
chapter 18 - just us now

whilst the song was playing, Zane and Liam couldn't help but listen to the words that the singer was saying at admiring rubie and Crystal and how beautiful and happy they look whilst playing football with each other. the boys made their way closer to the girls to block them from scoring, in the end the boys disided to start flirting with the girls but hold their waist to stop them from running to ball. when rubie felt Liams hand hold her waist she felt like her heart has just jumped out from her chest she freezes before turning to face Liam whilst he still had hold of her, looking him into his eyes she felt like she was in a world where only them was their, Liam and rubies face got closer and closer till their lips where touching and their body's where finally meeting, on the other side crystals and Zane seen the two kisses and instantly knew they couldn't keep their secret for any longer, Zane turned Crystal around so she was facing him, his hand touching her neck, he looked deep into her eyes and says "Crystal i have been wanting to tell you for five years" before he could speak Crystal said "shhhhh" and their lips finally met and five and half years their lips finally touched each other's their hearts finally combined, love filling the air around the four of then sit down. Liam and rubie sat together hand in hand, Liam looked down at rubie and said "i have been waiting for this moment for so long, all I wanted was your love and now j finally have it, I will never let anything hurt you" rubie smiled bigger then ever and said "i feel the same I have been waiting to have you for so long, I held onto the secret because I scared to lose you so I keepted it to myself" then Liam looked down and rubie looked up and their eyes met again and their lips touched again. on the other side Crystal and Zane where sat down Zane was sat with Crystal in the middle of him, Zane said " Crystal I have to say something...I have been wanting to hold you and call you mine for almost five and half years now when our eyes first met and now that I finally have you i m the happiest boy on the earth" with this crystals face grow even redder and then she replied "I have felt the same but I was too scared to tell you incase you ddint feel the same and out friendship would break so I kept it to my self in order of keeping you close" Zane move and came infront of Crystal there eyes met and their hands held tightly onto each other, this lips met again. Time passed quickly and it was (6:00) and time for the girls to head back, before saying goodbye smiles where shared and " I love you" was share between the young couples their heart was filled with love, they new the ending of their day couldn't of gotten better. as the girls walked toward the gate of the park the boys shouted "wait...we will walk you home" with smiles brightly sitting on their faces they agreed...holding hands and smiling the girls arrive home safe and sound thanks to the boys xx they gave their last kiss for the night. before going into Liam and rubie said " I love you"

and Crystal and Zane said " I love you" the girls waved and walked in the door and the boys walked each other back home.

from that day on crsyatl and Zane, Liam and rubie was stronger than anything...their love grow more and more...and they had their dream come to reality...they was all happer then ever.