
The Heir of Magnus

Sarah Brown, a normal job seeker, suddenly is thrown a fact that she isn't a normal human, but half-werewolf. She is the princess of the Pack. But that is not all, she is to wed a vampire as a peace treaty between both species. What is more is... Her soon to be husband vampire is none other than her boss at her dream job! There is more to this treaty than what meets the eye... Some dark scheme is in play, and only she is able to feel it.

ScarofAzalea · Fantasy
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7 Chs

#2: The Truth

"Ok, Now tell me the truth!", I said

"It is true my dear. you are a half-werewolf.", said my uncle

"My dear??? What's up with you guys? Just ignore me like you usually would.", I was angry. I probably yelled at them. It was hurting that all of my childhood, I stayed without calling anyone a family.

"You can hate us, we deserve it. But we did that to protect you.", Diana said closing the curtains again.

"What do you mean you did that to protect me? huh? It didn't protect me any way but just threw me into darkness...", I teared up. I had bottled up all of my emotions for all these years.

"Just sit down. Let me tell you everything.", said my aunt.

"I will listen, but if it turns out to be a sh*tstory, I am gonna leave our family tomorrow."

"Fine, Listen then;

In this world, there are two types of beings, 1: Created directly by God and

2: Some creatures which came into existence due to imagination and beliefs of humans.

We are the latter, You surely do know about the forbidden apple? What do you think its properties were? It contained the power of creation, The ability to create.

Therefore, humans are to where they are now, creating things similar to magic, the smartphone, washing machine, electricity. All of these were possible due to that fruit. But , we, those mythological creatures were created not out of hard work or skill or handicraft, but solely by belief and fear.

There are many species, each species dominate their own areas, but the main quarrel, is between werewolves and vampires, the most dominant of all mythological creatures.

You, Sarah, are half -werewolf, part- werecat and part-human.", said aunt.

"I am a what?"

"Your father was the head of the tribe of the werewolf, basically the king of all werewolves. Your mother, my step sister was a half.

My family, was the ducal family, of the werecats. My father was the Duke, and he married my mother out of love. Together, they had 17 children out of which I am the 17th one. When I turned 7, a werewolf, killed my mother.

My father then had gone crazy and abandoned his duties. Until he met a human woman, with the same appearance of my dead mother. He wanted to marry her. But the human wasn't looking for marriage rather a one night stand.

And so, my stepsiblings came into existence, the human abandoned my siblings and left them with my father. He came back to our family with my stepsister Serena, and my stepbrother Gabriel, both twins.

We all fell in love with our siblings. Soon, our father passed away and our eldest brother inherited the title.

It was all fine. Until, another werewolf attack, led by your father and his wife, stormed into the werecat territory and killed my eldest brother. They took over our land and banished us all from that are.

We all lost our titles and our business. They had overthrown us. Then, the king of werecats went to the Vampire head, and begged for protection in exchange of loyalty. They accepted, but no matter what, the land couldn't belong to us anymore, so we scattered ourselves, few big families still stay at the vampire headquarters to do their dirty work.

We all siblings separated except me and your mother. Your mother wanted revenge. So she infiltrated the wolves manor. "

"But, aunt. Wasn't it that wolves only have one fated pair? they won't marry another?", I asked.

"Yes. Your father's wife, was injured and totally disfigured by Vampires. Not the royal vampire family, but some other faction. By luck or not, your mother was similar in appearance to the Luna. She initially wanted to get the position of Luna by seduction and overthrow laws causing destruction. But she fell in love.

She fell deeply in love with the one who just kept her beside him for her face. He wouldn't touch her nor talk but just look at her. She drugged him to have you. But her pregnancy meant the risk of you taking the throne as heir. Some opposed faction tried killing you, but your father didn't bat an eyelid.

Your mother concerned about your safety ran away, and continued a human life, she took upon the name of Serena Hughes. She continued a normal clerk job while being with you, but it wasn't long until the assassins found you. You gave off the smell of the king. which was powerful to warn all wolves in 1km radius.

Do you know all those who were killed, In the news, they were all in the subway with you. All who had come into contact with you got ended because they had the same scent as you. Your scent was so strong. Your mother was also targeted, the hospital nurse who gave birth to you also was killed, that's why we could never know about your birth. I had received news that my sister gave birth to still born, as the werecat in her and wolf in you collided always.

