
The Hidden Dragon Only I Can Enter Fan Fiction

Aroan and Kevin, skilled warriors proficient in both swordsmanship and marksmanship, embark on a journey to uphold justice. Their quest takes them deep into the heart of a dense rainforest, as they seek crucial information regarding the whereabouts of Ellna Stongs, a notorious former teacher. Ellna is rumored to have once been a formidable assassin in her prime, and the duo intends to locate and interrogate one of her former students, Noir Starida, a talented swordsman from the academy. Their ultimate goal is to extract from Noir details about Ellna's criminal activities during her time at the academy, with the intention of bringing her to justice. However, as Aroan and Kevin approach the critical juncture where truth and deception collide, their plans take an unexpected turn. The situation unfolds in a manner far different from what they had meticulously anticipated.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Hunt

Noir's interest is piqued, his senses heightened as he leans in, attentively absorbing every word. His sword, poised and gleaming, reflects the ambient light, ready to strike at a moment's notice. His expression, cold and stoic, masks the complexity within, yet the deep creases near his eyes suggest a mind deep in contemplation, wrestling with thoughts and considerations.

"Very well," Noir responds, his voice tinged with bitterness and a hint of menace. The words slice through the air, carrying an undertone of threat. His tone conveys a warning, a clear message that he will not tolerate being underestimated or walked over. The subtle inflections in his voice reveal an undercurrent of power and determination, daring anyone to challenge him.

"I'll show you who's boss!" Aroan's growl erupted from deep within his chest, a primal warning that reverberated through the air. His voice, laced with a fierce determination, carried an undertone of unwavering resolve. Kevin, desperately attempting to rein him in, pressed against Aroan's back, his efforts a physical manifestation of his urgency. Aroan's muscles tensed, his instincts sharpening as he sensed the impending danger, an innate guidance coursing through his veins. With lightning reflexes, he skillfully evaded a relentless barrage of thunderous and freezing strikes aimed at Noir, each impact crackling with raw power.

In a display of astonishing strength, Aroan unleashed a brute kick, propelling Kevin through the air with an incredible force. His body soared high, reaching great heights before plummeting to the ground below. The impact resonated like thunder, sending shockwaves through the earth, rattling the very ground beneath their feet. A torrent of icy rain erupted from Aroan, accompanied by a thousand shimmering ice shards, each one a deadly projectile.

Kevin, his marksmanship instincts kicking in, drew his sword with lightning speed, skillfully parrying the onslaught of frozen projectiles. With a nimble front flip, he gracefully evaded a direct hit, his body moving with precision and agility. He slid and dove with remarkable swiftness, narrowly evading another wave of attacks. Finally, he positioned himself a few feet away, his body poised and ready for whatever may come.

Aroan released a sigh, his adrenaline-fueled rage slowly subsiding, his focus now solely on Noir. The intensity in his eyes softened, replaced by a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution. "And you too, Noir," Kevin interjected, his voice carrying a firm yet composed tone, his unwavering gaze fixed upon Noir. "Cease provoking Aroan. You agreed to this conversation, so let us conduct it in a civilized manner."

Kevin's words hung in the air, a plea for understanding and cooperation amidst the chaotic circumstances. The stage was set for a potentially transformative exchange between these three formidable individuals, where words could become powerful weapons and resolutions could be forged.

Noir's guard gradually lowers, his muscles easing their tension as a sense of relief washes over him. He releases a sigh, the exhale carrying the weight of unspoken gratitude. A small grin dances upon his face, a flicker of amusement and satisfaction. His grip on his sword tightens, a reassurance of his readiness and preparedness for any potential outcome.

He listens intently to Kevin's words, his mind racing with thoughts and contemplation. The realization of the immense power possessed by these individuals engulfs him, leaving him in awe and wonder. The magnitude of their strength is unfathomable, to the point that any attempt to engage in combat would have resulted in his defeat before he even had the chance to make a move.

Timmy emerges from his hiding spot, his eyes wide with admiration as he witnesses the strength and power of his friends, powerful teenagers who possess the ability to resolve conflicts. With a beckoning finger, he lures Aroan's loyal companion, Vanilla, over to him. Vanilla obediently approaches, her yellow fur gleaming in the light. Timmy embraces her, finding solace and comfort in her presence. He relaxes and settles into a state of tranquility, awaiting the time for them to depart from the forest, where he hopes to find his parents and hometown on his hero missions.

"Alright, Noir," Kevin inquired, his voice brimming with anticipation. "Aroan is wondering if you possess any knowledge about a woman named Elna Stongs." As Kevin spoke, Aroan's gaze remained steadfast, his unwavering focus fixed upon Noir. However, a hint of exasperation caused his eyes to roll, visible signs of his frustration. Restless energy surged through his body, compelling him to deliver an agitated slap upon his legs. The sound, though soft, reverberated in the air, amplifying the tension in the atmosphere.

Feeling the tension, Aroan stiffened, rolling back his arms and tightening his fists, only to gradually relax them into flat palms. He took a few deep breaths, walking in a few circles, a ritual to calm himself and find inner equilibrium. Meanwhile, Kevin took charge of the conversation, assuming the role of the mediator.

As this scene unfolded, Vanilla, with her keen yellow eyes, squatted down to become Timmy's pillow. She observed the unfolding events, her presence offering comfort and silent support.