
The Heartless Heiress: Unveiling the Mystery

As the Heartless Heiress, I stand apart, shrouded in mystery. Malevolent forces seek to exploit my abilities, but as I uncover the truth, I find a potent prophecy linked to my heartless nature. The prophecy speaks of someone who possesses the power to either destroy or save the world by unlocking a mysterious force. I must navigate the treacherous world of magic and power, facing off against dark forces and making impossible choices. I must confront my fears and insecurities and trust in my own abilities. With the help of allies, I will unravel the mystery and discover the purpose of my powers. Follow me, Ylrza Ravenfolds as I embark on a journey like no other, in a world where anything is possible, and where even the impossible can come to life.

mtano92 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Ylrza Ravenfolds lay in her bed, eyes closed, and her body paralyzed. A heavy weight seemed to press down on her, rendering her unable to move a single limb. She tried to call out for help, but no sound escaped her lips. Suddenly, a persistent knock echoed through the room.

The housekeeper, impatient and worried, tried to force the door open. With a loud creak, the door finally gave way, and the housekeeper rushed to Ylrza's bedside.

"Ylrza, you're having a nightmare again. Wake up!" A sharp slap across the cheek jolted Ylrza awake. The housekeeper helped her sit up as she rubbed her sore cheek.

"Thank you. You may leave now," Ylrza said coolly, her eyes cold and distant.

"Ma'am Ylrza, are you feeling okay?" the housekeeper asked cautiously.

"Do I need to repeat myself before you can comprehend what I just said?" Ylrza snapped.

The housekeeper quickly left the room, muttering under her breath.

Ylrza sighed. No one was trustworthy, everyone was entitled, and a hypocrite. It was all a joke.

She was Ylrza Ravenfolds, the Heartless Heiress, born without a heart and breathing, defying all scientific explanation. She didn't know what kind of creature she was or why she existed. The weight of her heartless existence weighed heavily on her, making her feel like she didn't belong in this world.

But as she sat there, lost in thought, she felt a stirring within her, a mysterious force that seemed to be calling out to her. Could this be the key to unlocking the truth behind her heartless existence?

Ylrza was determined to find out. She was ready to embark on a journey like no other, in a world where anything was possible and the impossible could come to life. With a smirk playing on her lips, she stood up, her eyes gleaming with a cold, calculating light. She was ready to uncover the truth, no matter what it took.

"Ylrza", the name of our main character, is pronounced as "Eh-lir-za".

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