
Chapter 6| Weird...Carriages?

I woke up and looked out of the window next my bed, to feel the morning breeze and see that the sun is barley out. It must've be five in the morning or something.

I went to a door in my room that called the 'bathroom', Josephine explained to me how the water gets out from that tube in the wall, so I can shower, and she also left me some clothes to wear.

I took my shower, trying to figure out where the water come from; things are really weirder in this world.

I put on a blue shirt, that had a drawing of a simple flower on it and again this weird blue pants except it wasn't ripped.

I walked out of the room to see the clock that was hanging on the wall, it was six in the morning?

How I managed to wake up so early? I don't know...

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to find all of the family getting breakfast and laughing about things. I hate morning people.

They all turned to me with huge grins.

"Good morning dear!" Said the mother who I don't know her name yet

"Good morning" I said smiling back

They kept talking about they are going to do today, and what they have done yesterday, one topic lead to another, just like yesterday's dinner.

It's not like I don't like the way they were close, and how they loved each other, but I am still, not the 'morning type' of a person.

Thank God they didn't ask me anything.

I finished my breakfast and got up from my chair until, a hand grabbed my wrist.

"And where do you think you going?" Josephine raised her eyebrows

"Um-going to bed?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Oh, no-no-no! It's summer dude! We three are going out to have some fun!" She pointed at me and her brother then at herself.

"But its 6am!" I whined "plus, there are some things that I should try and manage" I said through gritted teeth.

She got the message, though played all dumb.

"I know" she whispered then her voice came loud again" but some fun won't hurt" she grinned

"Fine" I said grumbling

Josephine and her brother grinned, widely.

"We didn't officially met though, I am Caleb" he stretched out a hand and I shook it with a smile

"Nice to meet you, I am Millicent"

Josephine again, grabbed my wrist and Caleb's wrist too. We both groaned.

"Come on you guys!" She was way too hyper.

We went outside the house, And. I. Was. Astonished.

There was a grey road, in the middle of two rows of white houses. There was also these weird looking, carriages.

I figured out they were carriages because of the four wheels they had.

Smart I know.

Caleb got out from his pocket a key, and he went to a black carriage and pressed a button, to let out a loud beep.

Josephine gazed at me, as she realized.

"They are called cars; we get into them and ride to any place we want!" She excitedly explained, and lead me like a mother lead her baby to anything new.

"How they work without horses?" I wondered

"Um-there is this thing liquid which is called....fuel! We put it the car to make it move." She said making weird gestures with her arms and hands.

"Uh-huh." I slowly said

We walked toward it I sat in the seat in the back while Caleb got into the driver's seat I guess and Josephine got into the seat next to him in the front.

I watched Caleb as he put his keys in a lock in the side of a wheel, it made the car make a big noise and he kept moving the wheel from side to another as the car moved.

The car actually moved! Wow!!

After a while I got bored by looking at the car's window. And luckily we stopped.

I was so excited, until I saw the place they drove an hour to get, it's a restaurant!

Come on, can't they just go to any of the restaurants near them, because I am sure there's plenty.

"We came here because that our favorite diner and we always meet up with our friends here" Josephine answered as she seemed to read my mind.

I looked up and find a big sign written on it 'Loco's Diner', and again I am being dragged by my wrist to enter.

And what I saw was unbelievable!!