
The Holy Chronicles of Baator

"One day I woke up as Zeoticus Gremory with my A.I. Architect. Thus I decided to set a new goal, to stand at the top of the Universe." *** Enormous AU DxD, Cultivation Elements (like MGE and WMW), Cross-Over, Self-insert, World Building, Kingdom Building, Wars, Polygamy, Slow-Romane at Start, Multiple Universes, not every chapter is fight or war, no pokemon catching, no MC centric novel... Read them and think before you start reading something that you know you won't like and then review and comment how you don't like something that has been tagged already... Such comments and reviews will be instantly deleted *** And for those who still don't understand it, then only this for them: How would Ramsay say: "Fuck off donkeys" From now on deleting all reviews that are bad because of the cultivation element or multiple worlds or due to something mentioned in warnings and disclaimer (basically everything that people are complaining about despite being warned about that)... is in the description and tags so you have been warned. The reason is... that is not reviewing or commenting but just whining and hating cause some people don't have something they like, it is not even objective but just based on the existence of cultivation elements alone.

Trafford · Anime & Comics
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582 Chs

Baatorian Jihad (3)

I swung my staff forward as tens of magic circles appeared around me, shining in a menacing crimson color, as Magicule Particles started swirling around me.

Suddenly, all of the magic circles lit up, and a wave of destructive energy was created from the Nuclear Magic Rule centered around Dawn Lord and me, at he was being hit from all sides by Nuclear Beams.

Nuclear Magic Rule was the most destructive power I had in my arsenal, aside from my Path, The End, which I didn't really want to utilize, as it could destroy or rather Devour the entire Heavenly Plane because The End was the personification of endless devouring and destructive power.

Countless Nuclear Beams hit the Divine Kingdom of the newly "created" Dawn Lord. It started showing cracks all around as Dawn Lord summoned his Divine Legions, which were upgraded from the enormous surge of the Divine Power and grew to a frightening level, where even the weakest was at Tier 8. Countless of them were at Tier 9 with combat prowess comparable to the Warlock Monarch.

"Let's try something new, shall we?"

I asked with a grin as I used the newest part of my True Name that I got bestowed by the Baator after I reached Lord-Class, the Satanistoria.

I activated the True Name Satanistoria, as it enveloped not only the entire area where I fought with the Dawn Lord but the entire Heavenly Plane and the entire area where the war was going on.

Purgatory Furnace - The resentment and grudges of the souls are pulled out by Hellfire, which burns the deeds of the souls to use as a source of energy. When actively used, all Souls would flock to the Name Bearer in the vicinity and would be used as Fuel.

I aimed Atiesh at the Divine Legions of the Dawn Lord and his Angel Armies, as an enormous wall made from the Destruction Energy enveloped them entirely, obliterating several tens of thousands of Divine Soldiers and Angels from existence.

Usually, when Divine Soldier or Angel belonging to some God is killed, his Soul would be automatically collected by the Divine Kingdom, resurrected, and be ready to fight now once.

Though now, around 100,000 Souls were drawn to me as they entered my body, where the ferocious Hellfire located in my Soul Space burned them all and fueled them to the purest Soul Energy, which I instantly used to for myself.

In a split of a second, I deployed the God and Devil Domain which immediately boosted up all of my combat prowess and power level tremendously.

At the same time, Dawn Lord roared in rage, seeing that his precious Divine Soldiers were killed for good, and on top of that, he lost even several hundreds of Tier 8 and Tier 9 Angels, which was a big hit for him.

With the help of the Purgatory Furnace from Satanistoria, all Souls that were killed on the battlefield, not belonging to the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, were collected by the Satanistoria, refined in the Purgatory Furnace, and were immediately used to boost up my spells, greatly increasing their combat prowess.

A large part of God's power stemmed from the might of his Divine Kingdom and the strength of his Divine Legions. While this was not common knowledge even among gods, and only very powerful or old gods knew of this, there existed a method that allowed God to borrow the power of his Divine Legions and Angels or even devour them to increase his own power.

Additionally, the Divine Legions and Angels generated an enormous amount of Power of Faith for their God, so being permanently killed was detrimental for God in the long run.

My acts were quickly noticed not only by the Gods that were subordinates of the Dawn Lord but, most importantly, by the forces of the Chthonian Empire, as they adjusted their strategies to my acts, so kill as many of Divine Legions, Warlocks, and other of Sunrise Alliance to allow me to collect even more souls.

The Dawn Gods were deeply in distress as they watched their Divine Legions being slaughtered by ferocious bombardment from the Void Fleets and by Sardaukar Forces and Khaos Brigade; some of the weaker Gods already were killed by the experts in the two Elite forces of the Imperialis Militarum.

Heavenly Plane itself was under ferocious siege from 1st Army Pillars and 2nd Army Luna Wolves as they stormed the plane under the leadership of their two Lord Generals, who both were Tier 10 Powerhouses.

Though only newly advanced, it was enough, as there had a ton of experiences and even the best artifacts and equipment the Empire had so that they could hold their own against Great Step Holy Spirit Warlocks and gang on them and kill them with strategy and numbers.

Unfortunately for the invading forces, the Heavenly Plane was very well fortified, with defenses being strong, and defenders were fighting like hell as they were fighting for their survival.

1st Army Pillars fought disciplined and with meticulous approach, as they cleaned fortress after fortress, defense trench after defense trench, and overcame all defenders, as they left only dead bodies where they have passed, as they were approaching the Dawn Continent, where the HQ of the Sunrise Alliance was located.

On the contrary 2nd Army, the Luna Wolves, fought like berserker warriors, destroying and slaughtering everything in their way, not causing collateral damage, as they came like a tsunami, taking everything in their way.

With their familiar, the Stygian Wolves, which was a scarce breed of wolf-like magical beast. They were five-time bigger than the average wolf and were born at the Warrior Level, and by adulthood, they reached Grand Commander Level.

This made them a favorite familiar of the stronger members of the Luna Wolves Army, and thanks to the Stygian Wolves, they were best at tracking enemies, and no enemy could ever find himself from the keen senses of the Stygian Wolf.

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