
The Hero Of Nadia

A long time ago, there was a war. Leading that was unruly king named Jorgmunder, ‘Bringer of Destruction’. One day a hero rose up, decided that it was time for a change. He decided that enough is enough, and that no more people shall be harmed. It was time for Good men to rise, to battle the Evil that had been terrorising the good people of Nadia long enough. It took months, probably years, to defeat Jorgmunder. Although, in the end, it was all worth it. With Jorgmunder defeated, peace was now brought into the land. Something the people of Nadia experienced for what felt like the first time. Now, in the peaceful land of Nadia, there was a Kingdom called ‘Larion’. In that Kingdom lived the Hero and his Queen, who continued to do their best to keep the peace to their lands. The Queen, now bearing two beautiful children, would later find out… One of their children would soon be the New Light to an Old Darkness. Quill Langston, the son of a famous hero and brother to the proclaimed King Of Larion, has to rise and become a hero like his father and brother. Will he rise to become the new light the land of Nadia needs? Or will he let it all fall to the old darkness that once controlled the land of Nadia.

Alex_Cezar · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"Wake up!" Quill shot up and rose out of bed, taking a big puff of air as he did. His chest was in pain from his fast heartbeat. His legs felt weak and the only thing he could feel was the sweat that dripped down his nose. As he frantically looked around, he found himself lying in a cot, inside a comfy tent, with the sound of a bustling community outside. This sound accompanied by his breathing and the sound of a wooden chair creaking. Quill's hands slid around his cot, it was soft with the use of bear fur as a cushion with the frame made from birch. As he glanced right beside him, sitting right there was an Elf with white, braided, layered hair that hung over a concerned face. "Oh good… You're finally awake sleepy head." Said Alya as she sat back against the wooden chair, giving off that same creak from before. "Were you having that dream again?" Alya asked, leaning forward. "No…" Said Quill, averting his eyes from those big sapphire eyes that could see through him.

"Just tell me the truth Quill, you're not good at lying. You of all people know that." Alya said, letting out a chuckle and giving Quill the hint that she didn't believe him.

"Okay, so what if it was? It's just a dream…" Turning his body to face Alya, his eyes refraining from hers.

"I know it's just a dream… but do YOU know that it's a dream?" Quill couldn't think of anything clever to reply, deep down he knew she was right, leading him to slightly sigh in a bit of frustration. "Quill, please remember," Quill could feel her hand on his shoulder, his arm hairs flung up as her warm touch laid on his cold skin. This single kind and caring action was enough to cool his temper and bring back his old self. "You got me and Asher to talk to, okay?" As Quill looked up he saw that recurring bright smile she would wear every time he passed her. Quill couldn't find the right words to say to her no matter the time, whenever he tried to speak sincerely to her, he would quickly become tongue-tied. "Alright, you better get up. Sir Wilson is expecting you." Alya said, chuckling as she walked out of the tent. "Wait, Alya!" Quill said, jumping out of his cot stepping onto his rug, his weight creating a loud thump on the tent's wooden floor covered with a handmade rug when he does so. "Yeah?" Alya said, sticking her head back inside the tent. "Thanks… For telling me that, I needed to hear it." Quill said looking down, scratching his head as he did. He could hear Alya giggle with joy, with a quiet snort that was toned down thanks to a hand covering her mouth. "Anytime Prince Quill. Now you better hurry and get ready, Sir Wilson and Asher are waiting for you."

. . .

With that, the young prince left the tent with a smile and no hesitation in his step. Quill arrived at his training session and saw Sir Wilson overseeing lessons within the fenced-in training ring. "You're late brother!" Quill turned around to see his big brother, Asher, or the proclaimed King of Larion. Asher kept his hair short and had earned himself a stubble and a new scar on his chin he got when he was being too careless. He noticed that Asher had branded new armor but kept the same look that would provide agility and defense. The breastplate is made from many layers of smaller metal pieces mimicking Sir Wilson's armor, It covers everything from the neck down and ending at the groin. His right shoulder plate is fairly rounded and small in size, but in all, his armor was decorated with masterfully crafted hands. "I got caught up with stuff…" Quill said approaching the fence watching the new squires put their skills to the test. "May I ask if it was fair lady Alya?" Asher asked, leaning against the fence, looking outwards towards the big camp with a large smirk growing on his face.

"It wasn't Alya-- Where did that idea come from?!?" Quill started to blush as the thought of her and him together, that was all Asher needed to see and hear.

"C'mon, I see you smiling whenever you're looking at her." Asher laughed.

"Maybe I like seeing her smile!" Quill said, pleading with such a weak defense.

"Look I've been there before 'Lil brother… How old are you again?"

"I'm 25!" Asher covered his mouth, muffling his chuckling.

"Right, all I'm saying is I know I had the same look you had when you were staring at Alya… You and I both share that same goofy smile."

"Can we stop?" Quill said, as he groaned and lowered his head.

"Alright, I'll let you off the hook for now."

"Lad! You're finally here," An old but strong and stoic voice attracted Quill's attention. "What took you so long?" Quill saw Sir Wilson approach them, looking prideful as can be. Sir Wilson was still sporting that royal mustache along with the short groomed hair he would always tend to, but he saw that his hair was beginning to grey a little bit.

"I was--"

"Busy with the girl of my dreams…" Asher said, trying to mask what he said with coughing.


"Well he is at that age--"

"Gods Almighty!" Quill yelled, hiding his face from both of them.

Asher and Sir Wilson burst out laughing uncontrollably, amused with the whole situation aspiring.

