's too expensive for either of us to afford one right now. The parts to make them are extremely rare to find because of how restricted the searching grounds for them are. Damn Corrupt keep messing things up. If only we could expand the search a little more, we could find materials a lot easier and then they wouldn't be as expensive."

"How much are they?" I asked with a nervous feeling.

"Three Tracers." She mumbled.

"Three?! Aren't those like really rare?"

"Yep. It'll take forever to convert that from Hexes since One Tracer is equivalent to 500 Hex. And you're still new to your job, so you won't earn as much for bit. And on top of that, you might even lose some Sections off your shifts since you lost a limb."

500 Hex for one Tracer. I'm making 4 Hex a Section. 500 divided by 4 is 125 Sections I'd have to work for one of those. Multiplied by three would be 375 Sections which is 37.5 Cycles. However, I don't think Zig will give me more than two Cycles a Row and only like three Sections a Cycle. So 6 Sections a Row and multiply that by 4 to get 24 Hex a Row. And 500 divided by 24 would be about 21 Rows.

210 Cycles it would take me just be be a third of the way there. 630 Cycles is almost two YEARS (which are called Galleries). That's how long it would take me to have enough for a prosthetic leg. And even if I do get that, I'd have to spend at least another Gallery to try and get used to walking and running with it.

I mean yeah, I'll be moving up with promotions and my pay will be increased substantially. However, I'm not really sure how big a difference it'll be. Maybe sheds off half a Gallery or so, but that's still such a long wait. And during that long wait, I won't at all be able to adventure.

"You ok Hiro?" Xylvia asked me.


I looked up her her. She bore a worrying expression.

"Oh, yeah, I-I'm just…I was spacing out a bit. I'm sorry."

"Spacing…oh! Deep in your own head?"

"Yeah. Something like that."

"Still worried about your leg?"

She didn't even have to ask. I could tell from the look on her face that she knew exactly what was bothering me. I guess it wasn't really that hard to figure out since that incident happened just yesterday.

"I swear Hiro, we can figure this out." She said to me again.

"I've already figured it out," I said. "It'll take me almost two Galleries to get enough to for that 'Wrench Limb' with what I'm getting paid. Of course I might get promotions and stuff, but it'll still be while before I can start doing anything."

"Yeah, that sounds about right. If you had no help that is."

I stopped myself from lowering my head back down when she said that.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a little scared of the answer.

"Hiro, you and I along with that Wanderer both found all those people who were trapped in that cave. You got help and came back for us. And in the process, you lost your leg. Did you really think that we wouldn't help you out?"

"I…didn't really think about that. I mean…wait, no. I…I didn't-"

"-ask for help," she finished. "I know, but that doesn't mean we won't help. Everyone's happy about what you did."

It was right there when I had finally noticed the weird silence.

"Where is everyone, I wonder," Xylvia asked sarcastically. "Maybe we should go and look for them."

She stood up from her seat, her crimson red hair flowing beautifully with her every move, and lifted me up from my seat. Again, in a princess carry. Still embarrassing, but all of my focus was on Xylvia.

"My guess is everyone is right outside this door." Xylvia said as she reached for the door that led outside into the city.

Her blood red eyes looked serious, yet playful. She bore a smile from he soft, glistening lips. The side of my stomach could feel a fast, rhythmic beat that showed no sign of either stopping or slowing down. A hidden excitement that was masked by a simple smile on her face.

This look on Xylvia's face would forever be stamped in my head. And I considered myself a complete idiot for only just now realizing how stunningly beautiful she really is. Even more beautiful than what I thought last night.

She is beautiful. Her walk, her smile, her eyes, her hair, her smell, her voice. All of it had completely filled my head to the brim. I couldn't think of focus on anything else. Even if I tried, I just couldn't get her out of my head. Even if I could turned my brain off for a bit, I think she would still be there.

Why do I love this so much? Being carried like this is embarrassing, but I love this feeling.

But why? Do I like being protected by her?

Her hands are so gentle. I wish I could hold them. Why do I want to hold them?

I can't calm down. No matter how hard I try. And even when I feel like I'm getting closer, the smell of vanilla from her body ends up filling my head and flooding it with everything about her again. What is this feeling? Why is Xylvia all I can think about right now?

I suddenly began to feel another rhythmic beat. One that beat even harder and faster than Xylvia. At first, I couldn't tell where it was coming from. At least, until I placed my right hand on my chest and felt the beating of my own heart pounding. My skin was on fire and my beating heart was choking me. I couldn't stop shaking. I feel like I need to move. I need to run, shout, do something to get this feeling out of my system.

When the doors that led out to the city opened, I could hear what sounded like a crowd of people all talking at once.

"Hey, I was right," Xylvia said. "Everyone really is out here."

When the crowd of people saw us, they all quickly hushed. One of them walked up to us. It was Catherine.

"Catherine, I'm glad to see you're ok." I said with relief washing over me.

"I am feeling a lot better now, despite a few aches here and there," Catherine smiled. "You weren't so lucky though…"

A sad look developed on her face when she looked over at my missing leg.

