
The Heir of Magnus

Sarah Brown, a normal job seeker, suddenly is thrown a fact that she isn't a normal human, but half-werewolf. She is the princess of the Pack. But that is not all, she is to wed a vampire as a peace treaty between both species. What is more is... Her soon to be husband vampire is none other than her boss at her dream job! There is more to this treaty than what meets the eye... Some dark scheme is in play, and only she is able to feel it.

ScarofAzalea · Fantasy
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7 Chs

#1: Sarah Brown

"I am sorry Ms. Sarah, You have exceptional skills, but we have already exceeded the number of posts and there are none left for you.", The lady in the suit said.

"Yes, thank you.", I said glumly.

Man, I didn't get the job this time too, I am Sarah, 24, unemployed and single. Not to mention, I am an orphan with a cinderella kind of story. I was orphaned at the age of 5, I don't remember my life before, how my parents looked or anything. It was an accident, in which only I survived. My parents, the driver all lost their lives.

The car rammed into a oil tanker and a truck of bricks, luckily there was no explosion but all except me were killed. The company of the oil tanker and the bricks, felt responsible and promised to pay me for my education till high school.

My uncle's family took me in, they received money from the government through a program. But, they were abusive, they never really liked me nor could dispose of me. They wouldn't acknowledge me, never praise me, never eat with me, nor smile when I am present. I would cry when I was young but now, I would just ignore, there was no way of complaining to the school faculty or police, all of them would just be corrupted or wouldn't believe how an angel like my aunt would do something like that.

My cousins weren't any better, my aunt had three kids, two daughters and a son. The son, Kevin is just 13 years, he is ok, not bad nor good, he ignores me. When it comes to the girls Diana and Julie, they are annoying. They tease me for my hair. I have a streak of silver in my normally brown hair.

Doctors told me it was due to a skin condition which cause the hair in that region of my head turn white, I don't agree because it isn't like the white hair, we get as we age, I know I compared it, mine has a more silvery shine and is more luscious.

My schooling and school life, wasn't much of a thing, I had normal friends to chat, I was not in the same school as my cousins as my scholarship money went to funding my cousins to a prestigious school, whereas I normally went to normal one with a scholarship of my own.

I skipped a few grades and I went to a boarding college, I did double degree in Business management and Law by the time I turned 22, I later did a few part time jobs, and as of on my 23rd birthday, I began searching a job. Any job in any of a business firm or law firm would be okay, But my luck, all companies are searching experienced and aged.

I am a lonely person of sorts, with no friends and no family. Well, maybe my story is not exactly a cinderella one, because I haven't turned from rags to riches but drapes to rags. I am totally broke!!! {T^T}

I must get a part time job as I search.

"We have arrived at the ABC station, the doors will open on the left, Thank you.", The lady of the microphone said.

I saw my watch, It was 4:50, *grrrowl~*, Man! I am hungry! I even skipped a lunch to hear this news. I went over to a small café and ordered a sundae, I don't have enough for a meal.

As I was going, I was followed. I could feel it. He was not near but keeping his distance. I turned a few extra rounds to the crowd and near the police. Suddenly I felt danger, It wasn't one but many. All of them moving towards me. I never looked them in the eye but could feel their eyes on me.

I walked faster and faster, they were following me, they began running after me. I began running, I couldn't do anything, the only way to escape was towards a deserted alley, I took my chances and went. It stopped. I couldn't feel them on my track anymore. I went on calmly. Sighing.

Then, I hit into someone, It was a delinquent.

"Miss, I suggest you go back. This are is not for good girls like you.", He said acting as a barricade to a dead end.

"Alright...", I said, I could hear them hitting a guy. His voice was similar to that of my cousin. So I ran towards it.

Somehow I could escape that guy's attacks, I ducked and punched... I was somehow strong. I kept running but the dead end was quite far... Strange, I heard as though it were close by

I finally reached and saw, It really was my cousin,

"Kevin??? Oh my god!" He was bashed up pretty bad. His face was with bruises.

There were four to five delinquents hitting him, and three more standing. I was in a rage, though he wasn't close with me. He is still family.

