
chapter 17 - Just us now

as rubie, Crystal, Zane, Liam was about to leave the bathrooms rubie got a text from summer saying...


hey rubie will you let the others know me and Lilly, max, ray are going to go straight home as we are all tiered from a long day, thank you bye xx

rubie pulled her phone out her pocket and read the message after she read it she stoped everyone and said "it's just us now everyone else is going home because their tiered" Crystal looked at rubie and Zane looked at Liam "well me and Liam are going to go to the park to play football you both can still join us" zane replied looking at Crystal, Crystal opened her mouth but no words where coming out so rubie said " we would love too" with smile on every ones faces they start walking out of school and over to the park. they walked quite fast to the park but still taking in the surrounding plants and animals that would pop out of the trees and the flowers.as they reached the park they seen a ball that was left by the bushes, so the guys went to see if the ball was in good condition to play with. whilst the boys where checking out the ball the girls look for somewhere they could sit down, in the end after searching for five minutes they found a space next to the football field where they could secretly watch the boys play football. the boys return to the girls with smiles on their faces. Liam said "who playing then" Zane nodded his head and the girls said "why not" with laughter the girls stood up to play football then Zane said " hahah i know a good idea it's girls vs boys" the girls laugh and Crystal eyes landed in Zane as she said "bring it hahahaha" each placed their self on the pitch ready for the match to start with smiles not their face they each stood directly infront on one another. zane to the right with Crystal in from in the other side if the pitch and Liam on the left with rubie I front on the other side of the pitch next to Crystal, the ball placed in the middle waiting to be taken by a team, "let the game biggin" Zane shouted as him and Crystal ran for the ball, forgetting the girls use to play football with they boys in the holidays sit he girls remebred their tricks, cut past the girls Las the ball near the end and shoot, so this time the girls cut past the boys and passed and shoot. the first goal was won by the girls with biggest smil3s on their faces they jumped and teased the boys and then restarted another match but before they started rubie put some music on it was version on me by Sasha Sloan and then the game began the song was asking the boys would they accept the girls for who they are and how they are which is why rubie chose that song.