"I was just a little slow," I said, trying to play it off. "Still really sore, and the rest of my leg is still pretty numb, but I'll be fine."

"You don't look like you're fine."

I figured she knew that already.

"Why're you all here like this?" I asked to avoid an awkward silence.

"We wanted to thank you…for saving us." Catherine said.

An elderly man with a cane and a top hat began to step forward. His grey beard, heavy eyelids, and wrinkly skin showed wisdom and experience. He also bore what looked to be a basic leather tunic with a grey short sleeve underneath and old, black pants with silver boots. He carried a large, long, brown package underneath his left arm.

"It's been many Galleries since we've seen a Summon come to this world, and many more since I've seen a Summon fight like you," the old man said. "I've had my doubts about you, but after hearing about you from Zig I thought I'd give you a chance. And I'm glad I did, because you turned out to be that Summon who found and rescued us. And for that, I give you my thanks."

Thousands of "thank you's" and some clapping could be heard throughout the crowd. I felt a little overwhelmed by their appreciation, but I couldn't help but smile warmly at them. Being praised like this was still new to me, but is welcoming.

"Allow me to introduce myself, the old man continued after everyone finished. "My name is Elroy Skulcoff. I was a General for Gleam's army long ago during the Separation War. I've spent most of my life studying the bodies of almost every race known in this world and used that knowledge to fight our opponents. After my retirement, I went on to become a Healer. Studying more and more on how to repair one's vital system instead of destroying them in battle."

So he's like that female doctor that helped heal my leg?

"However, I had never had the opportunity to study the body of a Summon. At least, until the last one was brought to me. While that sorry excuse for a man was a waste of space, he at least provided me with crucial information after his death to the Corrupt. I had asked Gleam if that man was from the same world you were and she said yes, so I was free to make this."

Elroy then took the package that was secured under his left arm and handed it to Catherine, who then placed it on the ground in front of Xylvia and I and opened it. Inside, was a metal prosthetic leg with multiple wires and bolts attached inside of the metal casings.

"One of the civilians who you freed ran over to the castle and told Gleam that everyone was found…and that the ones who found them was a Wanderer, a girl with flame powers, and you," Elroy smiled. "In the middle of the night, this whole crowd of people stood in front of my shop and each held a Hex piece in their hand while asking for me to make a Wrench Limb for you. While it was enough money, I simply declined the money and said that I'd make it for free. I've been wanting to put that thing to work for Galleries and now I've finally got the opportunity to see if it works."

I stammered and stuttered over my words, trying to form a simple sentence to speak out. The words, however, just wouldn't come out. I choked on them, and then replaced them with tears and a smile.

"Told you we'd think of something." Xylvia smiled.

Elroy walked over with his cane and crouched down to lift up the Wrench Limb. Xylvia also gently laid me down to the ground.

"First, I'll numb the area where your leg was severed," Elroy said as he traced his fingers across the swollen red stump. "These sharp ends on the top of the limb will pierce through your skin and reach to your flesh and bones as I try to attach each wire inside. You'll see a bit of blood, but I'll control the flow of it so that you don't lose a lot ok?"

Hearing the process made me shake a little, but I trusted this man enough to know that he wanted to help. If even Xylvia trusts this, then that's enough for me. Though, I looked away from the attachment since I was still not used to seeing blood.

I could feel the cold metal inside my body along with the pressure being applied, but not thing hurt. It was weird though, feeling the veins and muscle being attached to the wires and metal. I believe there are seven deep veins in my legs? I can't remember the names of them though. I think one of them is called the Femoral vein, which is the most important one I believe.

I wonder if any of that knowledge I had learned in my old world will still be useful here. A lot of it is probably the same, just with different words and definitions for them.

"Ok, now I'll need to cauterize it," Elroy said. "Hmm, I always had an assistant to help me with this part. I don't have my tool either and I can't move away. Oh, miss, you're good with Fire right?"

"Need some help?" Xylvia asked.

"Uh, y-yes, I need you to cauterize the skin onto the metal and everything will be done. After that, I'll just form a pseudo-skin around the limb and he'll be all set."

I watched as Elroy pointed to Xylvia where she should focus her magic. The heat was a little intense at first, but I was quickly distracted by the serious look on Xylvia's face. Determined and gentle was all I could see reflected from her eyes, as if she were in her own world where it was just me and her. Along with the words from Elroy as well.

I felt my heart pounding again. I didn't even mind seeing a bit of my own blood dripping down from my stump. Such a beautiful, determined girl. A gentle face and expressive eyes. Attractive lips and an addicting scent. Crimson red hair waving and falling a little off her shoulders every time she leaned in.

That burning feeling came back to me again. The light conversation from the crowd had been completely mute to me. Elroy's words went in and out of my ears. The light dripping of blood and hearty cackle of the flames never reached my ears either.

All I could focus on at this very moment was Xylvia.

I don't even think the few words I muttered reached my ears either. At least, until I felt the words I was muttering with my mouth.

"I love you…"

Xylvia looked to already be done. She looked up at me and said-

"Could you say that again?"