

All Might: How can we believe your words?

Kal-El: Simple.

I turn around walk to my wrecked ship, as I grab a device from the ship as I walk back to all Might & them.

There now recovery girl there along side others as well.

Nezu: Who is this?

All Might: His name is Kal-El, he's a16 year old kid from a planet called Krypton.

Nezu Eyes gone wide open as he turns to look at me.

Kal-El: What?

Nezu: Are you really Kal-El? Are Jor-El & Lara Lor-Van?!

Kal-El: How do you know my parents?

Nezu: Because I used to be partners with your father back in the states before he left, you were supposed to spend your teen years with the Kent's , to humble you. What happened.

Kal-El: Here's the last recording from father.

Jor-El: Hello Kent', I apologize for how I'm sending you my son Kal-El but our home planet is under civil war & self destruction but there's a greater threat fast approaching & his name is Brainiac. I must stay behind with Lara & the others to fight brainiac hopefully defeating him so he won't threaten another planet, please take care of Kal-El my precious son & maybe one day he'll grow up to become something amazing, something That the world will need in its darkest times, he'll be the one to bring hope back into those who lost it in your world because not hope is all gone there's always a chance you just have to go beyond. Kal-El, My son I'm sorry, we are sorry for not being able to see you grow but know this my boy. Your mother & I will always be watching you & you'll never be alone. My son grow up & become strong, protect those who can't protect them selfs & now I'll let your mother say a few words. I love you my boy take care.

Lara Lor-Van: Hello Kal El, my precious baby. I'm sorry for not being able to see you grow up & shower you with motherly love but the Kent's are great they'll love & treat you just like they would as if your their own, there's a list of things I wish to say but only a few I can say, Kal El my son. Just like your father I want you to grow up big & strong so none can mess with you, I also want you to eat well, sleep well, make friends & hopefully one day you'll fall in love with the right girl.

Boom! crack! boom ! bang! kaboom! Zap zap!

Lara: I'm sorry honey that all I can say, as you can see, we must send you away now, my son know this mother & father love you dearly & will be with you at all times, I'm sorry we have to say goodbye like this my son, but if Kent's can't help you with your powers go to Nezu, your fathers old partner in earth he is in Japan.

Kal-El: That's the end of the recording.

Nezu: Looks at me with a face full of tears.

Nezu: Kal-El, I'm so sorry for what you've been threw.

All Might: Nezu What's wrong?

Nezu: His father saved me from All for one before all for one fled here to japan he was in America, doing evil things his father broke into one of his lab that I happened to be in & saved me that's the short story.

Cementoss: Is he strong?

Nezu: He father was as strong as all Might, but Kal-El is the first in a long time to be born between a man & women in his planet, it was all tubes & selections but his father & mother wanted to create a child their own child. So they fled here to earth to make it happened, before they had him, they suddenly disappeared one day before his mother could give birth they both disappeared.

Kal-El: So you know about my powers?

Nezu: Only what your father had, strength & speed. I'm assuming your the same?

Kal-El: I'm far more stronger than my father, look how about we talk about this more privately?

Nezu: Recovery girl take care of all Might & this student, as well as for Aizawa.

Recovery: Yes Nezu.

Kal-El: Grab my hand.

Nezu looks at Me before he grab my hand.

Nezu: Lets go to the school, all Might come to my office once you are cleared. Cementoss you too once your done here, let all the officers do their work & help where you can.

Both: Yes.

Kal-El: Directions?

Nezu: You'll notice it.

Bam we disappeared.

All Might: Damm he's fast!

Izuku: Yeah faster than Ida that's for sure.

Time Skip principle room.

Kal-El: So what now?

Nezu: Will why don't you stay here, & in roll, of course you need a test to see what class to put you in.

Kal-El: Okay doesn't sound to bad, but well where will I live?

Nezu: will you sure don't fit in my home, I know someone who owns their entire condo building. His only daughter come to this school & if you pass I'll talk to him to find a place for you in his building.

Kal-El: Okay, I don't know much around here, I'm fine any where honestly.

Nezu: How are you so calm?

Kal-El: I don't know, when can I have my test?

Nezu: First thing in the morning, but that's the writing & math test. I want too see how much work you need to make up.

Kal-El: That's fine by me, what about my hero course?

Nezu: Actually that's what I send cementoss to get the top 3 students from this school to test you.

Kal-El: Isn't That over kill? I mean you do want me to pass right?

Nezu: It's because I have high expectations for you.

Kal-El: I don't even know how to fight or how to use my powers.

Nezu: It's like learning how to swim you gotta start in the deep in to learn.

Kal-El: Fine.

20 mins later at the gym.

Cementoss: Over here.

Nezu: they're here lets go.

As we walk to cementoss, beside him is all Might in his strong form, along side 3 teens.

Nezu: Hello there everyone, Sorry for taking you away from your own time but I'm going to need you three help, I need you to this this young boy here & don't hold back with him.

Kal-El: Nez This isn't funny, I was trapped in the ship for a good 11 years this doesn't make sense.

Nezu: Just trust your instincts.

Kal-El: Okay Fine I give.

All Might: Kal-El my boy you can do this.

As all Might gives me a thumbs up.

I walk to the center of the gym, I'm currently wearing UA's gym uniform.