She cried and went and begged your father to stop the assassination attempts and that she would do anything, to keep you safe. So your father asked her to sacrifice her life for the treaty. It was during that time when, vampires and wolves came into a treaty.

Both sides wanted something of the other. They demanded death of the Luna. Your mother agreed to keep you safe. Like that easily, she was hanged in front of all instead of the real Luna. You were taken in by the werewolves, You were basically ignored, not loved nor hated.

It got worse when you finished you first birthday.

Werewolves, transform into their wolf forms every full moon night, all young werewolves and the common adult wolves turn completely into their wolf form, with fangs and all. Their character is slightly more animalistic. But the powerful ones, can retain their humanish nature, with only their ear, tails and fangs being wolf-like, like you right now.

On that full moon night, you turned into a human-wolf, That wasn't all, you had distinct features, the features all royalty craved, you were the only one who got silver fur in the whole royal family. The last royal to have silver fur was your Grandfather and his Luna.

Many were repulsed with you having it, the wolves felt you must be the next heir. It was intolerable to you father and his family. The next day, some wolves still unhappy by the deal, killed the princess of Vampires by Kidnapping her.

The fight started again, the Vampires asked for compensation by brutal death of the killers, but your father disagreed as one of the killers was his own son. So, he made another deal of giving you as sacrifice, a daughter for a daughter. The Vampire Lord, agreed. Your uncle Gabriel who had been working under the Vampires got to know the plan and escaped with you and gave you to me.

He sacrificed his magical ability to form an enchantment on you, which would make you appear as a human to even God, but it had a catch. You must never feel emotions of a wolf. The emotion of love, family and rage. When you were taken in, we couldn't help but love you. You were just a baby, Till, your 6th birthday, we were a complete family, all loving and caring, no different form other families, but you, who felt a strong longing to us, awoke your magical power, on your own. This gave off a signal to all wolves in the area. From, then your scent was so strong, that people could pinpoint your location. It was only a matter of time when there was an attack planned at you by the idiotic Alpha.

We let him think you were dead, and continued our life, You were in a coma state for a year, we used our magic to remove your memories, altered it and became villains, we had to hate and ignore you existence so that you could survive.

We made sure, you would never go into werewolf operated companies, We put magic on the interviewers so that they would never get you a job. We did everything to protect you. You turning into a werewolf, would possibly mean the end of you. I got scared to lose you! You are the only child of my sister!

We all have loved you, your sisters brother and us. But somehow, now your magic is acting up, your werewolf nature is at its peak after being bottled up inside. From now on, on every full moon, you will turn into a werewolf.

The enchantments haven't yet broken, but it is losing its strength, you will still appear as human to everyone except on the next full moon. Remember it."

"Wait! So All of my interviews were intercepted by you? You all loved me? Do you know how hard I worked? How many overnight studies I did just for that interview? My whole energy was spent on it!", I cried. It wasn't fair. I don't care about the werewolf stuff. But, it shouldn't have been so.

Do they think apologizing will set everything right???

"We are sorry.", They said.

I slept, but my mind wasn't still. It was totally crazy. The fact that I can feel my tail was the most weirdest. Is it a dream? I am still dreaming right? My tail moving told me it wasn't a dream.

I was up thinking about what aunt had told me, Then, suddenly my whole body throbbed and I regained my human ears and no tail!! though I lost my beautiful but sharp nails... It was crazy. I needed to cool off. I left a note, saying' I will come back soon, I need time to accept' and did the thing I had always dreamt about doing before.

I ran away. I only took my certificates and id, alongside my wallet. No clothes nothing. I ran over. Maybe it was true. I was running faster than before, and my senses were really sharp. I could smell the cake being baked in a bakery 2 km away.

I could smell, that the little kid in the right-side apartment had taken his father's shaving cream to school. The gran in the corner had left her milk on stove, it would leak anytime soon.

I was crazy, It was so tough. I found a corner in a park and dozed off. By the time I got up again it was night, 11. I went on walking I took a snack from a convenience store and got surrounded by thugs, it was a bit tough. But I was in no mood to fight.

Just when I was about to fight, a high heel came and hit a thugs head knocking him out. A girl with peachy blonde hair came and pulled me by my hand and we started running...

"Sarah Brown! Do you want to be mugged when you don't have enough?"

How does she know me?

"Who are you?", I asked in a daze.