
The Heir To Magic

The Heir To Magic updates every Friday. Hope you enjoy the story. I don't own Harry Potter. All intellectual property and characters belong to JK Rowling. ~~~Synopsis~~~ A baby boy is born on the night of September 1st, 1979. A child of an ancient magical house, one that hid itself from the wizarding world. The family that started it all, the ones that laid the foundations of magic for all. The story of this child is one of great adventure and sad tragedy. He's the last of his Pureblood and magic-founding family. This is the story of Alexander Aevum, the very last of the Aevum family.

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Occupying My Time

~~~(POV: Alexander Aevum)~~~

~~~(Location: The Grand Hall)~~~

~~~(Date: September 3rd, 1991)~~~

~~~(Time: 8:45 AM)~~~

I leave The Grand Hall and start making my way toward my first class, Transfiguration. The rest of the classes I have today can be skipped. This one is too important to miss.

I still have 15 minutes before class starts.

The echoing of my footsteps in the halls adds a lovely ambiance to my problems. The one on my mind the most is what happened when I first sat down. I never expected to be caught in the middle of a fight. I had no idea there would be one.

Perhaps Granger and Greengrass have problems or a rivalry I don't know about. What surprised me was how aggressive they were. To my knowledge, they have barely spoken and still have a burning hatred for each other.

Granger is my friend, and I get watching out for me. However, Greengrass isn't an enemy. If she were, she would have been obvious about it like the other kids our age. That's why it's so easy for me to torment and distract Malfoy. He's immature and predictable.

Greengrass hasn't developed emotionally or mentally to deceive me the way Granger feels she is. However, Granger is the same way.

It's creating a paradox. Granger isn't emotionally and mentally mature enough to see it's not deceit.

But I can't go around talking about emotional maturity. I have flaws too.

"Well, I'm just extra lucky today!"

I lift my eyes from the ground and see Malfoy from the other direction with a fixed nose. He seems like he's ready to fight. The only thing that hasn't been a surprise today is my interactions with Malfoy. Granger is safe from his harassment for now.

I stop and stare him down as he does me.

"I'm surprised you didn't threaten to tell your daddy, Malfoy. For the first time, you've surprised me, but I'm betting that's what you were going to say next."

I don't need to look into his mind to know his thoughts. Malfoy is one of the most transparent people I've met.

He can't and won't hide what he feels or thinks. His face turns a shade of red, unflattering for someone with such pale skin. I can't help but let out a laugh.

This further angers him. He would never dare attack anyone without a group behind him. He's too much of a coward.

"I don't know where you get the gall to speak to your superiors like that, but I'll promise you this. Your life here will get much harder, and it'll be worse outside Hogwarts."

Empty threats from a pathetic narcissist. I roll my eyes and start walking toward him. He flinches slightly and moves to the side, getting out of the way. I give him an eye grin as he realizes what he just did.

He backed down from me. I don't need to say anything to him, but I will anyway. I pass him and start walking to class.


I say his name without turning around.

"You're a little weasel, and you're going to end up just like your father: A coward hiding behind money and blood status. Enjoy your name and blood. It's all you'll ever have."

I hear him let out a low growl behind me and continue walking. After a little bit, I turn through the halls and slowly approach the Transfiguration class.

I'm the first one in the class since McGonagall was at breakfast. The room is much bigger than most of the first-year classes. Transfiguration is one of the most challenging things you can ever attempt to learn.

McGonagall is an expert in the field, and I've read some of her works and books. I'm glad she's my Transfiguration teacher. Transfiguration can be very dangerous and has many rules to it. I've yet to attempt any spells yet.

I'm not stupidly driven to where I'll jeopardize serious injury with Transfiguration. I want the help of McGonagall. There are things worse than death when you fail to practice Transfiguration properly.