
The Heiress Empire

Amber, Laura's mother is a young black middle class girl who falls in love with a wealthy man. Their love blossoms and she gets pregnant. After having her child, she faces rejection from society because of her lowly background. She is left heartbroken as she finds out about her lover, Leonard's existing wife and daughter. She struggles to give her daughter a name but is over powered by Lucy, her lover's legal wife. Faced by rejection, young Laura and Amber are accepted by a small family. Amber gets into an affair with Simon, the son of the kind hearted lady who took her in. Even with the affection and love she received from Simon and his family, Amber still longs to be in the arms of her first love. Going back into his life, causes her sudden death.

emmanuelabams23 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter Four

Audrey's POV.

 "I sigh in relief as the judge makes his final verdict.

I could see Laura's anxiousness,her sweaty hands were glued to her dress.

She would never admit to it, she appears too strong for that.

She brightens up with a smile as the judge says the words 'not guilty'. A real smile, not the ones she faked just to go over the day.

Her smile disappeared as soon as it came.

She turned around to see if I had seen in that brief moment.

I smile at her, pretending not to know the reason for her awkwardness.

I too was anxious, I hoped she won the case. It would be my win too.

I look over to Eric and he winks at me.

It was so hard convincing him to do this.

He wasn't bothered when I told him about the contract. He assumed I was doing it just to expand my company and to leech off the Whitehood's wealth.

He was completely against it when I told him about my plan.


"Have you gone nuts? I thought you were over this Audrey.

It been twelve fucking years, why can't you just let it go." He snarled at me.

I sat on a stool in my gym room. I had called him over for some drinks.

" I can never be over it Eric, I watch him kill Jay. This is my opportunity to make him pay." I said as I took a sip of my cocktail.

" Argh, you aren't listening dude.

I watched you struggle with the trauma, with the nightmares.

You have only just started to live, why do you want to reopen old wounds?" He said as he leaned towards me, resting his arm on a stool.

" The nightmares are back. They came rushing back the day I saw his picture." I said and he stared at me in bewilderment.

" The guilt came rushing back, the images and memories from that night stung my mind." I ran my hand through my hair as I spoke, feeling a migraine building up.

" This is my chance to give Jay the justice he deserves. A chance to finally let go of this heavy guilt.

I know we could open a case against him but that was twelve years ago.

 Besides he would say it was an accident but we both know that isn't true.

He ran Jay over and watched him bleed to death.

He could have saved him if he wanted to, but we were too lowly and dirty to enter his car." I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

The alcohol isn't calming my nerves one bit.

" What about Laura? You don't even know what she has against her family.

I don't think you should get involved."

He said as he took a sip of cocktail from his own glass.

"I'm already involved, I signed her stupid contract.

She's a woman with no emotions. I'm sure she won't be bothered by me taking a pound of her father's flesh."

We stared at each other for a while.

He looked up to the ceiling as if contemplating on his next words.

"Are you going to tell her then? Are you going to tell Laura about your plan to take revenge?" He asked as he returned his eyes on me.

" No. There's no need to.

I will tell her when Jay has gotten justice."

I opened a bottle of whiskey and Eric grabbed it from my hand.

"You guys are business partners now, don't you think using her to take revenge will put a dent on your partnership." He said as he pushed the bottle of whiskey away from my reach.

" I really don't care if it does. I don't care what she thinks or how she feels.

Right now she's at my mercy, she needs me to be able to take over the company.

I just need you to find a loophole in that contract.

Leonard Whitehood must pay for what he did to Jay, for what he did to us."

I said as I stood up to retire to my room.

Ignoring his calls.


 I walk over to her, where she stood with her grandmother.

" Could you please stand with my grandma for a moment. I can't find my assistant."

She says as she moves over to the press. I notice how she struggles to keep her composure. The camera lights seem to have an effect on her.

"You are a fine young man." Georgia cheers as she stares at me.

" Well thank you ma'am." I reply as I smile back at her.

" Do you like my Laura? I see the way you look at her." I almost choke at her words.

Like? Who on earth would anyone like such a wistful woman. She smiles as if there's a knife held up to her neck.

" No way, we just business associates." I say as I try to hold back my laughter.

With my six foot height, I can see the center of her head. A bald spot in the middle of her gray hair cracks me up.

"Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny?" She snarls with her hands hanging on her waist.

I can't curtail my laughter anymore and I burst into an outroar.

I know now where little miss Laura got her sassiness from.

"No you didn't say anything funny Mrs Georgia, you are just too cute." She smiles warmly at me and it lights a spark in my heart."


 I arrive home late, turning on my I get thousands of notifications. Nine hundred thousands of them are messages from Alicia.

She didn't like the idea of me skipping my piano lessons to go see Laura. I have told her countless times that it's strictly business.

But she thinks I'm making an excuse to go play golf.

I walk into the dark hall, turning on the lights. I'm startled by her petite figure.

"What the fuck Alicia, how did you get inside the house?" I ask with my hand on my chest.

" What business do you have with Miss Laura? What's going on between you two?" She asks as she walks towards me.