
The Heiress Empire

Amber, Laura's mother is a young black middle class girl who falls in love with a wealthy man. Their love blossoms and she gets pregnant. After having her child, she faces rejection from society because of her lowly background. She is left heartbroken as she finds out about her lover, Leonard's existing wife and daughter. She struggles to give her daughter a name but is over powered by Lucy, her lover's legal wife. Faced by rejection, young Laura and Amber are accepted by a small family. Amber gets into an affair with Simon, the son of the kind hearted lady who took her in. Even with the affection and love she received from Simon and his family, Amber still longs to be in the arms of her first love. Going back into his life, causes her sudden death.

emmanuelabams23 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

Laura's POV.

 I woke up feeling aweary. I longed for sleep but bc was met with a series of phone calls.

Made preparations for today's court hearing. 

Audrey's has gone through the case files.

I had grandma snuck out of the Whitehood villa.

Yeah I'm ready.


I walk to Grandma's room to see it empty.

Where could she be?

I start panicking as I can't find her in the bathroom either.

"Grandma, grandma where are you," I call out as I feel anxiousness growing deep within me.

I run to the kitchen, a cool breeze of relief flushes my skin.

 " Grandma, what are you doing? You should have called me if you wanted something. " I say as I walk towards her.

" Good morning dear, would like a cup of tea. I made hot cocoa too, Amber loves hot cocoa." I smile at her kind gesture.

" The housekeepers aren't here.

Today's their day off so just tell me if you need anything ok? I don't want to get hurt."

I say as I take her hands in mine.

" Oh silly, it isn't any trouble making tea. Amber and I would wake up every morning for a cup of fresh tea. She would drink the tea just so that I would finish my cup." She giggled as she spoke, making me wonder how much she remembers mom.

"Grandma, was there a time Amber lived with you in the villa? You both woke up early every morning to make tea, right?" I ask, staring and hoping she remembers something.

"Oh dear, Amber didn't stay at the villa, Robert wouldn't let her. She stayed with me in New Orleans." She says as she continues to pour tea into a tea cup.

New Orleans? I never knew mom lived there.

"Really? Did dad stay there with you and Mom?" I say with a cracky voice.

"Yes he did, Leonard never left Amber's side. They were love birds." She says as she hands me a cup of warm cocoa.

"What happened grandma? Why didn't grandfather want Amber in the villa?

Why did Leonard leave her?" I ask and her face hardens.

Placing the cup of tea on her lips she turns away.

I stare down at the cup in my hands.

I shouldn't pressure her, what's most important is today's court hearing. I can ask her anything after that.

I take a sip of the cocoa and the sweet sugary taste fills my taste buds.

"Umm it's really tasty, thank you." I say to her and the smile on her face returns.



We step into the courtroom, my arm in Grandma's. Walking side by side, we pass Lucy and Vanessa.

I can hear Lucy cuss under her breath.

 I don't really care, my key to the

The company is right beside me.

I stare at my wrist watch, Audrey is not yet here, neither is the lawyer.

"The judge will be in the courtroom soon." The court attendant announces.

As my anxiousness reaches its peak, Audrey and the lawyer enters the room, smiling sheepishly at each other

"Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic."

He says as he tries to sit beside me.

"What do you mean traffic? It's been over an hour since I called Audrey, I expect a businessman of your caliber to be more punctual." I snarl at him as I move to make space.

" Shush…the hearing is about to start." Grandma snaps at us.

I glare at him with my eyes widely open.



Time passed as the court proceeding went by.

Audrey's lawyer kept me in awe with his work.

When it was time for grandma to walk into the witness box, she hesitated.

I felt her hand trembling in mine.

"Calm down grandma. I'm right here with you." I smile at her and lead her to the witness box.

Vanessa's eyes trolled me as I walked, her sharp gaze piercing my skin.

I turned to meet her gaze, the anger in her eyes excited me.

Oh sweetheart we are just getting started. I have a lot in store for you and your dearest mother.

My lips curve into a smirk, a sign of immense satisfaction. Her frustration gladdens me.

I walk back to my seat, and I can't help but smell my victory. The beginning of my revengeance.

"Did you invite the media as I asked you to? " I ask Audrey in a whisper.

" Yes I did. Stop worrying, it's a clear case.

Eric is pretty impressive, it will be over in no time." Audrey says as he smiles at me.

" I'm not worrying, I don't get nervous." I say avoiding his gaze.

He chuckles and turns to the other side.


It is time for the judge to give his verdict.

I can hear my heart beating, so much so that I fear it's audible to others.

I swallow hard on my saliva, trying not to show my anxiousness.

I feel sweat rolling down my back, my jean jacket now seems to be too tight. The air is stiff and the room suffocating.

" After hearing the proceedings from both prosecutor and defendant lawyers, I have made my final verdict." The judge's voice echoed in the room. It had been a long time since I felt this nervous.

"In the case of Miss Laura tricking Mrs Georgia Whitehood into transferring property into her name. I and this honorable court finds Miss Laura Whitehood…." I cling to my floral dress awaiting his final words.