
Chapter 2

It's seven fourth five a.m. in Creek Hill a Saturday morning. Alisa was getting ready to meet Barbara and Cory at a cafe for breakfast as she was listening to the news report at home.

" This morning at 5:46 A.M. two more bodies were found dead here in Creek Hill...They are being classified as more animal attacks, but the police seem to be looking for a more reasonable observation of the situation."

Alisa looked at the tv screen devastated and shock at the sky rocket of countless bodies that have been popping up lately. Her mom walks in the room giving Alisa 40 dollars in her hand, while she was getting ready to leave as well.

" what's this for Mom?" Alisa ask.

Her mom looks at her slightly smiling as she picks up a comb helping Alisa with her hair.

" So noisy... it's for when you go to the school fair today, plus you know I don't like for you to go broke" she says straightening her hair to the side.

" oh well thanks Mom... where you off to?" Alisa asked as her mom explained she was going to see her aunt and how she would be home late again.

" Is everything ok?" She ask

" Yeah. Just somethings need to be taken care of" her mother responds.

Before walking out the room her mom noticed the alert on the tv from the news cast.

" oh my god more people found dead...That's not too far from here... I want you to be careful tonight. Alright Alisa?" she says as alisa nods.

Leaving the house Alisa walked to the cafe seeing Cory and Barbara sitting at the end of the wall by the window.

" Hey guys what's up" Alisa greets sitting down. Cory greeted her back as Barbara waved for the waiter to come over for their order.

As Alisa sat down taking her jacket off she looked around the place. For a moment Alisa had a weird feeling like someone was watching them.

" you okay?" Barbara asked as she nods ignoring it.

As they wait for their food Barbara ask Alisa about what she was wearing tonight for the school fair.

" I'm not sure... I'm not really trying to dress up" she says unlocking her phone texting Trevor.

" I understand I'm not trying to either"Barbara responds.

As the waiter comes over with their food they all ate, talked, and laughed before getting up leaving to meet up with Trevor at the Creek Hill Bar. At the bar Trevor was talking to this girl who was telling him about her background history with the people who owned the place.

As Alisa and the others walk into the bar they noticed Trevor from across the view with a girl that ended up walking off. Going over to talk Trevor tells Alisa about how he would be going to the school to help prepare things for the fair, then afterwards he would pick her up.

" That's fine by me just don't be late" she responds as he nods.

After hanging there for two hours everyone went home to be ready for the fair as Trevor and Alisa were last to leave.

" Alisa you want a ride?" Trevor asks as she nods putting her jacket on.

They got ready to leave going outside bumping into a guy with straight spike tip hair align with amber eyes.

" oh man you alright?" Trevor asks as he get up helping Alisa.

" Um yeah... I'm fine" he says getting up looking at Alisa.

" Um, nice to meet you...I'm Derek". Alisa smile shaking his hand slightly blushing.

" U-um I'm Alisa nice to meet you too" she responds.

Derek spoke for a moment to them then left and they went home. When she got home she went upstairs turning the shower on taking her clothes out she was going to wear tonight. She laid them on her bed and she went over to her dresser taking out her earrings and necklace. At the school Trevor was helping with things when a strange guy came up to him.

" Um excuse me is this Creek Hill High school fair taking place tonight?".

" Yeah it is are you new here or something?" He asks.

The strange guy explains he just moved back to Creek Hill not too long ago and wanted to observe the event taking place.

" Um, that's something you have to take up with the school representative" he responds.

The guy thanked Trevor for the information before turning walking off disappearing. A few hours later trevor was leaving to go get Alisa, while everyone started showing up as the fair started at 8:00 P.M. After returning back to the fair Alisa and the others were having fun and taking part in the activities, while others were having small talk amongst themselves. Barber was talking to some of the students that went to the school as a guy walks over with one of the girls that went to the school.

" Everyone this is Joseph Arlen he was invited and he is cute so be nice".

Everyone greeted him as they questioned where he was from and all when he happened to mention looking for a girl by the name of Alisa. As Barbara snuck away to inform Alisa a guy was looking for her they were searching for Trevor.

" Aye Trevor Alisa and the others are looking for you" a guy say as he nodded.

Before he could get back he was hit from behind and dragged inside the building into a closet. As Cory and Barbara looked for Trevor Alisa approached the guy who was said to be looking for her.

" Um hello sir, I'm Alisa I heard you were looking for me". He smiles slightly observing her before taking her hand kissing it.

"Yes you look just as I remember you... Look so much like your mom..I'm Joseph by the way... I'm...your brother" he says as she glared at him shocked.

" Un I'm sorry you must got me confused with someone else... I don't have a brother" Alisa responds as she looks down.

" Maria hasn't told you about me then I see... um our father's name is Harold... and our aunt name is Katerina" Joseph says as Alisa was so confused as to how he knew this information. She tells him that it wasn't the right place to be and that they should go back to her place to talk as she went to let the others know she was leaving. Before leaving she ask for if they found Trevor to tell him to call her. When they got back to her house, she offered him a glass of water as he started to explain the situation.

He starts off by telling her about her father and the only reason he knew why they all wasn't together. He goes to say that they were trying to protect her from danger which was part of why she didn't know about him. He tells her that her mother was keeping secrets from her one being that he was her blood brother and that their father didn't leave her when she was younger rather that their parents had split apart.

" Wait what?!? Why would she hide this from me?" She asks.

" They wanted to protect you Alisa and the only way was keeping my existence hidden from you".

" If it's true...that you are my brother, then I had a right to know that." She says folding her arms.

Joseph walks over putting his hand on her shoulder explaining that a lot was going on and that it was hard to fully explain.

" Alisa I came back because I wanted you to know that I existed and because it was time you knew the truth. I want to keep you out of danger...there's a lot you don't know about and I want to tell you, but I can't" he says.

" There is something not right about this" Alisa adds as Joseph gave her his number.

" I have to go for now, but you can call me... anything you want to know or ever need you can come to me" he says hugging her as she walks him back.

A little bit after her mother walks in hanging her coat up going to the kitchen for something to drink after her long day out when Alisa walks in.

"Hey Alisa...what's wrong sweetie you look bothered" she says taking a sip of her water.

" oh it's nothing... just had an interesting chat with someone I met at the school fair. Funny enough it was someone who told me some shocking news" she says.

" Well what do you mean by shocking sweetie?" Her mother asked.

" It was regarding us...why didn't you tell me I had a brother?" She asked as her mother stopped sipping her water in shock of what she asked as she turned toward her.

" Alisa...what makes you ask such an odd question. You don't have a brother sweetie"

Alisa glare at her as she told her the person she encountered at the fair claimed to know everything about her and the family.

" He said he was my brother and that you've been lying to me Mom. Even knew my aunt name and dad." Alisa say as her mother hesitated to speak.

" Mom...is this true?...you've been lying to me all this time...all these years" Alisa says.

" Alisa... I'm sorry I just wanted to protect you... he wasn't lying to you...there are things I haven't told you, but there was never any reason to speak of them" she says as Alisa facial expression changed.

" Why?...why would you keep this from me... what else is you not telling me?" Alisa asked as her mother took a deep breath.

" Mom please... don't lie to me".

" The truth is Alisa that Joseph is in fact your brother.... and the stuff I've told you over the years about your father isn't true" she says looking at her.

Alisa looks in shock and betrayal as she cover her mouth.

" the reason he wasn't in your life was because of me... I drove him away. Me and your father grew separated from each other..."

Alisa back up as tears formed in her eyes.

" Your father is alive, but I wanted you to believe he left you and that he was killed..."