
Prologue (2/2)

A flash of light!! That's the thing that changed Ron Stoppable's world and brought him into this totally confusing situation. A situation where he was surrounded by 2 guys and 4 girls, all of whom had no recollection of who they were.

Ron Stoppable shook his head while his brain went into overdrive, running through multiple logical scenarios as to what had happened to him. His eyes scanned over the 6 people in front of him, some of which were glancing at one another with similar confusion and curiousity.

"Where am I?" Asked one of the boys, a male with short spiky brown hair and brown eyes. He had on what looked to be similar to a school uniform, black pants and a black jacket over a red shirt. He had this perverted air about him, but it didn't feel all that disturbing for some weird reason.

"Where are we? I dont even rememver WHO I AM, let alone how I got here?" The male next to him complained. "All I remember is that my name is Godou Kusanagi." He was a slightly taller male with black hair and eyes.

Ron switched his line of sight from the two males to the other four females, 3 of whom were discussing their situation with each other. Naturally, Ron's eues were drawn to the odd one of the 4, the one separated from the others, and the one who emanated the most bloodlust.

From what Ron could see, the female wasn't intentionally emitting her killing intent as she was just observing her surroundings, but it was clear that she wasnt happy about being here. The woman looked to be in her early to mid twenties, and she was a drop dead beauty.

Well, after a quick glance, all the women present were drop dead gorgeous but for some reason, this woman drew his eyes. It wasn't that she was better looking then the rest, but rather that she emitted an aura that would make any hot-blooded male take at least 10 steps back.

She was tall with long light blue hair, blue eyes, and a rather voluptuous figure. She had on a sort of military uniform with black and white colors complete with a cap. Though it was clear she was just as confused as the others, no one dared approach her due to the killing intent being so cold and ferocious.

Ron shook his head, turning his head to the other three girls who were still conversing among themselves, only occasionally throwing looks at the others.

The other three were all beauties to be sure and they each had hair that extended to their waist. Their hair colors were all different from each other, the color black, orange, and blonde swaying proudly as they continued to chat.

Ron was about to observe each one of them carefully, purely because he wanted to remember all of them in the future, but he was interrupted by the voice of another person not in the group.

"Oh good, my summoning worked, thanks the gods." The voice said, drawing the attention of all seven people. The voice belonged to a 16-17 year old female with exaggerated.....assets. She seemed relieved that all of them were here, though Ron hadn't the slightest idea why.

"Okay, though you may not remember who you are, I'll tell you why you're here." The female said, wasting no time in switching to the important question everyone wanted to know. "The kingdom of Protera is in danger by these beasts known as 'The Sypherion', highly intellectual demi-humans with a grudge against other races."

The female walked to the center of the group and looked at everyone in turn. "I brought you all here because in each world you come from, your the amongst the strongest there is. That and I didnt have enough power to summon anyone stronger."

Ron decided to cut her off there. "I'd love to hear the rest of your story Miss but I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I would like to get back to my own world please, I have some fools to dominate in dodgeball."

The female looked at him with a rather perplexed expression. "Wait, you can remember who you are? How? The cost of using this spell is the permanent erasing of the memories of summonees....apart from their names and powers conveniently. How is it that you can remember anything?"

Ron Stoppable tilted his head to the side, his brain now switching to probable reasons. The song had actually switched from 'Battle Scars' to 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs' (by Fall Out Boy) right before the flash had brought him to this world. If he assumed correctly, then it would mean that it was thanks to this song that enabled him retain all his knowledge.

Ron smiled innocently and tapped his headphones, his eyes scanning the small crowd of people. "My music is the key to my infinite power. I'm like a god whenever I have this on!!!"

Though it was meant to be a joke, no one even cracked so much as a small smile, let alone a chuckle. It was harsh but expected as it was a pretty tense situation.

"Well sir," The female said, turning away and walking out from the circle of people. "I'm afraid I can't exactly send you back as I know of no way to do that. I'm definitely positive that there may be some way to send the seven of you back to your own world. However, my magic is quite lacking, so I'm afraid I cant help you."

"So your saying that we're stuck here then?" asked the brown haired young man with the perverted air. "And you erased out memories permanently without even asking our consent?"

"I'm deeply sorry," The female said, bowing low, her chest bouncing a bit as she did. "Please forgive me, I shall make it up to all of you in the future. But for now, if you'll please follow me to the castle, I would like to introduce you to my father."

No one moved even after the female began to walk away. It was clear that each one of them was hesitant about it, no doubt untrusting the words of girl they had just met. The same would have applied for Ron if he had lost his memory, but as he still had it, not to mention an unwavering confidence, he fell in behind the bewitching beauty as she lead the way towards a large castle in the distance.

//The Prologue was just me setting up the storyline so if its not too good then thats the reason.

Expect the next chapters to always be around 1500- 2000 words...or if I really have something to write then it'll be more.

Anyways be sure to add this to your library, leave a review, or drop a powerstone if you like the story

Catch ya on the flipside