It was a weird sensation. I felt free, as though something which was caged in me is finally free, I was moving on instinct, I threw punches I could never do before, I did those awesome kicks of the movies... It was weird, but at the same time I felt free. Like this is how I was supposed to be..

The delinquents were on the ground, They apologized and ran away. I carried Kevin up. He didn't answer my question about why he was stuck there. But I just took him to a clinic. He didn't thank me for paying too.

"You shouldn't meddle in my affairs, It is irritating, Don't you know your place?", he said

I would be hurt if it was an adult saying this, but Kevin, with such a small build, saying stuff like that just made me laugh...

"Stop laughing!!! Just get lost! I will go home later", he said.

I caught him by his collar and lifted him up like a kitten, he perfectly fits the look of a cat, or perhaps a tsundere, I took him home. It was quite an eventful day. While going back, he threw tantrums about wanting to play in arcade, and like that I threw in my last bit of money in games.

He won few and lost few. It was ok. I guess it was worth spending that much money to see his smile. The smile which I can never see directed at me... man! I am talking like an old gramma!!!

Soon, it was night, I and Kevin were walking hand in hand as the way to our apartment was dark and not well lit.

"Hey! You! Hold my hand freak! If I lose you I will be scolded.", he said...

I thought... awww... he is so cute and childish. Sometimes I wonder if he is still 7years. I held his hand and we came home. But something was weird, the moon today was a bit too big.

"Hey Kevin, Look up, Don't you think the moon is quite big?", I asked.

"Moon?, Are you crazy why would it be big when today it is going to be a crescent moon?"

"A crescent? no it is half moon."

"A gibbus moon? No Way!", He looked up, and the look in his eyes was weird, a fear of sorts.

I looked at the moon, it was bigger and it felt like it was changing, the moon was turning from half moon to a full one.

"Let's run..", Kevin held my hand and ran, He was running very fast and the grip of his hand was so hard. Like an adult. Suddenly, I got goosebumps, the same feeling again.

Someone was following us, from very far, not one or two but at least a hundred. It was such a strong blood lust. I was shivering, if I was standing, I would have been frozen, It was a thirsty hunger, a desperate one. I was afraid.

"Mom! Tell Dad It's time, Put up the net!", Kevin shouted into his phone.

The voice from the other side of line was sharp, and I could tell aunt was tensed. What is happening?

"Kevin, Don't tell me uncle gambled all of us and we have to turn into slaves or corpses??"

"What? No! Do you think you're in a novel of a mafia romance??? It is a danger so just run... We need to get home fast."

After a few minutes, we ran and reached home. Aunt was waiting outside for us, as we entered she turned a few locks which I had never seen before. The Tv was on, with news channel showing, the moon which had turned full, All of my family pulled the curtains not allowing any light except the Tv ones.

It also, showed some people murdered in alleyways, it was the delinquents we saw in the evening and some other women. The police are unable to find any clues, few missing people cases, beasts attack... It was mayhem, a total of 1000 murders and missing cases.

"So, its time huh?", my aunt asked uncle softly which scared me, as I never heard that voice from her.

"Yes, we can't hide anymore", Uncle said looking at me.

"What's up guys? Why are you guys being so freaky?", I asked

Then I saw, behind me, Diana removed the curtains, letting the moonlight fall on me, It was painful and at the same time relaxing, As though I was letting down my guard. It was weird. Julie held up a mirror and I saw myself, My eyes had turned silver blue, My hair totally silver with wolf ears??? and Omg a tail??? my nails grew, more sharper than a knife, my skin became smooth.

I touched those ears, it was real. I was scared. What is this? a tail? am I dreaming?

I was scared and when I looked up, my aunt and my family all had cat features, My aunt had silver ears, with cat eyes and a tail, my uncle had black fur, with green cat eyes, Diana looked similar to aunt, and Julie and Kevin were both black cats, I mean literal cats, Only Diana, My aunt, uncle were human...I guess?

"Are we cosplaying?? What is this? Answer me!", I shouted.

"It isn't a cosplay, nor a dream, nor a fetish, nor a hologram but truth, you, Sarah are a werewolf, not a pure one, but half-werewolf. And we, you family, are Werecats... I think you know what that means...", my aunt said in a calm tone.

It was raining, and I could hear thunders...

A werewolf???... You must be kidding....