
Chapter 1

Late last night, another body was found in the corner alleys of creek hill with similar bite markings on it just like previous bodies found in the past month. There is word that it is just another animal attack, but it is being investigated further by the towns police officers. The body that was found was identified as a young man named Drew Jefferson, age seventeen. This has been the fourth body found this month and people are really starting to go into a panic. It was 6:30pm when a group of teenagers were going to the Creek Hill bar to hangout and catch up on what's been going on.

" Hey Alisa so um what are you doing tomorrow?" Trevor asked.

She sit down at a table putting her jacket on the back of the chair.

" Um nothing my mom is working late tomorrow...why?" She responds curious.

Trevor shrugged his shoulders slightly chuckling as he sat down as well.

" There's a school fair event tomorrow and I wanted to know if you wanted to come... there's going to be music,drinks and mini game stands so it sounds fun" he answers.

After a moment Alisa giggled as Trevor's eyes were locked on her.

" sure I would love to go Trevor" she says smiling as their other friend Cory and Barber walked over with the drinks and some chicken with fries.

As they ate, laughing and chatting it up over at the bar some drunk guy was trying to cause problems just on the other side of the place at the counter.

" Sir please you have to calm down" the bartender reach for the bat under the counter.

" Why should I calm down!?!" He yells throwing the glass cup as it brakes on the wall when someone gets up trying to interfere.

" Hey stop before someone gets hurt!" The stranger says.

The man turn laughing getting more out of control.

" Your the one who's going to get hurt" the man walks over swinging on the stranger.

After missing and getting knocked down the man hit the stranger with a bottle over the head leaving the stranger standing in place. Everyone's attention shifted over as the strange guy didn't seem moved or fazed then slightly growled.

" what's going on over there?" Alisa ask looking over.

The stranger quickly latched his arm out grabbing the drunk man by the throat. Getting lifted off his feet the man panic when the guy eyes turned blood red and he had sharp teeth showing out his mouth.

" shouldn't have done that!" Strange Guy says throwing the drunk man breaking the pictures on the wall.

Majority of the room gasped in shock of what just happened. Being scared out of his mind the man got up running away out of the bar as everyone's attention directed to the strange guy.

" we should probably go" Cory say as they all nodded getting up.

As they all got up and left there was this girl who looked at the strange guy with a stunned look on her face as she got up rushing out of the bar almost like she knew him or was hiding something. Noticing and sensing the girls fear as she left the strange guy grabbed his coat rushing after her. Running out trying to get to her car the girl stumbled and when she got up reaching for her car door the reflection in the window showed the guy from inside coming up behind her with a displeased look on his face.

" Hey! You don't know what you saw in there!" He says.

She tries to back up scared as she shook her head trying to display she understood, but didn't agree.

" I know what you are... I thought all of you no longer existed, but I was wrong" she responds.

The guy's eyes narrowed as he put one hand on the car leading toward her.

" Seeing that you know what I am... you do know I have to kill you now right?" his eyes flared slowly turning red.

Her arms shook as he growled quickly biting her neck as she screams out in pain for help. He drains the blood out of her as she dropped her keys to the car. He picks them up sighing wiping the blood from his mouth picking her body up dumping it in the car trunk. Once he drove far away from the sight he desponded of the body somewhere in the woods. Elsewhere Alisa was at home wondering where her mother was at as she started calling her phone.

" Mom it's Alisa call me back when you get this it's nine fifteen and your still not home...bye" hanging up the phone her mother walks in with a guy laughing and joking.

" Mom I've been calling you!...You had me worried" Alisa say as her mother hugs her.

" I know I'm sorry I was really caught up at work, but this guy who I ran into comfort me home" she says as the guy gives a shallow smile.

He walks in shaking alisa hand introducing himself.

" Um hi I'm Clark I live around the corner I just didn't want your mother walking alone at night," he says.

After talking for a moment the guy ends up leaving. He was walking down the street as he saw a figure in the distance. The guy didn't know what he was hearing or where it was coming from.

" Hello? Who are you?" He asked, hearing the sound of a person close by.

After a moment the sound vanishes out of nowhere the guy to get nervous as he speed walked turning a corner, but no one was there. Just as he began to calm down something catches him off guard grabbing him from behind quickly dragging him in a dark alley as he screams for help only to be bitten on his neck having his blood drained out of him.