
The Hero Of Nadia

A long time ago, there was a war. Leading that was unruly king named Jorgmunder, ‘Bringer of Destruction’. One day a hero rose up, decided that it was time for a change. He decided that enough is enough, and that no more people shall be harmed. It was time for Good men to rise, to battle the Evil that had been terrorising the good people of Nadia long enough. It took months, probably years, to defeat Jorgmunder. Although, in the end, it was all worth it. With Jorgmunder defeated, peace was now brought into the land. Something the people of Nadia experienced for what felt like the first time. Now, in the peaceful land of Nadia, there was a Kingdom called ‘Larion’. In that Kingdom lived the Hero and his Queen, who continued to do their best to keep the peace to their lands. The Queen, now bearing two beautiful children, would later find out… One of their children would soon be the New Light to an Old Darkness. Quill Langston, the son of a famous hero and brother to the proclaimed King Of Larion, has to rise and become a hero like his father and brother. Will he rise to become the new light the land of Nadia needs? Or will he let it all fall to the old darkness that once controlled the land of Nadia.

Alex_Cezar · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Woah…" Said Quill, as he looked at the large kingdom, surrounded by farms that were far bigger than the camp.

The wheat, all healthy with their golden glow, with the livestock running around freely and wagons of various items in every corner and that wasn't even mentioning the guards that patrolled the paths, mingling with other folks.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nuln," Asher said, pointing out the kingdom on their left. "The world's finest trade kingdom." Gripping onto the reins, steering the horses, their hooves clopping along with the dirt.

"Enjoying the view, Prince Quill?" Clara asked, holding onto the sturdy wagon bars.

"This is amazing!" Quill said, sticking his head out of the wagon feeling the cold wind blowing on his face.

"Careful Prince Quill, it's a bumpy road. Don't want you falling off now do we?" Quill didn't pay attention to what Clara said, he was too busy admiring the sounds and scenery of this large kingdom in all of its beauty.

"Y'know, this kingdom is just like the Kingdom of Larion, Prince Quill," Clara said, as she leaned back against her seat.

"Really?" Said Quill, as he sat back down on the rear wagon seat.

"Oh yes, it was all so grand and lively in and outside the castle walls," she said, sighing, gaining a smile across her face. "Everyone who ever lived there was so friendly, even sometimes the king, your father, would walk out of the castle and mingle with his people." Quill raised his eyebrows, this was the first time hearing this of his father. Mostly he would hear other things about how kind, generous, and even how brave he was. With stories of him helping the poverty or charging head-on into battle with his selected knights.

"Well, you learn something everyday…" Quill said looking at the light blue sky, thinking of what other things his father did that he didn't know.

"Indeed Prince Quill." As Quill kept his eyes to the sky, he began thinking. What type of person was his father like? Did he ever do bad things? Does Asher know more about him than I do? Quill thought, looking back down.

"Hey 'Lil brother, we arrived!"

. . .

Walking around the bustling market square, Quill couldn't believe what he saw right in front of him. Unlike the camp, Quill saw a lot of Orcs, Elves, Nekojins, and other unique people here as he followed right behind Asher. There were lizardfolk that were short and walked around in packs. Some merchants Quill came across were covered in clothing with only their eyes and hands visible, leading Quill to be unable to identify. "Just keep close, this is a big place 'Lil brother," Asher said, paying attention to what each market stall has. "Yeah, sure…" Quill replied blindly, he was too busy looking at all the souvenirs and trinkets the stalls provided. Some provided a variety of potions like elixirs that banishes all fear. Other stalls have an arsenal of weapons like longswords and war-hammers. "It's been a long time since you were this far away from camp isn't it?" Asher asked as he stopped in front of one of the market stalls, to pay for the fruits he wanted. "It's been a long time since I've been... Well, anywhere Asher… All my life all I ever knew was the camp..." Quill said as he inspected the produce the market stall was giving for a certain price, and as Quill saw the fruits and vegetables he had wondered if they had come from a distant land. One of the more interesting ones was one that looked like an apple except with the color of the nighttime sky, with complete stars sprinkled on it. "C'mon, we shouldn't keep our squire waiting," Asher said, tapping onto Quill's shoulder. Quill slowly followed behind, his eyes glued to the wonders, his nose attracted to the wonderful smell this market square had. The smell of steamed, grilled or even baked exotic goods filled a good side of the market while the sounds of metal slamming against each other filled the other. Quill then stopped at one of the stalls to see blades, shields, and weaponry alike with an orc blacksmith working hard on procuring another weapon for his collection.

"Do you see something you like?" the blacksmith said, as he leaned against the table across from Quill, his voice rough and his attitude enthusiastic to finally have a potential customer.

"Oh, I'm good thanks for asking… These are some fine blades you have here sir." Quill said, picking up the shortsword right next to him, examining it closely. He could see the small little details engraved onto the blade of the sword with the tip of it as sharp as ever.

"Thanks, but to tell you the truth, I specialize in axes. Could never get the guard right on these damn swords." the blacksmith chuckled, shaking his head at his little mistakes he had done with some of his creations.

"I have to get going, but it was nice chatting with you!" Quill smiled, as he put the sword down and took a step back.

"Tell your friends about me!" the blacksmith concluded before going back to smelting a new weapon for his soon to be next customer, banging away at the molten steel with a large hammer, turning into something beautiful. No matter how many times Quill looked, he couldn't stop being amazed by all these wonderful new sounds and sights that were in front of him. Quill kept walking down the road, passing all these busy market stalls just waiting for a customer to pop in ready to buy their product they're selling.

