
Chapter 5| Dude...

Holly muffins!

I could literally feel my face turning white, as I felt all the blood in my body draining.

"Yes mom I-ahhhhhhh"

"Ahhhhhhh" I screamed back

"Who are you?!" The blond girl in front of me screamed

I put my hand on her mouth before she could scream again; I really can't handle a headache in this situation.

"Um... I-I"

She looked at me with raised eyebrows, as she stared at me with bored eyes. I sighed letting my hand get down from over her mouth.


She sighed "Come on, you are probably not a thief though, we will talk in my room" She walked away and I followed her confused, she walked upstairs and in the first door in the right she entered a room, I followed her.

She looked to me while sitting on her bed, her eyes looked confused enough while she looked at my dress. I opened my mouth but no words came out so I closed it again.

She looked at me and sighed "Well I guess that it's so hard for you talk, so just sit down and we'll....talk" she moved her blonde yellow hair slightly from her shoulder to the back, as I sat on a chair In front of a mirror.

"Well then" She smiled "I am Josephine"

"Millicent" I burst

"So... Millicent...if you don't mind me asking.... why are you wearing a 17th century dress?"

"I mean were you in like in a costume party or something, then you decided to pass by, and steal my-wait are you high?" She suddenly erupted

"I am what?"

"You know... high on weed? Because you are totally acting...weird?"

I closed my eyes for a second so I could stop myself from gazing.

I will just try to act as I normally act, wait, I forget this, my normal is a lot weirder, I will try to act as "otherpeople normal".

I shrugged, trying to be as natural as I could; I can tell by the look on her face that I am just getting weirder.

"Dude! Just relax!"

Wait what did she just call me? And why am I thinking so much? And apparently I was just thinking out loud...

"Um...I-I" I started, well look don't judge me, I haven't actually had a real talk with anyone except Caroline and her stupid friends, and...maybe because they were stupid, I didn't really care much.

"Look...Um, well...it's really hard to explain this but..."

Josephine raised her eyebrows, and I sighed

"Well, let's just say that, I am not from around here" I said and smiled innocently

"Uh-huh..." She narrowed her eyes while saying it slowly "then what were you doing at the attic in my house?"

"I just wanted to say hi?"


"Look I promise I will explain everything, but not now at least"

"Joe, dinner is ready!" I heard a voice coming from downstairs; I guess it was her mom.

I was never good at making friends, it's not like I am socially awkward or anything...

Okay I am

But that doesn't clear the fact, that I think I am allergic to people. I get all this awkward sensation when I am talking to anyone, except Caroline of course.

I found Josephine standing in front of me and handing me, clothes?

"Wear this! I don't want mom asking any questions, get down stairs after you are finished, and after dinner we will talk." She was rather very calm, to the fact that I am a total stranger that just burst from the attic.

I nodded

She went out of the room, hearing her as she was going down to dinner. "Mom, I have a friend for dinner and she might be staying over for a couple of days."

Well she seemed really nice, she gave me her clothes, she technically invited me for dinner, and she is letting me stay for a- wait what?

She is letting me stay? I know that I may be in a different world now, but people actually let stranger sleep over their house?

I know I shouldn't be thinking so much, and I should be grateful, but shouldn't she be like worrying that I might be a murderer or something?

People are that friendly here?

I guess living here won't be that bad...

I unfolded the clothes she gave me, and what was that?

She gave me a Yellow plain shirt well okay it's normal I think, different, but normal, it's the pants that I couldn't figure out.

It was blue, and it was rather tight I guess, but weirdly flexible and I couldn't recognize its material, and what?

The pants were ripped! There was a large hole in it on the two knees, and I thought she was nice? Who gives their guest ripped pants?!

Anyway, I put on the clothes and went downstairs to dinner.

"Who is your hot friend?" Said a boy who's a guess he's Josephine's brother.

Yes, I am total observer.

But how could he know that I am hot? The weather was actually good in here.

Josephine sighed and signed to me so I go sit beside her on the table, while her mom passed me, a plate full of food.

"Guys, meet Millicent." She gave a little smile

"Hi, Millicent" all the family said at one which wasn't freaky at all.

I smiled back.

Her mother was a brunette and had warm brown, eyes.  Her father had yellow hair and two blue eyes. Josephine looked like her father, while her brother looked like their mother.

I ate quietly as all the family were in deep conversation, I didn't bother to listen actually.

"So, um...Millicent?" Her mom called


"Are you a friend of Josephine, from school?"

"Um...I" I looked to Josephine which nodded quickly "Yes I am"

She gave me a warm smile, probably noticing the tense in my voice.

After dinner, Josephine, grabbed my hand, and we went back upstairs to her room.

"So... are you ready to explain now?"

I gave her a small nod and went explaining everything, and by everything, I am mean from the beginning when I met Caroline's friend until now.


"Are you kidding me?" She said in a high, excited voice. "There is a whole different world, than ours!!" She squeaked

I opened my mouth as soon as I closed it again..

"That is awesome dude!!"

"You have to stop calling me this" I whined

"Wait!" She stopped suddenly standing up from the bed we were currently were sitting on. "I have loads of questions that mind is going to explode right now!"

"Then ask..." I slowly

"First" she bursts "How do I know you are not lying?"

"I can show you the bubble"

"As much as I will love that... but I am afraid to go to the attic, so late at night"

"Second!" She bursts again

"Can it be the last one please? I really want to sleep." I complained

"Sure sure, but you said that this pretty fairy, said that there is a mission you should do, so you can return back, have any ideas what that can be?"

"Not a clue..."

"Third question and I promise it's the last one."


"Why should I trust you?"

"You shouldn't, I could actually be a murder, a thief or psychopath, it's your choice to trust me or not."

"Fair enough." She replied after sometime of thinking "I trust you" she cooked cheerfully

"Great..." I said

"Okay then, goodnight" she smiled and led me to an empty room right next to hers not before she gave me more weird clothes, to sleep in.

I covered myself with a blanket, as I slept, I couldn't actually sleep, from my stupid over thinking

Josephine's question was running in my head the whole time.

What was the mission the 'stupid fairy' talked about?

Well that will take a while...

Please tell me what you think about the story?

And what do you guys think of Josephine?

meray_samehcreators' thoughts