

"Ugh my head"

I felt as if something sharp was going through my back as if it had been opened and left so that I could feel the pain. The confusion shook me a moment before several memories hit me, a mission with minimal information save humans, then a guy in a black suit with green white hair and circular lenses and a white woman with red lines from those images all It was more confusing were fights but sometimes they were different and equal cities in flames robot some different people fighting the same scene and failing at the end the same.

"In the madness that I got this time."

"where I am? He gasped, sitting gasping pain for a second and pushing his hand to the back of his head "damn it. What hit me? "

Something sharp bit his hand "AY!"

"CAW!" The little black thing screams angry, in shock or maybe just angry without thinking that his prey was now awake. He lived to peck the neck or try. Ryōma's hand came loose and caught his neck. I'm looking for something to hit him before he decided to simply hit the little thing against the ground beneath him, killing him on impact.

He wobbled a moment later, limpid the hands of the black thing that remained while dissolving into nothingness. His head felt clearer, completely fine, even. There was no headache. Only stupid ever again trying to kill him while he was unconscious. He rubbed his sore scalp and grimaced against the bright sunlight.

Wait, how do you know he's ever called again? He had never seen anything like this in his life.

Panic, fear and excitement passed through him and he threw himself from the rock where he was sitting, landing unsteady on two feet and looking around. I was in a place with land that no one could live on scorching rocks in various shades of purple and black. With the sun in the sky, I was afraid, I was inundated with information that I should not have. I was there, it was alien to her, but she felt like names like that thing, monsters, cities and that fear attracted them. My name was the same. half acceptance of my situation.

"It was ... real really ... I ..." He checked himself before continuing. Two arms, two legs, a face that felt like hers, but it was not.

It was not the same as her skin was less worn a little stained and worn, her cheeks and eyes full of energy, but it was undeniably another body. Or one that at least was his.

He had white clothes and a hat with gloves his hair was black did not dislike the clothes but he thinks it would look strange someone like a white suit in a place like this a mutsuno kami a samurai sword was around his waist with a gun a Smith wesson & revolver type 38.

"Ryōma!" A woman's voice heard in the distance gave him a nostalgic feeling and dangerously fast approaching that seemed like a black projectile made him return to the floor "Ryōma is alive with Oryō will not fail again" said in my stomach while fighting her stomach so that she would not release anything that she could release.

The girl cried and said too many things to understand all I could do is stroke her head in a natural way and promised that she would not plead with me.

"Ryōma your head is bleeding" without letting me say anything she approaches and licks where my blood is a sensation similar to alcohol where the wound feels and the wound stops hurting.

"Where is the one that hurt you Oryō will take care of nothing hurts what is of Oryō" says the girl floating looking for anything that could hurt me alleging a little leaving me on the floor.

"Oryo you know where we are" the girl freezes a second before looking at me like I'm an idiot to return to her normal face with almost no feelings

"The voices did not say anything to you?" He turns around, putting his head upside down, looking at my face as if to help me look better and adjusting his feet so he does not drop his skirt exposing more than he should.

He just shakes his head and the girl straightens up "we are in a place called grimmland and here we must go away from here because they do not know black things well Oryō saw a boat we could go in and look for something to eat" girl points to a place and my face is excited to hear that there was a boat I get excited, I get up from the rock to which I had been transported.

There was no time to lose.

I will try to upload the story every 2 days but I do not assure anything minimum would be 1 per week for those interested, if someone is interested I look for people for opinions of the chap before they leave and talk about ideas from the same story and others if they are interested in writing or I would change things before uploading them.

edyXDcreators' thoughts