
The Hedgehog From Another Timeline

In another timeline a strange being attacked the universe. A resistance was formed to tried to stop the threat but they were squashed. Only one man from the resistance survived and needed to protect the remaining of his people. He was told to run away, his worse fear came into mind as he lost his home, his family, and his friends. He ran as fast as he could, the purple streak as he run, he was able to run so fast that he went into another timeline. A timeline where heroes truly exist.

Arngrim_Asura · Video Games
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Yin the Hedgehog

Mobius Kind:



18 (Old Timeline)

19 (Sonic's timeline)


[Switch the blue is Cosmic Purple. His eyes are Purple]


(Currently): Cold, mysterious, calm even in dangerous situations, reckless, lazy, loyal, intelligent when it comes to strategic or tactical battles, merciless, understanding.


(Currently): Planning for battle, protect lives, kill those who threaten the innocents or timelines, cooking, fighting, training


(Currently): Zero, power hungry villains, surge, using Will Breaker's full power, being interrupted, talking about the war, his anger, his other self.


Will Breaker Sword:

The sword that gifted to him by the master emerald. It's true power is unknown but it was very useful during war.

Chaos Powers:

Ice Manipulation: As a super enhanced hedgehog, he was gifted with the ability to manipulate ice on a sub-atomic. Yin can use this to freeze his opponents or the area around him to increase his advantages.

Regeneration: Yin can use his chaos powers to heal himself or his comrades minor wounds.

Space-time freezing: Yin can freeze time and space itself when lowering his temperature down to absolute zero

Ice spear: Yin can create a spear of ice

Fire: Yin is able to manipulate flames when raising his temperature beyond the normal body heat.

Super Form

His abilities are highly multiplied making him more superior in his super form than others who uses the chaos emeralds.

Cold Fire: Yin is capable of combining ice and fire together making blue fire.

Cystic Ice: His quills covered in highly solid and denser ice, giving him more striking strength and freeze his enemies with each of his strike.

Flight: Of course as a Super hedgehog he's capable of flight

Time Freeze: Since his ice is enhanced greatly, he's capable of freezing time with just a snap of his fingers

Dark Form

The Dark power successfully surpass his base and super form by mountain, his rage seemed much stronger to the point he can cause icy storm, turn islands into the next Antarctica, and even turn the world into a frozen tundra if he wanted