
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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620 Chs

Uncovering Truths

"Horizon's Origin. . .", Akiol placed the clipboard down.


"Let's just say they've put some verification on your story."

"Always having enemies, and not always your own."

"So, say you get out of here alive, what's your goal?"

"Do I need one?"


Rue crossed her arms, "Well, without an inevitable war hanging over my head, I suppose I could explore. Rebuild my army-"

Akiol's gaze sharpened, Rue laughed and raised her hands, "I'm not serious. I grow tired of war. There is no victors."

"You say that, but it was clear you lost."

"That so? Tell me, do you know what occurs in our world as we speak?"

Akiol's expression failed to waver.

Rue smiled in response. Turning around she spoke, "I'll live my life peacefully."

"Hold it."

"You have an objection?"

"That much is clear. Someone who wasn't aware of what a pen was plans to live their life peacefully here?"

Rue's expression twitched, but since she was turned around Akiol did not see it. With a bit of venom in her voice she spoke, "What are you trying to say?"

"Stick with me, for now."

"Sounds like you don't trust me to go unsupervised."

"I do not."

Akiol was not about to let the Demon Lord wander the world. There wasn't an ounce in him that trusted Rue's words. The moment she was free chaos would spread across the world. This planet didn't need that, no foreign force should ever intervene.

"What if I don't want to?", Rue turned around to face Akiol.

"You don't have much choice."

"Ultimatums? You?"

"Your history does not let you walk free."

"I don't think you're capable of stopping me."

"Want to put that to the test?"

Akiol tightened his grip on his sword. Aura no longer lingered around, rather there wasn't any to see. Rue's gaze turned curious, a sigil appearing over her eye. The grey energy solidified as it followed her will.

Through the demonic energy Rue was capable of seeing past the surface. These eyes helped her find the capable among her army, and appoint capable generals. A cheat-like ability that let her see through anything.

As she peered towards Akiol, she found something odd. It was like there wasn't anything to see. This was particularly alarming because even the weakest person would have something to see. Even insects themselves had a faint presence she could look at. Yet there wasn't a faint presence around Akiol. It was otherworldly, boundless.

Another sigil formed on her other eye as she attempted to peer deeper. Breaking past this barrier of otherworldly presence. The moment she did so, she was greeted with an endless expansion of darkness. Then, stars began to appear, various colors shapes and sizes. They formed constellations, clusters, galaxies. Quickly they became endless, an uncountable number surrounding her from all sides. Planets, stars, solar systems, cataclysmic events, blackholes, it was like peering into the universe itself.

It should be impossible, for one person to have depth comparable to the universe. No, this felt like it was the universe. Even during their final battle the presence Akiol had was blinding, but was an ant compared to this. The legendary sword style, one passed down to each hero, refined over centuries of battle, was paling in comparison to this.

The sigils shattered and Rue's gaze sharpened, "What happened to you?"


Hank's hand reached towards a panel. Tapping at it caused a pair of doors to slide open. Walking in the room he spoke, "Any word on what's going on?"

"Seems they ordered a full evac the moment the explosion went off. A lot of the loose data was wiped without hesitation. . . if there's anything remaining it would be on hard file."

"So beyond this door."

"Correct. Are you sure leaving Akiol alone was the right idea?"

"His gaze was. . . not one I recall him ever having. I'm sure he's fine."

Approaching a few computers Hank connected a several wires. Tapping a few keys he spoke, "Anything so far?"

"Mostly fragmented data. The wipe was hasty, I could probably scrounge up a few things. What about you?"

"I don't understand most of it."

Hank merely copied files and didn't spend too long scanning the various digital documents. After completing his part of the work he began to thoroughly explore the room. Signs of a rushed departure were everywhere. Scattered objects, hastily shoved furniture, the markings on the floor.

"They didn't want to leave anything for us to grab."

"Explains why the suits weren't manned. That first wave of guards were probably the only forces close enough, meant to buy time. Expendables."

"It worked."

Hank looked about when a faint buzzing noise entered his ears. It was very quiet, something he wouldn't have noticed normally if it weren't for the abnormal quiet the room had. Moving towards the sound he moved scattered papers around. An old phone appeared in his vision.

Picking it up he noticed it was unlocked. Going through the messages he skipped passed the personal stuff. Messages were simple, phone history regular. . .

Hank's finger paused upon seeing a number in the recorded voice messages. Raising his other hand he muted his earpiece and listened to the voice call.

"There was an order. 'They' have requested another person."

"Who is it?"

"Daughter of Terwin, Corolla Landwell."


Hank paused the voicemail. Scrolling through the history he skimmed passed a few of the others before finding another.

"Listen, in return for us borrowing Subject Otherworld, we were to give them what they asked! If I hear anything about a failed abduction it will be your head I will offer, understood?!"

"Understood sir."

"Good. I better hear good news."


Returning to the voicemail he originally found he let it play out fully.

"There was an order. 'They' have requested another person."

"Who is it?"

"Daughter of Terwin, Corolla Landwell."

"The Landwell family?"

"Just the daughter. Take one of the EXOs with you. We both know the security behind the Landwell Estate."

"Why the daughter? She isn't anything special."

"We don't ask questions, we follow orders."

"Of course sir, I'll see to it."

The voicemail ended. Hank stared at the screen for a minute before inhaling a cold breath of air.

It all made sense now. The nonlethal weaponry, the EXO designed to incapacitate the more capable, the raid on their Manor. It wasn't for data. It was for Corolla. They were aiming to kidnap her.

Placing the phone in his pocket Hank unmuted his earpiece, "Status?"

"It seems we still have a connection to their main server. After the hasty wipe they created backups to the main server but failed to sever the connection. I could upload a bug to wipe out the rest of the data."

"Do that. I'm reconvening with Akiol, keep an eye on what's happening outside."

Hank turned to leave the room, his eyes showing an unbridled fury.