
The heavenly rebellion

A man-hating God and a powerful demon. A rebellion against the gods that betrayal them both

Suprememonky · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

1 in the exiled land

Artemis wakes up in a bed confused. From the door comes the man in. He said" oh, you wake up. Artemis looked shocked when she saw him she was a little disgusted. She was famous for being the biggest man-hater of all Gods. of course he saw the expression on her face," he thought for him shelf it must be because if she knows anything about his past" but he hides his courage behind a smile," he asks her if she wants some food and some tea," she nodded to yes," he said okay I go and fix it immediately," he said and left the room, while he was goon she started to think" she couldn't grasp that she was being saved by a man and who was he and she couldn't and get over that feeling that she had seen him somewhere before. Before she could continue to think he had come back with some fruit and some very different-looking meat she before could ask he took up a finger and said" don't you even ask you don't want to know it tastes better than what it looks" he gives her the plat with the food and tea" she started eating with great appetite she took the cup of tea he forgot it was still warm she burns her tongue" while she was waving her hands to cool down her toung " he only laugh so much that he started to shake" she only staring at him with obvious irritation,