
The Hidden Card

Jin is living in a remoted town with his grandparents. He help them with their small farm. He knows nothing about notes, music, or songs composition. He hates numbers and computing them brakes his head and a few words to be read makes him sleep? the only thing he are sure and confident is his looks are too good to be true. He woke up one day to be the young successor of the number one leading company of the Entertainment industry. Can he manage the business? or will it all go down the drain?

Purple_ARMY · Music & Bands
Not enough ratings
69 Chs


"Did you saw the news?!" Manager Eijin almost cracked the door.

"Why?" Joon came out of the room. He just woke up. We are all tired because of the hell Week we had. It's our rest day.

I am on the table enjoying my breakfast while the other four members are busy with their games. If I'm not mistaken Yoo is still sleeping inside the room. He spend his day off like that the whole time.

The four are focused playing the computer game making loud noises that make my head hurt so bad. They didn't even gave Manager Eijin a glance.

"Did you ate already Manager?" I asked him lifting my spoon to take a bite of my delicious oatmeal.

"Yes, Thanks! Well did you saw the news?!"

He asked again.

Joon got water from the fridge and start drinking while I enjoy munching my food and waiting for Managers news.

"We are on the headline! We got great feedbacks too! Lots of music shows are asking for your appearance."

"Really?!" I almost choked on my food.

Joon splashed some water on the floor. "I'm sorry." He run back to his room and came back with his phone typing and scrolling.

We are all searching for our phones to check the news too.

"Woah! Is this real?"

Hyun gasp with excitement.

"This is great!" Jay is jumping and laughing. He is so happy.

"We did it." JM pulled us in a group hug.

We all looked at Jk. " Are you crying?" JM, asked. His eyes is red. He is stopping his tears from falling.

We all began to tease the youngest. This is a great start for us.

We got really loud teasing him.

"Why are you so loud. I can't sleep. Let me sleep." It's Too, he just woke up. His eyes is swollen like something bit it.

We all hugged him.

"Yah! Why are you acting like crazy!? I'll really hit you, if you don't stop!"

"Bro! We're on headline of the news! We did it!" We kept on making fun of him.

He suddenly stop resisting. We all waited for his reaction.

"Really?Really?" He grabbed Managers phone and scroll it looking for the news.

"Guy's! This is real right? This is real?" He keep on pointing the news on the screen.

We all nodded.

"Guy's I'll give you hugs this time!" He jumped and pulled us for a group hug.