
The Hidden Dragon Only I Can Enter Fan Fiction

Aroan and Kevin, skilled warriors proficient in both swordsmanship and marksmanship, embark on a journey to uphold justice. Their quest takes them deep into the heart of a dense rainforest, as they seek crucial information regarding the whereabouts of Ellna Stongs, a notorious former teacher. Ellna is rumored to have once been a formidable assassin in her prime, and the duo intends to locate and interrogate one of her former students, Noir Starida, a talented swordsman from the academy. Their ultimate goal is to extract from Noir details about Ellna's criminal activities during her time at the academy, with the intention of bringing her to justice. However, as Aroan and Kevin approach the critical juncture where truth and deception collide, their plans take an unexpected turn. The situation unfolds in a manner far different from what they had meticulously anticipated.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


As Vanilla Phoenix, the majestic feline companion, led the way through the rainforest, her senses sharpened, attuned to every shift in the environment. The aroma of damp earth mingled with the rich scent of foliage, filling her nostrils. Her emerald eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the vibrant hues of the leaves that carpeted the paths they traversed.

The trio engaged in casual chit-chat, their voices carrying through the forest like a gentle breeze. Timmy's laughter echoed amidst the rustling leaves, the sound a testament to the bond that had formed among them. Vanilla's ears perked up, captivated by the joyous melody of their conversation.

Yet, amid the lighthearted banter, something caught Vanilla's attention. Her gaze turned sharp, her predatory instincts kicking in. She sensed movement to her left, a figure sprinting through the underbrush, crushing leaves and twigs underfoot.

With a swift motion, Vanilla halted in her tracks, her paw extended towards Aroan. She made a low, throaty growl, urging him to pay heed to her discovery. The trio fell silent, their eyes widening with anticipation.

Aroan, ever alert, followed Vanilla's gaze, spying the figure that had disrupted their tranquil journey. With a calm but firm voice, he whispered, "Someone is here. Be prepared, but let's approach cautiously."

Timmy's eyes widened, a mix of curiosity and concern flickering across their face. "Who could it be? Friend or foe?" they whispered, their voice tinged with apprehension.

Vanilla's muscles tensed, her body ready to pounce if necessary. She crept forward, her padded paws barely making a sound on the forest floor. The figure came into view, a blur of motion that weaved through the trees.

As they drew nearer, the sound of heavy footsteps and labored breathing grew louder. Vanilla's eyes narrowed, assessing the stranger's appearance. It was a disheveled individual, their clothes torn and covered in dirt. They stumbled over fallen logs and clumps of rubble, their face etched with exhaustion. They got up on their feet and drew their sword, their actions filled with hostility. "Who are you strangers!?" Noir asked, while Timmy backed up to hide in the bushes and Vanilla growled.

The weight of his swordsman gear hung heavily on his body, each piece intact and ready for action. Aaroan straightened up a bit, prepared to face any hostility.

With a stern expression, Aaron locked eyes with Noir Stardia. Tension crackled in the air as he tightened his grip on his mythical sword, its blade emanating a faint blue aura.

"Who am I?" Aaron's voice sliced through the cold atmosphere, his words carrying an icy edge. The mythical sword glinted in the sunlight as he brandished it, a testament to his determination. Behind him, his loyal phoenix companion, Vanilla, let out a resounding roar, its fiery feathers crackling with powerful energy. Aaron's eyes, once brown, now shimmered with a piercing blue intensity.

"You'll know soon enough," Aaron demanded, his voice filled with a mix of determination and curiosity. "I have questions for you!"

With a swift and fluid motion, Noir drew his sword, the distinct metallic rasp reverberating through the air, creating a symphony of sound. As the blade emerged from its scabbard, a mesmerizing shimmering aura enveloped the area around him, swirling and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. The very atmosphere crackled with a faint electric hum, sending tiny tingles of anticipation down the spines of those in proximity. The sword itself emitted a subtle, almost ethereal silverish gleam, casting a radiant glow that bathed the surroundings in an otherworldly light. It was as if the blade possessed a life of its own, captivating all who beheld it.

Noir's voice, commanding yet tinged with curiosity, sliced through the charged atmosphere, carrying a mix of authority and intrigue. His piercing gaze fixated intently on the figure standing before him, his eyes narrowing with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. The intensity of his gaze was palpable, drawing the attention of all who witnessed the encounter. "I don't recognize the likes of you," Noir declared, his voice resonating with a mixture of confidence and curiosity. "And who do you think you are, daring to challenge me?"

Clad in armor of jet black, intricately designed and expertly crafted, it clung to Noir's form like a second skin, exuding an undeniable and imposing aura of protection. The smooth, cool surface of the armor contrasted with the warmth of his body, creating a sensory experience that underlined the power he wielded.

A deep, primal growl erupted from within Aroan's chest, resonating through the crisp air like a thunderous warning. It was a sound that stirred instincts and sent a shiver down the spines of all who heard it. As the growl subsided, a bluish haze materialized, emanating from his body and swirling outward in wisps of frozen mist. The temperature dropped noticeably, and a tangible icy chill permeated the atmosphere, causing breath to crystallize in the frigid air. Even the smallest threads of Aroan's clothing appeared touched by frost, as if delicate snowflakes had delicately settled upon them, adding an ethereal beauty to his appearance.

Aroan's mask, crafted from translucent ice, clung tightly to his face, its surface displaying a glistening sheen of frost. It accentuated his features, lending him an air of mysterious grandeur. His attire, reminiscent of a gladiator, was adorned with intricate frost patterns, seemingly pulsating with raw power, as if the ice itself responded to his presence. Standing tall and poised for battle, every sinew of his being exuded a readiness for the impending conflict.

Dressed in his marksman attire, Kevin hurriedly caught up to Aroan, the crunching of his boots in the snow adding a soft and rhythmic sound to the wintry landscape. Each exhalation formed a visible mist, a testament to the biting cold that surrounded them. The contrast between the freezing air and Kevin's warm breath served as a constant reminder of the inhospitable environment. Reaching out to his friend, Kevin's gloved hand gently grasped Aroan's forearm, an act of both urgency and concern. "God dang it, Aroan, stop it!" Kevin's voice rang out, sharp and clear, piercing through the cold air with a note of frustration. Vanilla, the feathery companion, rolled her eyes with a hint of exasperation, her warm presence a stark contrast to the icy surroundings. Though she longed for harmony, her unwavering loyalty compelled her to stand faithfully by Aroan's side.

"You've had an itch for a fight for years, Aroan, ever since your trials as a kid turned you into a hero," Kevin continued, his concern palpable in his voice. "But as a hero, you cannot resort to violence, even when provoked by your adversaries. You must find another way, employing your words and reason."

Kevin gestured towards Noir, the enigmatic figure standing before them, his presence shrouded in mystery and intimidation. Aroan's eyes rolled in a mixture of annoyance and regret, his brows furrowing with internal conflict. "I'm sorry," Aroan muttered, bitterness dripping from his voice, his hands slowly clenching the hilt of his sword. The tension in the air grew palpable, and Kevin shot Aroan a look that conveyed a deeper message, silently urging him to reflect on his actions. Aroan sighed, his breath forming a cloud of mist in the chilly atmosphere, as he fought to suppress the harsh retort that threatened to escape his lips. "I apologize," he repeated, the words laced with a touch of humility. "I have questions for you, Noir, if you are willing to answer. It has simply been a rough day."