
The Hero Has Many Flaws

After an unfortunate event at school I was reincarnated into my old body in a new world, who knew that I would die after getting a hit to the gut? Well no wonder I died, my body was at wit's end anyways, as a Fat and Unfit guy I have to survive in the new world that I got reincarnated in, no matter what. I have no idea what kind of things will await me.

Mfanok · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 - A Wild goose chase

As I thought, catching up to him will be no problem, yet this is super exhausting, I feel like this speed won't long for much longer.

"Stop, *huff* right there! Just give back the things you've stolen, and I'll let you go!" He ain't stopping, who am I even kidding,

"Leave me alone you pig!"

He threw down some barrels at the path, I barely dodged them before he threw another barrage of random items to stop me.

I can feel it, not much time until that speed boost runs out, I must do something, and fast.

"How the hell are you catching up to me, you fat ass?" He turned around and looked at me while still running away. "It was that bitch, wasn't it?"

"Don't call her that you son of a- " I didn't even have enough time to end what I was saying before he started throwing stuff at me again.

It seems that after a while we've run into the poor parts of the capital, everywhere that I can look the buildings look atrocious, every single window is boarded up, and many people were severely malnourished and only had old rags as clothes.

I don't know how much longer I can run, If I can't catch up with him soon then I'll lose him.

It seems that he suddenly turned into a corner, now is my chance!


He's gone?...

Nothing, just a big wall in front of me, as if he just disappeared into thin air…

Just when I thought I would get him, he disappeared on me… I should return to Heisha and Mai.

"Well, well, well… did you think I just ran away?"

Huh? Sounds like the guy I was just chasing.

Oh… It is him… and he brought some company... great, just great.

"It seems your luck has finally run out; you're screwed now, buddy."

The thief is currently my lowest worry, the two guys with giant clubs are a bit more worrisome...

I must do something, but what? No way I can beat them, I've barely trained my swordsmanship. Maybe I can strike some sort of deal with them? I have no other options right now.

"H-hey, gentlemen! Maybe we could strike some sort of deal? I'm sorry for chasing you, let's just all forget about this situation and go our separate ways!"

He seems to be thinking it through… c'mon be a good guy here, just let me go…

"First, tell me why you started chasing me, maybe we'll let you go then…"

Okay, he took the offer, I can't mess this up. "Okay, okay, listen to me, please. I know this sounds a bit stupid, but I didn't exactly do it of my free will, hell I was practically forced to! And don't you usually try to catch the thief when he steals something? I was just doing my civic duty!"

They are silent… c'mon just accept it and let's move on!

"So… you're telling me that you just started chasing me because of your, what did you say again? 'Civic duty'? and there's nothing more going on?

"E-exactly! It's the whole truth! You can trust me, really! I'm a trustworthy guy!"

"Okay, cut the crap, I know you know something. Don't think I'm stupid enough to believe your little story."

A—and it seems that I've failed to persuade them… great…

"You must believe me! I mean no—" One of the guys with clubs suddenly began running in my direction, I think I have a slight sense of Déjà vu…

"Stop right there!" A woman suddenly appeared before me… and it is Heisha! Thank goodness she came after me.

"It's you! You gave that guy a speed boost! You won't leave here alive!"

"Kenta!" She turned to look at me. "Are you having trouble with these small fries?"

She seems a bit pissed… I have never seen her look like that before.

"Take this and show me what you've got!" She threw a silver sword right at my feet, does she intend me to fight?

"Pick up the sword and fight Kenta!" I don't want to, but I guess I have no other option…

"Congratulations on receiving the Sword of Fire's Desire!" Huh, what is that voice?

"The quality of this sword is an astounding mythical grade! Would you like to hear more?"

It seems that this sword is really something. "Yes, I do."

"The Sword of Fire's Desire is a sword crafted with the desire to burn everything it slashes with a hot blue flame. The quality is of the highest Craftmanship, a small sapphire is embedded on the handle of the sword, and it seems to be the source of the flames, the sapphire is currently at full capacity."

It seems… really overpowered…

"Kenta! What are you waiting for?!"

Ah, that's right… I totally forgot about the current predicament…

"Heisha, I don't know if you remember but I don't really have the skill required for such a weapon."

"Don't worry, I'll guide you through, just put your sword in both of your hands!"

I guess I'll be having my first real fight today, let it not be my last…

Sorry for not releasing a new chapter for a while, I was a bit busy these last few days. Expect some more extra chapters in the next 1-2 days!

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