"That was a good laugh," Sir Wilson sighed, leaning against the fence beside Asher. "Alright back to the matter at hand, it's time for your training to begin!"

"What am I learning today?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Quill asked.

Asher and Sir Wilson looked at each other like Quill had done something bad. "I don't know…" Asher gave Quill a wink and walked off to the new squires, confusing Quill even more.

"Ye will find out later lad, for now, go get one of the training swords and enter the ring." Sir Wilson said, before heading off towards Asher and the squires. Quill started to grow suspicious of the two as he headed off towards the weapons table right next to the training ring. Quill inspected the wooden swords each by each but picked the wooden long sword. The training weapon was a little old with cuts deep into the wooden blade and the handle was wrapped in a cloth to avoid splinters. Quill walked through the fence gate leading inside of the ring and looked around to see the Squires, old and new, look at him, ready to see Quill train. He then heard a big thump behind him to see Asher wielding a wooden broadsword with a big grin on his face.

"Wait, what're you doing here?" Quill asked, slowly stepping back. Quill could tell that something wasn't right, to the point that he could feel it in his bones.

"Well Sir Wilson should've told you yesterday but if you didn't know now," Asher started performing tricks with his weapon to add a little flair to his entrance, twirling his weapon with both arms before taking a stance. "I want to know what you learned by sparring with you."

A sudden uproar erupted in the audience, it was as if the whole camp was watching the training session. The realization hit Quill like a battering ram, this wasn't going to be just training… It was a test of skill. Quill's knees grew weaker and began shaking as he kept his distance from Asher, but he steadied himself. Quill took his stance and kept an eye on his movements, Quill made sure that he was ready to counter him. Quill heard shouts and cheers of his name and his brother's name, making it tense than it should've been. "So 'Lil brother, you ready?" Asher said pointing his wooden weapon at him, taunting already as if he already knew he won. Quill saw an opening in his taunt and dashed towards him, trying to guide his sword to his chest. Once Quill got close enough, he lunged for the opportunity, but Asher was much quicker than Quill's attack, sidestepping to avoid the lunge. Quill looked to his right and caught a glance of Asher who was ready to skewer him. Quill swung his sword in a swift motion to block his attack, and once they collided it made a big thwack noise that rang the ears of Quill and Asher. Their swords interlocked and they both pushed against each other, entering a clash breaking the crowds' expectations. "You are full of surprises 'Lil brother!" Asher said, smiling.

"Sir Wilson taught me well!" Quill said, struggling to match Asher's strength, but also struggling to keep his look of courage on his face.

"There is one thing he didn't teach you yet," Asher said, grinning.

"Oh yeah? What's that!" Quill said, feeling himself move just an inch.


Before Quill knew it, Asher had stepped aside and stuck his foot out tripping Quill. The next thing Quill felt was the grass and dirt pressing against his face and scratches on his hands. Quill turned around to try and get back up, but he was soon stopped by Asher's wooden blade up to his neck. Quill couldn't hear his thoughts as the squires along with some of the residents were astounded with Asher's stunning performance and takedown.

"You did good 'Lil brother!" Said Asher, as he knelt with his hand out.

"You beat me in three moves… How did I do good?" Quill asked as he accepted his help.

"Well, you saw my opening with my taunt, you were quick to respond to my attack, and you held your own against that clash. I'm proud of you 'Lil brother."

Asher then patted Quill on the shoulder and led him straight to the fence gate to exit.

"If anything I thought you had me in the first half if I'm going, to be honest." Asher chuckled as he threw his arm around Quill, bringing him closer.

"Sir Wilson always said to never get cocky," Quill said, patting Asher's back.

"That he did 'Lil brother, but I was luring you into a trap."

"And I took the bait…"

"Well, with each loss comes a lesson, In life and battle."

"Right… But know this, you won't win next time!"

"We'll see, maybe you'll surprise me."

Quill and Asher then walked out of the training ring and set their wooden swords on the weapons table. Some squires and folk congratulated Quill and Asher as they passed the two of them.

"Alright well I got some errands to run, I'll see you this evening 'Lil brother." Says Asher, already walking away.

"Wait, are you going to visit the Kingdom of Nuln?" Quill turns to look at Asher, slightly saddened.

"Well, yes I'm going to do a supply run with Sir Wilson--"

"Can I come? There's nothing to do around the camp!" Quill was quick to interrupt him, wanting to have some sort of an escape from the camp.

"I don't know…"

"What's the hold-up, Laddie?" Sir Wilson joined in on the conversation.

"Quill wants to come along for our little supply run."

"Well, we let him come! If he wants to go and visit the kingdom, we'll let him visit."

Quill glanced at Asher's face, he could tell he was not pleased by this idea. "Well if Quill is going, I will stay, better you watch over him than--"

"No Asher you go, I'll stay," Sir Wilson states, leaning against the weapons table. "It's better if you show him the Kingdom, if anything I'll bore him with endless facts."

"Are you sure Sir Wilson?" Asher asks, now becoming even more unsure of this.

"Of course I'm sure." Sir Wilson smiled fixing his mustache.

"Thanks again, Sir Wilson!" Quill speaks up just in time.

"Before you go, take Clara Mulliner, my appointed Squire."

"Right, we'll see you when we get back."

"Stay safe King Asher, Prince Quill!"Said Sir Wilson as he waved goodbye.

"Alright 'Lil brother, are you ready to go on an adventure?" Asher said whilst walking off, Quill was quick to follow behind in his trail. "Ready? I've been waiting to get out of here!"