
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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620 Chs

Familiar Enemies

Akiol got to his feet, "You still have a lot of power."

"I haven't been in that tube doing nothing. As they did whatever it was to me, I slowly increased my Demonic energy. It's more surprising you were able to stand against it."

"We all have our secrets."

Rue rolled her eyes, "So it seems. This Horizon's Origin, what are they?"

"I do not know, they've been leaving a trail as I've continued exploring this world. Like they're watching me always."

"So they know of us, and the truth behind our existence?"


"This foe might be more intimidating than anticipated."

"Come, we have to get with Hank."

"Hank. . . the person you told to run?"


"Tell me of him."

Akiol glanced towards Rue but answered nonetheless, "A few among the dwellers of this world I consider strong. His stealth is extraordinary, I cannot keep track of his presence."

Rue's eyes flickered with sigils of Demonic energy. She looked about and frowned, "There's no one in this building."

"Yeah you would think."

Putting a hand to his ear he spoke, "Hank, it's handled on my end. What's your status?"

A faint static sound entered his ear before Hank responded, "Place is empty, we've wiped the data. All that's left is to find the remaining suits and destroy them beyond recognition."

"Where you at?"

"I'm headed back towards were we separated."

"Copy that, awaiting your return."

Turning towards Rue he shrugged, "He's still in here."

"Phenomenal. . .", Rue couldn't believe someone with such exceptional stealth existed.

To bypass not only a skilled warrior's instinct, but also her sight ability, it was nothing short of extraordinary. Especially in a place devoid of mana.

Rue placed her hands behind her back, "How exactly do you plan to explain why I'm suddenly not your enemy?"

"We'll work on that later."

Akiol's feet failed to rise and he stumbled to the ground. Catching himself he sucked in a breath of air. His body was beginning to fail. He had been supporting himself with Aura this entire time, and now that had ran out. Rue's Demonic energy served to keep him alive, but it didn't heal anything.

Rue lifted him up and spoke, "You best stay conscious, I have a feeling he won't believe me if I carry your body."

"Fair enough. . . you won't do anything to me right?"

"Come now, even I have dignity."

Akiol put a hand to his ear, "Hank. . . I'm with someone. They're not an enemy. . . but I can't hold on much longer."

Hank's voice quickly spoke, "What?! What's happening? What's going on?"

"Thanks Hank. . ."

Rue steadied Akiol before he fell. Supporting his unconscious body she walked forward, "You're far too trusting."

Demonic energy crackled at her fingertips. With a faint smile she retracted the energy, "I am glad you didn't die trying to fight me."

The Demon Lord, a being incapable of feeling any positive emotion. Or so prophecy went. When Rue came into existence, she was a figure of legend amongst the Demonic kind. A great War General meant to end the fight for good. Each time, every time. That was the duty of a Demon Lord.

Yet, much like Akiol, she didn't remain stuck in this mold. Slowly she learned the positive emotions, much like Akiol learned negative. The line of good and evil became further blurred, and in the final fight she had her own doubts.

Now, in this world she was given another chance. In this alien world, of things she was unfamiliar with. Free from the grasp of those who captured her, now with the strength to protect herself, she was unwilling to let this chance slip between her fingers.

Looking at Akiol, the Hero who once plagued her armies now with a different appearance, she felt bittersweet. To think she would join hands with this mortal enemy. How would her trusted aides feel about this? Yet despite he being her greatest enemy, he was the only familiar thing she could feel at ease about.

Even in combat she felt relieved, that she wasn't alone in this foreign world.

The one named Hank ran from across the hall, "What the hell happened?"

"We had a minor disagreement."

A gun was pointed at her, "What did you do?"

"Didn't he say I'm not an enemy?"

"He didn't have that same opinion when we first met."

"I was once an enemy, but it seems we have a common goal here."

"Common goal?"

"You're after the people behind all of this aren't you? The one Akiol called Horizon's Origin?"

"Horizon's Origin?"

"Did he not say?", Rue looked towards Akiol before a smile spread across her lips, "Oops."

Hank felt a heavy amount of uncertainty. Keeping his gun pointed he spoke, "You're coming with me, along with him."

"We're all friends here~"

Hank's voice turned cold, "Let's move."

Rue adjusted her grasp on Akiol and walked forward, "I'm sticking with him anyways."

"So you say."

The three moved towards the exit before a voice called in Hank's ear.

"There's report of a massive amount of movement. This is. . . this is a private army isn't it?! Hank you need to evac now! They're surrounding the place!"

Hank's eyes narrowed, "Copy that."

Rue's playful voice lingered in the air, "Need some help~?"

Tapping a button on his suit a helmet extended and protected his head. Walking forward towards the exit he spoke simply.

"No. Protect Akiol."