
The Heir and Heiress

A forbidden kiss at her 20th birthday party leads to her faking an engagement with the sexy duke she hate! Will she resist or fall for his charms? Contains mature themes and languages.

blaxk_leah · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 17


Later that afternoon, Delilah and I found ourselves back on the streets of London, hoping for a quicker lead than the ball might give us.

Delilah: What if he's not at the party?

Kitty: He has to be! Any sign of him?

Delilah: Nope. Not even someone who looks like him. This was clearly a bad idea.

Kitty: Hey, don't be discouraged! Perhaps we should just go back to the inn. We'll have to have time to get ready for this masquerade ball after all.

Delilah: I suppose you are right. If anything we can come back again if we don't find him tonight.


Gerard: Oh good, you're both back. We are all ready but we left the rest of the options for you both.

Delilah: Thank you, Gerard. If you three will get you, Kitty and I will get ready.

Delilah went over to the other side of the room to change while I looked at my options. I opted for the green fairy outfit, because I looked good in it.

We arrived at the masquerade, a manor house owned by…..Well, no one really knew.

Delilah: Who owns this place?

Gerard: That's the thing. It's apparently a mystery. The owner has never come out and openly admitted who he/she is. Many people have placed bets on it but no one has ever fessed up. And I doubt anyone ever does. Why ruin a good mystery? The magic would all be ruined then.

Emilia: Ooh, mysterious. I love a good mystery! Maybe we can figure out who owns it while we are here!

Kitty: And we're just going to go into his house? Are we sure this is a good idea?

Emilia: Lighten up, Kitty. It'll be fine. Cleary he can't be an awful man or no one would come to his parties!

Kitty: What sound logic. I'll remember that if something happens!

Angelica: We'd better get inside, the ball is well underway now.

We entered the ball to a vision of ladies and gentlemen dancing the night away. It was pretty crowded. So much so that it was incredibly uncomfortable upon arrival.

Angelica: I can barely move in here.

Gerard: Come on, Angie. Let's go get you something to drink.

Angelica: Alright.

I watched with a smirk as their pair left, before looking around the ballroom.

Emilia: I don't know how we're supposed to locate Lord Radcliffe here. I can barely see around the people in front of us. Not to mention everyone is in masks.

Kitty: I know it's not ideal, but right now it's all we've got. We need to find him.

Delilah: I think we need to look around as many places here in the ballroom as possible.

Kitty: But where should we look?

Emilia: Why don't you decide, Kitty?

Kitty: Why don't we try the right side of the ballroom now?

Emilia: Works for me.

We moved over to the right side of the room which was by far the busiest, with people coming and going.

Emilia: I wonder what he'd wear?

Kitty: No idea, I forgot to ask him when I saw him last.

Emilia: You are very sarcastic today.

Kitty: I just want to find him so we can rest easy.

Delilah: Let's ask around then? Excuse me, Miss?

I watched as she waved a woman over.

Pamela: Pardon?

Delilah: We were wondering if perhaps you've seen Lord Radcliffe here?

Pamela: A Lord who?

Delilah: Nevermind, thank you.

Pamela: You are welcome I suppose.

Kitty: Well, that was a bust.

Emilia: That was one person. Yoo-hoo, gent in red!

Captain Marks: Yes, my fair maiden?

I watched as my sister giggled behind her hand.

Emilia: We're looking for a Lord Radcliffe.

Captain Marks: Ah, lass, did he break your heart?

Emilia: Uh…

Captain Marks: Best to just move on, ay? He does it to all the pretty young things. You're not the first and you won't be the last.

Kitty: Glad to know his reputation is as blackened here too.

Captain Marks: And you are?

He turned his gaze towards me.

Delilah: His fiancée!

Captain Marks: He got engaged?!

Kitty: Shh...keep it down. Have you seen him or not?

Captain Marks: I have not, but I'll be giving him a piece of my mind the next time I do.


Delilah: Where to next?

Kitty: I think we should explore the left side of the ballroom.

Delilah: Then let's go.

Emilia: Any luck over her so far?

Kitty: No luck at all. What if he's not even here?

Delilah: Like my brother would miss a chance to hide his face and woo women.

Kitty: Love that little piece of knowledge.

Delilah: Oh, don't worry. I'm sure he wouldn't try anything while the two of you are engaged!

Kitty: I wouldn't hold my breath.

Anna: Can I help you ladies?

Emilia: You might be able to. We're looking for Lord Radcliffe.

Anna: Ah, Dante. I'm afraid I haven't seen him. Which is odd, he's usually in London around this time. Ah, well, perhaps he's coming later in the year.

Delilah: Actually, he's been here over a month now.

Anna: Really? Well, that just won't do. I'll have to scold him when I see him for not visiting me. Name's Anna Pearson, by the way. Good day.

Delilah: Well that was a waste of time.

Kitty: Does your brother seriously know everyone in London?

Delilah: I mean, he has to know people for business…

Emilia: Very true!


Delilah: The only place left is the back of the ballroom. Ready, ladies?

Emilia and Kitty: Ready!

Kitty: He's probably leaning against it trying to look more attractive.

Delilah: I'm sure he'll be glad to know you think he's attractive.

Kitty: You know what I meant.

Emilia: Do we?

Kitty: Lets just go. Surely he has to be here.

Emilia: I wouldn't go that far. It doesn't look like anyone is here.

I looked around, before sighing. She was right. This section of the ballroom had hardly anyone.

Delilah: Well, that was a disaster.

Kitty: I think that's enough searching for now.

Emilia: Well, what now?

Delilah: I guess we might as well enjoy the rest of the ball. Maybe we'll run into him that way?

Kitty: that might be the best idea, actually.

Delilah: Well, then, I'm going to go find some men to dance with.

Emilia: Ooh, I'm coming with!

And like that I was alone, in a crowd of complete strangers. Well, I assumed they were strangers. Suddenly, I was grabbed and dragged out of the ball room.

Kitty: Let go of me this instant! Do you know who I am?

Dante: My fiancée.

I froze as I heard the voice before reaching up and undoing the mask to reveal the stranger.

Dante: Hello, love.