
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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621 Chs

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Akiol's expression twitched as he opened his eyes. Raising an arm towards a blinding light he noticed it was bandaged. Moving his muscles he inspected the condition of his body and a sigh escaped from his lips.

"You're up."

"Were you just watching me?"

"I didn't know where else to go."

Sitting on a chair next to his bed Rue smiled. Moving to a seated position Akiol asked, "What happened whilst I was gone?"

"We were attacked by a large group. Hank handled the situation and we escaped through a large metal box."

"A simple explanation."

"I made sure my generals did the same."

"Anything else?"

Placing a finger on her chin Rue seemingly thought for a minute before saying, "I might've mentioned something about Horizon's Origin."

There was an expectant look on Rue's face. However it was quickly shattered when Akiol nodded, "Okay."

"That's it?", Rue spoke with a displeased tone, "Just an okay?"

"Were you hoping this was a troubling matter?"

Crossing her arms Rue denied everything, "No not at all."

"Right. . . help me up."

"I'm against that. It seems our little scuffle was a bit more than harsh on your body."

"I seem to be moving fine."

"Yeah but your organs aren't. I'm to blame for that one."

Akiol recalled the moment he expelled the blackish blood from his body, "How bad is it?"

"A month of rest should get you back on your feet, apparently. Granted you don't go and fight supernatural beings again."

"Your words?"

"The priest named Doctor who tended you."

"Doctor is a position not a name."

Rue quieted down for a moment and frowned. Biting her lower lip she asked, "Do they hold a similar authority?"

"Not on a political scale, but they are given around the same respect."

"I didn't make a mistake by being polite then."

"Are you not polite normally?"

"That would depend who I'm talking to. I just took extra care against the Priest."

"Doctor.", Akiol corrected.

"Yes, Doctor. . ."

As Rue seemed to dedicate the knowledge to memory Akiol changed topics, "How long was I out?"

"Just a day."

Relaxing his body Akiol felt a bit of relief, "Good I still have time."

"For what?"

"I have to launch a fight against the undead."

"Undead? They exist here?"

"Not quite, it's a game. . .", Akiol paused for a moment to find the words to properly explain, "An interactive illusion. Very much like being transported to another world."

"How intriguing. Why is this illusion of importance?"

"It's the only tie I have to Horizon's Origin."

"And the undead?"

"That I cannot properly explain without a significant amount of time."

The door leading to the room suddenly slid open and a man in a white coat stepped in, "Oh! You're awake. That's excellent news. I was worried the damage to your nervous system would've kept you in a coma. You're quite tenacious."

Rue commented, "You have no idea."

Akiol tossed her a warning glance before asking, "How bad is it?"

"Master Terwin desired to speak to you first about the situation. He'll inform you of the situation. As for your visitor. . . she hasn't left your side."

"I've been told. Where is Terwin now?"

"I'll inform him right away."

"Ah, could you tell him to bring a VR headset?"


"There's something I have to handle. . . make it two actually."

"I will relay the message."

The doctor swiftly left the room to fulfill his new task of being a messenger. Rue watched the door close before asking, "Headset?"

"The illusion I spoke of. Perhaps you should try it."

"Am I to assist with your search for this Horizon's Origin."

"A little. More importantly it'll be a nice change from the unfamiliarity of this world. You'll realize it's incredibly similar to our home world."

"Not even a week of teaming up with you and you're already ordering me around. Is this how the others feel?"

"Only in serious situations."

"So you say. What exactly am I to do in this illusion?"

"Nearly whatever you please. If you try to start a war I'll be the first one to stop you."

"You? Alone?"

"You'd be surprised."

"Then I can give it a shot."

Shortly later Terwin entered the room, "Akiol."

"Am I in trouble?"

Waving a hand Terwin motioned for two people to walk in. Placing two boxes of VR headsets next to his bed he waited for them to leave before speaking, "Not particularly. It seems Hank is personally requesting something of you however. Something I wish to know as well."

"That is?"

"Horizon's Origin."

"You're asking the wrong person. The information I know is pitifully little."

"Regardless you know what we don't. That name wasn't something that wasn't even under our radar until she mentioned it.", Terwin gestured towards Rue who's expression brightened.

"Hank asked for it personally?"

"Ever since the raid he requested a paid leave and has dropped off the grid. Only maintaining contact with Corolla and I. Whatever this Horizon's Origin is it managed to anger him to this point. He refused to mention anything to us, therefor I want to hear it from you."

This was too risky for Akiol. The information he knew was tied a lot to his identity and connections with otherworldly figures and powers. Not that he knew much to begin with. Additionally he hadn't mentioned this issue to the party, could he trust Terwin and his company with this information?

Considering his options for moment, Akiol decided on telling a snippet of information. Unwilling to let anything else be known until he was confident in handling anything that could come from the news spreading.

With a casual tone he said, "They somehow have ties to A World's Legacy, and the development of the headset itself. They've made a threat against me before, so I was investigating them. Their connection with the raid, the suits, and Rue is all things I am unsure about."

Terwin's expression darkened, "I see. We'll leave this topic alone for now. I was given a report on your body's condition and I feel the need to inform you of the severity of it. Do you want her here to listen?"

"It matters not to me."

"In that case. . . I regret to inform you that your body is being destroyed on a finer level. Like it's being torn apart by the cells. All of our tests confirm this, and we're unsure of the reason why. I believe you might have the slightest clue, due to that mysterious strength of yours, but if this continues. . ."

Terwin stared into Akiol's eyes, "You won't have much longer to live."