
The Hero with Straw Hat

A guy dies struck by lightning. He got transmigrated with Luffy's template given to him by the system. Let's see how this goes. _______ I am not a native speaker, so expect a lot of mistakes. _______ I do not own blah blah blah..

Pitch_black · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

UA and The Incident




Finishing a push-ups session, Shiro's body fell on the ground with a thud while panting and sweating heavily.

Shiro discovered that he transmigrated at the end of the week, precisely on Saturday. Therefore, on the following day, which is Sunday, he did nothing but trying to improve his physical condition and fitness, of course if we set aside the time for eating, sleeping, and bathing.

Surprisingly, Shiro found that it was easy to do the training, as after only a day of training, he was able to do 50 push-ups and squats.

'Improving the condition of my body is easy after all.' Shiro thought. 'Let's see my status now.'

The status!

"Wait what? After all this, the mission only advanced by 1%? This will be difficult." Shirou cried out in shock.


The next day, Shiro had to go to school. He was in the third and final year of middle school.

When he entered, the first thing that caught his eye was a blond boy with his followers bullying another green-haired boy.

"Hey Deku, I heard you want to go to UA and you don't even have a quirk, are you kidding us or are you kidding yourself?" The blonde-haired boy said in a disgusted tone.

"I-I just want to be a h-hero helping people, Kacchan."

"Hmph, accept reality Deku, you're just an extra without a quirk, you'll live a normal life like any other extra. No, you're more than extra, you're a loser, neither you bring good nor harm." 'Kacchan' said, then continued, "What is that note even?'' When he saw the notebook on Deku's table, holding it, he tried to throw it out the window.

But suddenly, a hand grabbed his hand before he threw the notebook.

"That's enough, Bakugou." The owner of the hand said in a cold voice.


After seeing the drama between the two sides, a flood of memories appeared in Shirou's head.

'Oh, looks like Midoriya is being bullied again. *Sigh* Why should there be a bully in every anime, manga, or novel?' Feeling troubled, Shiro wondered.

The blond boy's name was Katsuki Bakugou. Apparently, he has a superiority complex, that's why he is bullying Midoriya, even bullying him too. All of this bullying is because Midoriya and Shiro (predecessor) are people without a Quirk.

From the memories, Shiro found that he and Midoriya were Bakugou's childhood friends.

However, since Bakugou awakened his quirk, he has become overly arrogant and proud.

'Looks like I have to step in to help my friend.'

Midoriya was considered one of Shirou's few friends, if not the only one, so Shiro decided to help him.

As Shiro was approaching Bakugou, he saw the latter trying to throw Midoriya's note out the window.

At this moment, Shirou's expression turned cold. He walked towards Bakugou and grabbed his hand, preventing him from throwing the notebook.

"That's enough, Bakugou."

"Oh, it's the other loser. Scram, before I beat you to a pulp."

"You can try it if you can." Shiro smiled mischievously when he saw Bakugou struggling to free his hand.

"Okay class, please shut up." said the professor when he walked in and saw the commotion. Seeing the retreating Bakugou, Midoriya smiled wryly, then said, "Thank you, Shiro."

"Don't mention it, we are friends after all." Shiro smiled at Midoriya.


Apparently, today we will determine which high school we will attend, or at least which we will try to enter. When I noticed that there are some high-schools in which hero courses are located, I finally realized the reason for the presence of 'Academia' in the name of the anime.

Perhaps the Main Plot takes place in one of these high schools, and the most likely high school is UA, the best high school for heroes in Japan. Coincidentally, it is here, in Musutafu.

Maybe my Predecessor would not have had a chance to enter this Prestigious School. But, I'm different, I have the system, which will help me get to the top.

I quickly filled out the paper given to me by the professor, and then signed it and handed it to him.


Finally, school day is over.

"This has been a hard day." Shirou said, wearing a tired expression.

"I don't think it was that hard." Midoriya, who was accompanying him, replied.

As they reached the building where Midoriya lives, since it was on Shiro's way, Midoriya thanked Shiro again, to which Shiro responded with a nod.

Shiro arrived home not long after, and then ate a snack, changed his clothes to sportswear preparing for some training.


'Damn, I don't like buying groceries.' Shiro silently cursed.

After buying what he and his grandmother need to live, Shiro decides to go home, only to be surprised to see a commotion. 'What is happening?'

Shirou, having nothing to do, decided to take a look. And he was shocked to see Midoriya rushing towards something sticky. But upon closer inspection, he noticed that the thing had taken Bakugou as a hostage.

"I have to do something, and fast." He was horrified to see a powerless boy rushing to save someone else, even if he knew he might die.

Shiro, without thinking any further, rushed to Midoriya.

"Huh? What're you doing here." Midoriya was confused to see me here.

"Well, I see that you're trying to help someone, so I just decided to help." Shiro casually said, but inside he reproached himself for being careless.

While Midoriya was trying to free Bakugou, Shiro, on the other hand, was dodging, the villain's attacks.

And while he was doing that….

'Shit, I can't use my Bazooka attack because it will also hit the blond fucker. I think that is the only solution.'

"System, display the store."

[ Displaying the store... ]

[ Success. ]

Seeing the number of techniques and even gears, he quickly became greedy. But, being in a fight, Shiro restored his vigilance quickly.

[ SP: 1200 ]

'Display the techniques that could be bought and would be useful in this situation.'

[ Searching… ]

[ Success. ]

[ 1 result has been found.

E-rank technique: Gomu Gomu no Pistol. ]

"Buy it quickly."

[ The technique has been bought successfully. ]

[ The host can now use the E-rank technique: Gomu Gomu no Pistol. ]

As the familiar informations appeared on his head, he stretched his hand as far as he can maintain. Then, he delivered a punch to the slime-like villain, sending him flying, and forcing him to free Bakugou.

It may seem that the conversation between the system and his host has been long, but it was over in a matter of seconds. Don't ask me why because even I don't know.

The villain recovered quickly, "You PUNKS!" And he screamed in anger. The villain run towards Shiro who was kneeling on the ground, exhausted.

Although there were some heroes around, they couldn't match up with his speed.

As everyone thought that the child's destiny was sealed, the people heard a "I AM HERE!!" before a muscular blond man appeared in front of Shiro, blocking the villain's punch.

"All M-might." The villain immediately recognized the newly arrived hero.

The blond man didn't answer him, and just punched the air.

The villain seemed like a paper in a storm as he crashed into a building, making him fall unconscious.

"You've done well, young ones."