He then smelt an aroma so sweet and delicate, it was like he was a fish who caught the bait. He couldn't resist such a bait like this, especially when being caught wasn't such a bad fate. Quill, quickly followed the smell, and sooner or later he found a stall filled with luxuriant sweets and delicates. Quill peered inside to see a woman with brown locks humming to a certain melody as she set another plate down on the stall.

"Hm… What are these?" Quill asked, his eyes glued onto the new and honey filled smell. It was a round dessert, layered around itself in a roll with a layer of milk and honey at the top of it.

"Baby, you don't know what honey cake is?" the woman said with such surprise.

"Honey cake? What's that? And why does it smell so good!" Quill said as he leaned closer to the delightful dish to get a quick whiff of it.

"Honey cake consists of sugar, flour, milk, and as the name implies honey," she said, grabbing the plate. "Would you like to try one baby?" Quill's eyes glowed with excitement and hunger as he said

"Would I?!?" She then smiled and sliced a portion so slow and smooth, revealing the inside of the honey cake. She then handed Quill a utensil and with one swift motion, Quill cut a piece from the portion and ate it. Quill savored every bite as he could taste the honey and small bits of the other ingredients as he gulped it down.

"That tasted so good!" Quill said, putting the utensil down, humming with such great delight of it. And that was just one bite!

"I'm so glad it does sweetie," She said smiling as she set aside the honey cake. "Well would you look at the time, it's time for me to close shop and prepare for tomorrow."

"Wait, what's going on?" Quill asked.

"Closing time? It's getting to that time where most market stalls close and prepare for tomorrow, mostly mine though. Wait honey, are you new around here?" She asks, her head slanting over to the side in curiosity, with her hands on her hips

"Not exactly, we were just--" Quill then stopped in his tracks and then a pause in his heartbeat occurred as he realized that he was missing something but in this case someone. Shoot… Quill thought as he looked around him to see that Asher had gone missing, or in Quill's case, Asher had lost sight of Quill.

"I'm sorry, I gotta get going!" Quill said as he started walking away.

"Take care honey!"

Quill's pace began to quicken as he was looking around, accidentally bumping into people as he was searching for a sign or any clue for Asher. His heart raced as his body was starting to surge with anxiety. He strayed too far... I'll just wait for him at the wagon with Clara… Quill thought but as he turned around the thought hit him like an arrow when he realized not only did he lose sight of Asher, but he also didn't know where the wagon was either. I screwed up big time… Quill thought as he effortlessly walked around, having no sense of direction wherever he went, his legs moving for him. As he kept walking around, Quill stumbled upon a boy in an argument with an orc merchant.

Quill, not sure what else to do at that moment, walked a bit closer to the stall and started overhearing the whole conversation. "Sir, I'm so hungry, and this is all I have… Please…" The boy said, begging the merchant as he handed him the only coin he had. "C'mon, I've told you a thousand times already… It's five coins for an apple, now run along, kid." the merchants said, his palm on his forehead. "But--"

The merchant had finally given in as he slammed the table with his fist, making his produce shake and whilst frightening the kid. "Kid don't get me mad!" Quill focused on the child and he could see his legs shaking and as he turned his head away from the focused on the boy and saw that he was about ready to collapse, and as he looked closer Quill saw a single tear run down the boy's cheek. Quill had seen enough, he steeled himself, casting away any doubt and fear marching right up to the merchant.

"Hey! That's not how you should treat a customer," Quill said, putting himself before the boy, shielding him from the orc. As Quill did that he no longer heard the pleasant sounds around him. "As Prince of Larion, I demand you... to…" Quill slowly stopped talking and his balance became uneasy as the orc slowly stood up and glared at Quill.

The merchant made his way around his stall to meet Quill face to face, and he could see that the orc was all muscle, no heart. Quill nervously chuckled as he looked into those cold, emotionless eyes as the merchant's met his.

"It's uh… Nice to meetcha…" Quill said, giving the orc a weak smile along with one nervous chuckle. Quill could hear his heartbeat and the man's heavy breath with how quiet everything around him was. It was more than tempting to step back just to breathe his own air but his legs were glued to the floor from fear "So if you would be so kind… to at least lend him a f-fruit or something to eat…" Quill then began to hold his breath. "It wouldn't hurt you to give him something free… Right?" Quill said, hoping to calm the orc down, but as Quill looked at his face he saw that he got even more angered by this request.

"You think I care about who you are?!? And do you think I'll give him that fruit for free?!? It's not a free world out here! You have to work hard for it, not beg! Beggin' won't get you anywhere in life!" Quill knew, not only did he enraged him, he knew he popped a few blood vessels.

"Well--" Quill suddenly felt his whole body get lifted, with a tug from his collar hearing a slight rip of cloth. Quill squinted as the orcs head blocked the sun.

"You better watch your mouth boy!" the orc said, slightly shaking Quill.

"It doesn't scare anyone to show a little kindness… but it scares you…" Quill saw his face grow red with anger, the orc raised his unoccupied hand and turned it into a fist. Quill then braced himself and shut his eyes tight, preparing himself to get biffed by the orc.

"HEY! Put him down!"

Quill was surprised by that feminine voice. As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw a girl with flowing short red hair with glowing yellow eyes.