
The heavenly rebellion

A man-hating God and a powerful demon. A rebellion against the gods that betrayal them both

Suprememonky · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

2 Golden headband

3 days have gone by since Artemis woke up she soon recovered fully she could stand up by her shelf she couldn't admit that she started to like his company unlike her brother and father he was flirtatious and if they were In the same situation they probably had used her" she only flushes the thought away and closed her eyes" next day" they ear breakfast she started to smell something she didn't know from where then it hit her it was her that smelled so was a little embarrassed with a red face she asked:" Does it exists somewhere I can take a bath" he lay the cup of tea on the table and said" of course, I can show you after you have finished. she finished the rest of the breakfast" Artemis stand up and go to the door and wade her hand. He goes up to the door and opens it and said follow me ok" they did go for some time. From the second they met it has been a thing she wanted to ask him she had built up Courage to ask" can I ask a question she asked" he said yeah, and he was a little happy she talk to him" what is your name and why are you here. He stops and answers the question I'm only a nameless demon and why I'm for the same reason as everyone else is here, she knew that he didn't answer, so they continue to go do you see the water hole straight forward started to run and I followed she looked back and stop-start looking at him" he said I need to fill the water bottles. So he goes to the water hole took out five bottles and starts to fill them up when he is done stands up and said " ok I'm gonna look out for monsters, she only nodded too ok. He started toward the biggest tree and started to climb it with ease, while I spy around he saw her fully naked the aura around her was like the moon. and her big breast which he didn't notice before looked like something out of a dream. He started to lose his balance, he was about to fall but caught hold of a branch. But while he hung from a branch he saw an ice Giant. He swings and flies toward the Giant and asks" could you please go come back later" the answer from the giant was he tried to stomp him" with an angry" your son of b*****, he got crushed by the foot in a mill second the giant flying, the giant hit Fenris .man survived, but it was something on his forehead a golden headband it disappeared and he falls to the ground.