Kal-El: Okay so who am I Fighting first?

Mirio: Oh sorry buddy but you ain't fighting one on one.

Tamaki: You'll be Fighting... yeah I can't do this.

Nejire: it's okay chicken head I'll take over from here! Hello there, I'm Nejire, this is Mirio the blondie & that's Tamaki; We three are here to test you for the Hero course.

Kal-El: God shes cute.

As I say that while looking at Nejire, her face slowly becomes red as a tomato.

Kal-El: Crap did I say that out loud?

Mirio: Yeah you sure did, haha look at Nejire face Tamaki she's bright red!

Tamaki: Nejire, do you find this freshmen handsome?

Nejire looks at both her partners with a shock face.

Nejire:I i I....

Nezu: Okay Okay That's enough picking on Nejire. After you fight them 3 if your up for it you'll be fighting.

All Might:Me & I'll be watching your match closely young man.

Kal-El: Your fucking with me right?

Nezu: watch your mouth, And no I am not.

Crap now I have to really be on my toes.

Kal-El: Your buying me an all I can eat menu after this.

Nezu: Only If you pass.

I tripped at that statement.

Kal-El: You sir, your Evil!

All Might: Hahaha don't worry young one we'll be behind that door over there giving you guys all the space you'll need. Don't sweat this.

Cementoss: Yes you can go all out I am here to stop the spread.

Kal-El: Ima make all of you regret this.

I started to take off my shirt, threw it throws the door like a ball.

Kal-El: Okay I'm ready when you are.

Mirio: Hey guys, Come here real quick.

Tamaki :ok

Nejire: What's up? You seem to be really quiet.

Mirio: He's Strong. Even though he was checking Nejire out, I was looking for an opening but there wasn't one his guard was never down.

Tamaki: Wait even with your quirk?

Mirio: Yes even with my power.

Nejire: WOW... Amazing to be able to have you say these things about him & the fact he's making you hesitant to attack him.

Mirio: Yes, so we have to give it 100% or we lose. We have to work together as a team.

Tamaki: Okay so the usual?

Mirio: Yeah & the new things as well.

Tamaki: Okay got.

Nejire: Okay I'm ready

Mirio: This has my blood boiling, let me go first.

Both: Okay, Careful.

Kal-El: You guys done now? I'm hungry & I have to fight the old man too, so can we get things moving along not trying to be rude here just hungry, I hope you understand.

Mirio: Yeah we ready.


I see Mirio use his power to sink into the ground, that's when my Spidy sense tingle, I quickly made a back step as he appears to my left throwing a powerful right punch, I tired grabbing his arm with my right hand but passes by meanwhile I throw a powerful left punch that surprisingly landed sending him flying towards the wall, he breaks threw it completely out cold.

Kal-El: Shit shit Shit!

Inside the camera room...

All Might: Did you hear that punch! Omg that power! Hahah that kid has amazing power!

Nezu: Not only that his senses are amazing, his step back to dodgethat punch nicely done but I'm extremely surprised since that takes years of experience.

Cementoss: Natural instincts?

Nezu: Maybe but the fight just getting started if he thinks Mirio is that easily beaten.

All Might: Your right but still this kid might have more too him, oh boy this is going to be one exciting match.

Back at the battle stage....

Tamaki: Damm, Mirio you took one hell of a punch!

Nejire: That kid surprisingly good, Mirio stop playing dead come already.

Kal-El: So His Okay thank god.

'I gotta play this out as If I don't know what I'm doing.'

Mirio: Hahaha That was power! Kal-El though you kinda disappoint me as you held back your power.

'Fuck he can tell.'

Kal-El: Well I don't know my own strength.

Mirio:Nejire, Tamaki Ready.


Boom! Nejire uses her power to send Mirio to the sky as he come straight for me, Tamaki comes at me with some nice speed as probably a cheetah.


Both punches land on me I made a few steps back.

Kal-El: Is that it?

Tamaki: Mirio This guy he's strong.

Mirio: Yeah but we can fight him.

Kal-El: Then come at me with all you got.

I dashed straight for Them I knee Tamaki in the gut sending him up Nejire flys towards him but I fly up.

Mirio: He can Fly!

All 3: HE CAN FLY!

Kal-El: No no beautiful you ain't helping him, I'm sorry for this kick I'm about to give you.

I fly insanely fast towards her with a kick sending her crashing down but Mirio catches her as she's out cold. I turn around i fly dashed towards Tamaki Kicking sending him flying creating a carter in the ground.

Kal-El: Okay I didn't held back this time.

Mirio: Lets go.

Mirio runs towards me at full speed I run at him matching his speed, as we quickly engage in hand to hand combat.

He does a spin kick to my head I dodged, tried tackling him but failed as I faze threw.

I land on my hands but send a kick double kick his way which both connected sending him to the sky.

I leap up start flying towards him throwing left & right punches that faze threw a few times but connected as well but so did his punches which I did feel after 40 of them.

'I guess he is good or maybe I'm just a broken character. I mean come on, Superman & Spider-man powers & fighting styles, awesome but broken. But this kid when in his prime I think our fights will be even more epic than now.'

Kal-El: Now this is a fight!

Mirio: Battle hungry?

Kal-El: A bit.

Mirio: Mee too! POOWER!