
The Hero Has Many Flaws

After an unfortunate event at school I was reincarnated into my old body in a new world, who knew that I would die after getting a hit to the gut? Well no wonder I died, my body was at wit's end anyways, as a Fat and Unfit guy I have to survive in the new world that I got reincarnated in, no matter what. I have no idea what kind of things will await me.

Mfanok · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 - First fight

I have the sword in my hands, but what now?

"Hah, boy, I can see that you've never held a sword in your life! Do you think that just because it's some fancy magic blade that you'll be able to defeat us?"

He's got a point there; I don't really have any experience with the sword.

"Kenta watch out!" Just before I focused my attention back on the bandit, I noticed that he already was right next to me "wha—"

Ugh… he got me right in the gut…

"See? You're just a little wimp, no need to fear the weapon when the wielder is a little wuss! Haha!"

Not only am I in severe pain right now but I am also laughed at, hah, reminds me of my time on earth…

Okay, they really are pissing me off, "Hey! Stop laughing at me!"

"Or what? What are you going to do?" they just continued laughing, I bet I look so pathetic right now…

One of the bandits with the club also came closer, I must do something, I can't just lay here and take it…

"Let me have some fun with him"

"Sure, go on, just don't kill him yet."

"Don't get too cocky, you filthy thieves." They suddenly just got quiet and looked straight at me… The guy with the club seems mad…


"Augh…" He hit my leg… the situation is getting worse by the second…

"Hah," He looked at me once again "Did you say something, fatty?"


"Aaargh! What the hell! He got me!" I just swung blindly, and it seems that I've hit the one with the Club. If they somehow weren't going to kill me before, they definitely want to kill me now.

The guy that I've slashed suddenly burst into flames, blue flames, even though he instantly tried to roll and try to extinguish it, it was for naught. It seems that the blue flames aren't that easy to put out.

"You little--!" He backed off for now, it seems he wasn't expecting his comrade to suddenly burst into flames.

"Now's your chance, Kenta!" Upon hearing Heisha I instantly got up, it seems that I'm not in that bad of a condition yet.

"Great, listen and do exactly what I'll tell you. You can defeat them if you follow my instructions."

I don't really have any other options; I've defeated one of them by fluke but next time I may not be so lucky.

"Okay, just tell me what I have to do, I'll try to do it."

"First of all, hold your sword with both of your hands, that way your swings will be more stable!",

"You just have to hit them once; the sword's magic will burn them afterward."

It sounds easy enough, but what about in practice? Huh, I have to calm down first, take the sword in both of my hands, get a good grip on hit… and here, we, go.

Just as I took a stance with my sword the smallest bandit started running at me with a dagger, I took a swing and…


I… I am not dead, but it seems that the bandit managed to block my slash.

"Oh? It seems you're pretty lucky, boy." He started slashing at me once again.

I also started swinging my sword, I didn't really understand if I was doing it right but the only thing, I was focusing on was blocking the thief's dagger.

"Kenta! Now's your chance! Slash at his stomach!" I immediately reacted to Heisha's command.

"Hnngh…" I- I did it, I got him…

"AARGH, THE FLAMES!" His screams, I don't think I'll ever be used to stuff like that…

He's burning, but he's still alive, I think I'm going to puke…

"Y-you bastard… I- I will be avenged…"

He… He died, they both died, and I've killed them.

"Kenta! Now's not the time to feel guilty!" Ah, that's Heisha's voice, she's right but…

Wait, there was one more bandit attacking me, I'm still in danger!

"You won't get away with this…" Just when I looked back up I saw the last bandit taking something out of his pocket… a vial with a bright red liquid… It's thick too.

He just drank it all at once and began shaking on the floor uncontrollably,

"Hey, are you okay?" I started running towards him when he suddenly started growing…

Something is wrong…

Something is REALLY wrong…

Before I realized there wasn't a regular human standing before me, no… It was something inhuman, something grotesque, standing tall, way taller than me, at least.

"AARGH" His screech didn't sound human either, I have no idea what he has become, but one thing I know for sure is that I have no chance of defeating him…

"Kenta! Watch out!" Huh?--


I was instantly thrown into the wall, it seems that the impact has ruptured some organs in my body, it feels horrible…

That beast is coming towards me… I- I think I'll be dead soon… so soon after resurrecting too…

My vision is getting blurry…

The last thing I remember before losing consciousness is Heisha running at the monster and fighting it…