
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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621 Chs

Stablize What You Have

Travis returned to the game and felt the air. Spending a minute to immerse himself in the feeling of the game he spoke, "Averoth?"

"You really almost took a month! I hate that place of limbo."


"No matter. You called?", Averoth walked from the corner of Travis' vision.

"This foundation difference. I reflect upon it and have to ask for advice."

"Well like I said I can't give you the answer. Tell me what you think."

"Wrock, that guy. . . if what I think is true, he was fighting in a specific style from the start? Although there are some differences, I feel like he's been following a specific path. As if he knew what came next."

"Hmm, and this specific style you mention. Expand on that."

"I. . . was able to view his previous battles in lower Stages. Comparing them with the others the basic forms remained the same. Every punch, kick, dodge, and block remained had the same feeling. As if coming from the same source.", Travis frowned, "This is hard to put into words."

"Which was part of the reason why I couldn't tell you. Everyone has their own perspective on foundations and whatnot.", Averoth fell backwards and relaxed while floating, "Not bad though. For three weeks of work? I suppose your talent is average."

"It wasn't three weeks that I found this. I just met a wall on how to correct the issue myself so I'm here."

"Oh? How long did it take you to notice this difference?"

"A week. . ."

"Ha! Not bad then. So! You've come to me, the guy who noticed this issue from the start, to ask how to fix this?"


"Hmm, there is a few methods, but most of them would take a significantly long time. First let me expand further on this."

Averoth reached in the air and paused, "Ah, that's right. I'm not alive. I can't draw with mana. . ."

Rolling his eyes he stood back onto his feet, "Okay so, this Wrock fellow. From the start he had a specific style, movements tailored to keep the general image alive with some modifications for those of lesser strength. This kind of benefit is why various large organizations can make such powerful warriors. By handing them the framework for a foundation, all it takes is hard work and perseverance to create one. I can assume he's from a powerful or long lasting organization from the complexity of his foundation. Something like that would be considered a treasure to most. . ."

"Like how sects have their treasured techniques?"

"Sects huh. . . that term sources from the Western side of the world. I'm surprised you know of it. However that is a correct comparison. The foundation Wrock built is from a technique passed on after, at least I can only assume, generations of work. This does more than build a fighting style however, this also prepared his body for the acceptance of greater power. So his strength could rise rapidly without worry about shaking his foundation. Additionally his physique is something else. Makes me kind of jealous."

Travis' ears perked to the final note. Suddenly he wished he viewed Wrock's status with his Eyes of Trinity. He made a mental note to do that next time they met.

Averoth waved a hand, "Anyway, that physique just means he's a natural born genius. His hard work fully showcases the might of his physique, which is why I praise him so highly. A man who holds both talent and effort. Wish I could see how high he's going to reach."

Travis coughed, "So how do I fix mine?"

"I'm getting to that! So impatient! Basically, while Wrock worked hard to prepare himself to launch into greater heights, you completely skipped that step and overdosed on Stat Crystals. A steroid to boost your strength above everyone else, and because of it your foundation became shaky. It's a miracle you're still fine. You owe whoever taught you a massive thanks, their efforts managed to stabilize your foundation."

"I got lucky. . .", Travis understood the meaning of these words now.

"Exactly. The luckiest person I've ever met. Moreover you went and continuously pushed yourself beyond what you were capable of. Which kept throwing any stabilization out the window!"

"Then I ruined myself?"

"No, count yourself lucky that you have me and that teacher of yours. Your style is manifesting, all you have to do is stabilize your foundation and steadily climb upwards. No massive power boost acceptance okay??"

Averoth watched Travis, reading the mood from the subtle movements Travis made. After a while he spoke, "You're going to need a mediocre ascension to Third Stage."

"I'm. . . sorry?"

"It's an investment. Your ascension up the Stages gave you a huge boost in power, ruining your foundation further. So the only way to fix this is to accept your ascension now and reduce the power boost you'll obtain."

Averoth could immediately sense some concern and disbelief coming from Travis, "It's worth mentioning your power exceeds anyone of the same Stage already. It's not like this ascension is going to put you on the same level as the common Third Stage. These mediocre rewards are still substantial, we just have to make sure nothing extra happens. After that, if we take in the time it takes to ascend to Fourth Stage, your foundation should settle and you can accept a crazy boost in power."

Lifting a finger Averoth quickly added, "This means no additional power gaining for at least two months! You'll need time after your ascension."

"A mediocre ascension. . . how would I go about that?"

"Well that bit is easy. All you have to do is will it."

Travis couldn't help but feel Averoth didn't fit the image of a mysterious unparalleled fighting genius sometimes. It was clear he could see through a lot of things, a testament to his abilities, but then he turns around and speaks in such a simple way. Travis sometimes wondered if he was being looked down upon, as if Averoth was speaking to an idiot. Or if maybe Averoth was the idiot. . .

"Hey. I'm not an idiot."

Travis snapped out of his daze, "What?"

"I only made it sound simple because you already fulfill the qualifications. You've been intentionally avoiding it right? Since you wanted to maximize your benefits. It's a common strategy. You should already fulfill the conditions, although your mana control is a bit lacking. . . Whatever, should be enough."

"I see, should I start now?"

"Might as well. What's holding you up?"

"Just needed to make sure."

Travis took a deep breath and focused. A mediocre ascension to the next Stage. Although it was disappointing, he took Averoth's words as comfort. This was an investment, he will rise higher.

Suddenly he felt the weight of a pressure push down on his shoulders.

<You're approaching the realm of Third Stage!>

<The World notices your ascension!>