
The Heir and Heiress

A forbidden kiss at her 20th birthday party leads to her faking an engagement with the sexy duke she hate! Will she resist or fall for his charms? Contains mature themes and languages.

blaxk_leah · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 18


He swallowed almost nervously as he looked at me, the sky starting to darken as the sun began to set.

Kitty: Where have you been?

Dante: London.

Kitty: No. Where have you been?

Dante: London. That's where we are after all. Don't tell me the carriage was supposed to drop you off in Bath.

He gave me a wink as he crossed his arms over his chest, causing rage to build up in me. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

Dante: You're in a bad mood, got it.

Kitty: Just tell me where you've been.

Dante: Kitty…

Kitty: No, Lord Radcliffe, you don't get to just...just…

I huffed as I couldn't get my words out, before turning away from him.

Kitty: I don't know why I even came here. Clearly you haven't cared with all the time you've spent in a pub.

Dante: What?

Kitty: I'm not stupid. I heard about it within an hour of being here.

Dante: I...I mean I was in a pub, yes.

Kitty: At least you're not denying…

Dante: But only because I had a few business meetings in there.

Kitty: Business meetings?

Dante: Yes, Katherine.

Kitty: You've been here for business meetings and you had the audacity to not write anyone back?!

Dante: Woah… Write back?

Kitty: Your sister has written you probably a dozen letters. Gerard wrote to you. I...I almost wrote you…

Dante: I… Kitty…

Kitty: But clearly you've been too busy with your 'business meetings'. While the rest of us have been worried sick about you!

Dante: Kitty…

Kitty: And you're just here at a ball!

Dante: Woman, if you'd please stop. I'll explain.

Kitty: You did not just call me 'woman'!

Dante: I'm sorry. Please let me explain?

Kitty: Fine. But it'd better be good.

Dante: Alright, um… I can't do this.

Kitty: Then I can leave.

Dante: Wait! No, I mean… This.. Us… I can't…

Kitty: You want to end our engagement?

Dante: I… You want to end it.

Kitty: I mean, it was never real. It was just the result of…

Dante: Me being an idiot?

Kitty: Something like that.

Dante: What if I found you someone else to be engaged to?

Kitty: What? You really need to stop coming up with new ideas. They're never good.

Dante: I know a gentleman who needs a wife. He has three children..

Kitty: A widower?

Dante: He's a good man…

Kitty: Are you getting rid of me?

Dante: Woah… You're the one who wanted an out, Darling.

Kitty: I came all the way here from Derbyshire for you to tell me that you found me someone else to be faux engaged to?!

Dante: I mean I haven't even asked him yet…

Kitty: Dante, I need you to stop. At least go find your sister and tell her you're alright. I'm getting the first coach out of here tomorrow.

Dante: Please don't.

Kitty: Why? Did you want to introduce me to my new fiancé?

Dante: No.

Kitty: Then what? You clearly don't care that people were worried about you. Why should we stay? Why should I stay?

Dante: Because I l-.... Because I didn't come here to drink in a pub. Or to find you someone new to marry. I came here because I had to settle an issue.

Kitty: And what issue would that be?

Dante: Someone wants to hurt Delilah.

Kitty: What?

Dante: A little over a month ago, I received a letter from a gentleman claiming he knew illicit details about my sister. He claimed to spread them around if I didn't pay him a visit with ten thousand pounds.

Kitty: Dante! That's a fortune! Is any of it actually true?

Dante: Hell no it's not. My sister hasn't been in London in two years. Not to mention she had no idea who I was talking about when I brought up his name.

Kitty: But this still doesn't explain why you've not returned our letters.

Dante: I didn't receive them. As I said before.

Kitty: Not one?

Dante: Do you really think I would ignore letters for a month? I might be an awful person, but I'm not that low. And if you had written to me, I'd have written back the very same hour it arrived.

Kitty: But you could have written us.

Dante: I didn't want you to worry.

Kitty: You're so stupid sometimes.

Dante: I knew you'd know something was amiss, so I kept it hush. In reality, I wasn't even expecting to be away for this long. I figured it would be a quick week long business trip and then I'd be back home.

Kitty: What happened?

Dante: I had more issues with the man. He started insisting I pay more money.

Kitty: Dante, you can't. You'll go bankrupt.

Dante: Oh, trust me. I'm not. I told him that in our second meeting. But I've been staying here to make sure no news gets out about Delilah. If what he says does, it'll ruin her. And I couldn't let that be on my conscience.

Kitty: Oh…

I don't know what to say, but at that moment i felt pity for him. He looked so terrified as he spoke of it, and I realized he had every right to be. With his parents gone, his sister was the one thing he had left to protect and take care of. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his waist, before squeezing him gently.

Dante: Kitty.

His voice came out as a gasp, before he wrapped his arms back around me and pulled me a bit closer.

Kitty: I'm so sorry you had to go through this.

Dante: It's not your fault.

He murmured the words into my hair, before pressing a gentle kiss to my temple and then sighing as he stroked his thumb along my arm.

Dante: But thank you.

He stepped back from the embrace, and like that the moment was gone.

Kitty: Well, shouldn't we return to the ballroom?

Dante: Dance with me?

Kitty: Inside?

Dante: No, here.

Kitty: You are not serious.

Dante: Katherine Hawthorne, dance with me? Here and now.

Kitty: Alright.

I gave him my hand and let him pull me closer as he started a waltz.

Kitty: You can waltz?

Dante: I'm a duke, kitty, of course I can waltz. And it comes in helpful with the ladies.

Kitty: Are most of them impressed by a dance I learned when I was fourteen?

I teased him easily as we moved through the steps.

Dante: They're more impressed by what comes afterwards.

Kitty: Oh…

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, as he pulled me closer.

Dante: Did you really come here for me?

Kitty: I mean, Angelica, Gerard and Delilah were incredibly worried…

Dante: No, kitty. Did you come here for me? You.

Kitty: Yes.

Dante: Yes?

Kitty: I was worried about you, Dante.

My voice came out as a barely there whisper as I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Dante: i should have written to you, I'm sorry.

Kitty: It's alright. I understand why you might not have felt brave enough to.

Dante: I just didn't want him hurting you. Couldn't live with myself if that happened.

Kitty: I'm alright, Dante.

Dante: Thank God.

We finished out the waltz, under the stars, both of us silent as Dante held me close.

Kitty: Well, I think we should return inside. We'll need to get the others to return to the inn.

Dante: No, we're staying here tonight.

Kitty: Why... This is your manor house isn't it?

Dante: Guilty as charged. But don't tell anyone. I have a reputation.

Kitty: How does no one know??

Dante: Because I never stay here. But with all the guests it'll be easy to blend in.

Kitty: But why hide the fact you throw the masquerade?

Dante: And ruin the mystery? Miss Hawthorne, you must be mad.

Kitty: Let's just go back and gather everyone before you have an over dramatic fit. And I need to sleep. I'm exhausted.

Dante had sent a maid to get the rest of the group gathered into the study. We stood and waited for them to be shown in.

Kitty: Will they be found?

Dante: I have them the exact description of them you gave me.

Kitty: Alright.

I shifted on my feet as I waited for the rest of the group. In a few minutes, they walked into the room.

Delilah: Dante! Where have you been?

Dante: Um...

Delilah: We've all been so worried about you!

Dante: I'm sorry. I should have written.

Delilah: Why didn't you?

Dante: Oh, well… I guess I just didn't think to?

Delilah: You're an idiot. But I love you anyway, so I suppose I can forgive you..

Dante: Thank you.


Dante: Well, this is it. If you have any issues, just ring. Someone will come help you.

Kitty: I'm sure I'll be fine.

Dante: I am most sure you will be as well. Goodnight.

I watched him turn and walk away, before entering my room for the night. The next morning after I had taken a walk around the manor house, I walked back into my room.

Dante: How the tables have turned.

Or not my room.

Kitty: Put a shirt on!

Dante: You walked in on me! I didn't ask you to get dressed when I walked in on you.

Kitty: That's because you're a cad.

Dante: Fine. Get lost?

Kitty: No, I thought I'd just pop in and see you shirtless.

Dante: All you had to do was ask, Love.

Kitty: This is your room?

I looked around it and then at the large bed and swallowed.

Dante: Yeah. It's pretty comfy if you want to try it out.

Kitty: Try what out?

Dante: The bed.

Kitty: Dante, it's far too early for your inappropriate humor.

Dante: I meant if you wanted to try it out for sleeping.

Kitty: Whatever for?

Dante: I don't know…

For a moment he almost looked flustered as he shifted awkwardly in front of me. And I couldn't resist teasing him.

Kitty: Is this how you seduce all the women in your room?

Dante: No!

Kitty: Seems like it to me.

Dante: You couldn't handle me seducing you in my room.

Kitty: I guarantee you I could!

Dante: is that a challenge?

Kitty: Yes.

In an instant he was over me, before lifting me up so his lip could graze my ear.

Dante: Certain?

Kitty: Y-yes…

I placed my arms on his shoulders to steady myself as his lips circled around my ear.

Dante: Mm….

He set me down before pulling me close as he looked into my eyes rubbing circles onto my back.

Kitty: Dante.

Dante: You're so beautiful.

He breathed the words out as he gazed at me.

Kitty: Not really.

Dante: Gorgeous.

Kitty: Is this how you seduce? With flattery?

Dante: It usually helps, but that wasn't part of the seduction.

Kitty: What was it part of then?

Dante: The truth.

Kitty: Oh?

Dante: Yeah…

I watched as he dipped his head down closer to mine again, his eyes on my lips.

Kitty: Dante…

Dante: I really want to kiss you right now…

I reached my hands up and caressed the back of his head, before starting to pull him closer, unsure of what I was doing, but knowing I wasn't going to stop.

Gerard: Lord Radcliffe, your mail- Oh!

And like that the moment was gone as Dante quickly released me.

Gerard: I'm so sorry for interrupting, sir…

Dante: Don't worry about it.

Kitty: I should go…

And like that I practically fled the room.



I shifted on my feet awkwardly even after Kitty had left.

Gerard: Forgive me for interrupting you.

Dante: Oh, you didn't…

Gerard: I didn't? I could have sworn I saw…

Dante: Gerard.

Gerard: Yes, sir?

Dante: Shut up.

Gerard: Yes, sir. But might I suggest if you were trying to woo her that you try more than what you've done to every other woman?

Dante: I was merely accepting her challenge.

Gerard: I don't know how she puts up with you.

Dante: Gerard.

Gerard: Yes, sir?

Dante: Stop talking and help me get dressed.

Gerard: Of course, sir.

He came over and started helping me, but my mind was still on Kitty….